bad news. November 19, 2014, 9:05pm #1. This poster has gone against the entire concept of ventilation many times. There are three main types: base flashing, step flashing, and counter flashing. I'm so glad someone else has posted, 'cos my shed roof leaks as well ! This is why it’s a good idea to frequently inspect any vents on your roof to ensure that the gaskets around them are not cracked or loose, that there are no missing nails and that the plastic vent itself isn’t damaged. Just how little insulation is in your attic?[/quote]. Something should suddenly occur to you as the most likely cause of the water leak. Flashing: Flashing refers to a metal barrier installed where the roof meets any vertical wall, such as chimneys, skylights or roof vents. If possible, have someone hose down your roof... 2. Again thanks for all your help. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Water dripping from Nails that protrude into attic. Especially in Cape Town and the Western Province were our winters are long. I have very little insulation and it is a peaked roof. Never climb a ladder when it is wet, snowy or foggy. In all cases, the holes will eventually conduct water through through the roof and cause a leak in your attic. In … It is a high ceiling, no soffit vents, 4 roof vents and gable end vents. Emergency Leaking Roof Fixes. Thanks. Doses the house have a humidifier ? I also have gable end vents - opened. Could the roof have “cooked” itself in 8 years like that? The first thing you need to do is pull back the insulation from the soffit area and have some soffit venting installed. You mentioned 1 x 6 sheeting so I am guessing it is an older home. Mark, “dennis i have never responded to one of your " Im the only one in the world that understands ventilation and you are all idiots” posts before but i saw first hand this week what happens when you mix vents!!! … We went from 20 degrees to 68 over night. Depending on the quantity of the drops of water, you can use a large bucket to catch … Just how little insulation is in your attic? It's a wood shed with roofing felt stuff covering the roof and it's leaking where nails - big flat headed ones - have been banged in. Hello First post. the whole attic floor should be insulated but there should be a space at the eaves to allow for the soffitts to vent. Spray your roof with water and climb into the attic to look for leaks. Now, in every post concerning “short circuiting” of the ventilation, you insist that the roof vents are drawing air from the gable vents. Too much moisture behind the walls can eventually cause paint and wallpaper to start peeling or … #2 next open up any side wall louvers in the attic that may have been closed -if you have these they will be most probably located near the ridge in the attic Dale Yalanovsky has been writing professionally since 1978. Roof nail leaks can happen when roof nails have been loosened slightly from high winds or have simply pulled out over time. Spray your roof with water and climb into the attic to look for leaks. Are you saying that the gable vents are drawing air from the roof vents? " If the stains on your wall continue to get bigger, this is usually a good indication that there is a hidden plumbing leak. You need an intake at the eaves, how you achieve this depends upon how your home is built. Remove debris – remove all debris from the surface of your roof and inspect to see if you have shingle damage; Flexible roof sealant- apply flexible roof sealant from a can or tube to exposed nail heads, holes, gaps and loose shingles It may be in your best interest to use them for this project and then dispose of them. He has been published in "Woman's Day," "New Home Journal" and on many do-it-yourself websites. In addition to the rain, we have strong winds with the rain in the winter. First the water will start to saturate insulation which is located in your ceilings. No exhaust fans and no venting at the soffits, insulation is just crammed into the space. But they are also a common source of water ingress. Furthermore, we have rains continuously over long extended periods. 90% of roof leaks are within 1 square metre of where the leak shows up on the ceiling. Use a hacksaw to cut off the nails that secured the broken shake. Water from a leaking roof doesn't travel in a straight line. After some recent heavy rain we noticed a damp patch on an upstairs ceiling, I went in the loft to discover a few areas of felt where water droplets were seeping through, this is not on a join or near the timbers. Slide the hacksaw blade beneath the shingle above the one you’ve removed. I have a roof that is 10 years old GAF Timberline 25. Sometimes just knowing exactly where to put the roofing cement is half of it. I am wondering if this could be caused due to no felt paper being used or the fact that the roof cooked for 8 years. A nail pushing through shingles means a broken shingle, and the more nail pops, the greater the chances of a leaking roof. Then I fix the roof as soon as I can. Peer into the spot where the broken shingle sat, and locate the nails that secured it. I’ve never called anyone an idiot. I normally blot up as much water as possible and then have a fan blow onto the area (shop-vacs are great for sucking up water). Should I wait until spring to do the soffits? Lay the sheet metal down onto the roofing cement and cover up the holes. Small nail holes left behind from old vents, satellite dish brackets or anything previously attached to the roof can allow water to enter and cause damage for years before leaking is noticed. This poster obviously has no concept of how ventilation works, in a cold climate… I would estimate about 950 square feet. Just a little misinformed about the ventilation issue. If you ceiling is on a slope, the leak can often be higher up. He also recommended that I cut in some soffit vents. We’ve got the solution. Water from a leak within the walls will get absorbed in the drywall and sheetrock which will cause a noticeable stain. It … I apologize to any that I have offended. If you see water stains on your ceilings it may be from water dripping down from the end of the nails on the tile clips. This is how I learn, I pick your brain. Some clips were nailed on to the battens in the roof to provide protection against wind lift - see right hand picture above. This can eventually lead to droplets of water leaking through your ceiling, giving the appearance of a leaking roof. Smaller nail holes will be permanently fixed by this method (standard roofing nails would be either 3/8 inch or 1/2 inch, making a hole 3/8 inch or smaller), but larger nail holes (3/8 inch and bigger) will expand and contract more, which can compromise the seal. Water seeping through roof felt. Sometimes fixing the problem is simply a matter of tightening the drain connections, using channel-lock pliers. The attic is not typical, it could have been made into a bungalow. Roofing cement is very difficult to remove once it comes into contact with a material. bad news. Fill small nail holes with silicone caulk or roof cement. Chimney Leaks. Water Leaking in Through Chimney. I did not do the soffits yet. Mark, Happens all the time…With energy costs soaring, many people tend to seal up all attic ventilation thinking this will help save $… These nails will eventually rust. Hello First post. Jump-start your career with our Premium A-to-Z Microsoft Excel Training Bundle from the new Gadget Hacks Shop and get lifetime access to more than 40 hours of Basic to Advanced instruction on … Mark the surface of the roof with chalk, if necessary. If you do have a leak from the nail then you may have a broken or crack tile above which is letting rain onto the felt via the nail, if it's just wet under the underneath of the felt then its condensation which will need more ventilation in the roof area. and what the heck does gravity have to do with anything except it will make you fall off a roof? The person in the attic watches carefully while the one on the roof floods the roof with the hose, starting at the bottom (the eaves) and slowly working uproof until water from the leak appears in the attic. not trying to be a jerk or bash you but…i think your ventilation advice could cause someone serious harm. That said, nail … Water dripping from Nails that protrude into attic. vender. The roof has a ten year warranty and the roofing guy just showed up. Our application is simple and 100% effective for roofs that are leaking water into the home or roof space. Now that you are aware of five of the most common causes of a leaking roof, you should be in a better position to evaluate the problem in your home the next time one arises. the metal/plastic base will have a crack or broken seam, or a few nails will be loose or missing. Durable, lightweight, relatively inexpensive, architectural— asphalt makes a great, beautiful roof. It can usually be fixed. Look for cracked … This guide will help you by showing step by step what to do to fix your leaking room from the inside. Do some research and find out for your self. This helps you to channel the water into one direction where you can catch it. Not sure why. Nails through the roof felt is when carpenter or roofer missed the rafter from the roof batten. Often it takes a long time before a chimney leak becomes apparent. Axiom was this directed to me? There is always more which can be done but if you follow these simple steps things should resolve… Not sure why. I can’t really tell by the pictures but it looks as though you don’t have much of an overhang at the eaves. I apologize if I did. Add red food coloring to the water and pour it over suspected leaking areas. Other causes of leaking roof vent are including broken seams on the metal base, loosen nails, and rusty metal collars around the vent pipe. This helps to prevent the entry of water through nail holes. I just looked at the pictures you posted and it appears as though you have no ventilation to speak of. But if the flashing rusts through, or a piece comes loose, water will run right behind it, and into the house it goes. This is common on older homes, but yours looks like a relatively simple fix. You all have been very helpful. just as a test, stuff the roof vents (not the gable vents) to block them temporarily and see what this does to the condensation, i’m willing to bet that they are doing reverse induction (acting as intake instead of exhaust) because you have them mixed with gable end vents. Could the roof have “cooked” itself in 8 years like that? I noticed that they installed 4 roof vents but did not cut them out. Roofing leaks can be very elusive sometimes, and are not always straightforward. Perhaps even a tile that has been moved out of place for one reason or another. I think you are all pretty damn good roofers. dennis i have never responded to one of your " Im the only one in the world that understands ventilation and you are all idiots" posts before but i saw first hand this week what happens when you mix vents!!! The problem can be caused by a variety of things. Thanks, also no insulation between the rafters. vender, you should also have the soil stack and chimney flashing checked. I like your advice to contain the water damage before calling someone to fix the roof. So what is the proper way to vent this space. If the drain trap below the tub has loose connections or has corroded through, the drain pipe may be leaking water. Hello again, The nail chisel tips are rusted? No it definitely was not. Caulk the sides of the sheet metal patch and press the shingles down over the sheet metal. The leak will probably be somewhere above that, running down and dripping off the nails. Unless you had a total fool put on your roof, it's doubtful melting snow would run uphill under the shingles to get through the nail hole. Well I will have to go with Marshall on this. Only climb a ladder when it is clear and dry. How much overhang do you have at the eaves? “Well I will have to go with Marshall on this. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. The solutions offered are temporary at best, so please do endeavor to call on professional roofers to handle your permanent roof repairing as they have … Thanks for all your replies. It is also important to mention guys that you should check for voids in the attic floor insulation.Like a uninsulated hatch cover,walk up stairs with uninsulated door,bathroom exaust that is not connected,areas where insulatin has been moved. Sometimes it shows up as dampness at the base of … Instead, a roof leak typically causes water to travel from the damaged roof downwards towards the nearest joint. Got a leak around your chimney? When trying to find a roof leaking area, do note that items that penetrate the roof are the most common sources for leaks. This poster obviously has no concept of how ventilation works, in a cold climate… Once the leak is found, push a nail up through the hole to mark its location for rooftop repair. Tyvek and some other breathable mebranes need a sag between the rafters to channel water in the event of the roof covering leaking. I will post photos tomorrow. What he said and I did, was to cover the gable end vents. If a metal drain trap assembly is corroded through, … My house was built in 1942. While you obviously want your roof to be fixed so no more water will get in, it’s going … It can be rather dramatic, or subtle, the evidence is there if you know what to look for. If you do not want to disturb your roof you may keep the existing pot vents, they will work but they are not ideal. Make sure there is some sag (20-50 mm) between the rafters. I do not mean to be offensive to anybody here, I am trying to help. Paint or Wallpaper Peeling. From there, the leak will find an escape route, where it creates the leak you see in your ceiling. If shingles get lifted or torn from high winds, the damaged shingle exposes nails holding the shingle below it. There is a lot of good information here and some very knowledgeable people that are willing to take time out of their day to help. I have seen the results of poor/nonexistent ventilation many times. Or how important it can be. When a problem has occurred in your home and you start seeing water leaking through ceiling then a problem has occurred in your home. [quote]Are you saying that the gable vents are drawing air from the roof vents? Repairing a roof leak is not always difficult. I see I do have some real leaks that are running down the rafters. ". The reason I am so concerned is that I have plans to make it into a 3rd bedroom, and dont want any leaks. hence you are sucking moisture into the attic at a faster rate than it can be expelled. Examine the inside of your roof for any roofing nails which missed the support and are exposed. When your roof leaks it is a big problem during any kind of weather. Are you sure you don't have a humidity problem in the attic and that water vapor is condensing on the underside of the deck and running down the nail shanks? Also this house was built with “Button Board” ceilings and I am starting to see lines all over I am guessing this may have something to do with the insulation, any thoughts? try to get some pics of the inside of your attic and a few from different angles out side and post them on here. If any of these issues are present, water will be able to enter your roof along the pipe. Always place a ladder on a firm, dry and level piece of ground. Please reply to Step #1…Do you have an overhang on the eaves with soffit venting??? It could be water is finding its way down the roof through blown mortar caused by frost from your ridge tiles of likewise from a blown tile. Hammer a new nail into the roof about 1 inch above the hole from the previous nail. Diverting the water comes easy when you quickly put a nail into the hole from where the water drains. Sun exposure and heat, especially during the summer, can cause the rubber boot to crack creating the space for water to leak in. In cold … The nail chisel tips are rusted? I was thinking about taking out all the old insulation and barriers and start fresh? Yes the house has a humidifier connected to the furnace. Roofing/Construction Questions. …HOWEVER…If You have a flat roof or have insulation set between the roof rafters themselves…let me know…this is a different scenario and I can discuss remedy for this situation with you if it should exists…, I did cut out the vent openings about 2 years ago. Cut pieces of sheet metal to size to cover one or several nail holes. But the outcome of the water leak is typically the same. Vender? If you find any nail heads that are sticking up from the roof, hammer them down and then coat the head with roofing cement. I have a roof that is 10 years old GAF Timberline 25. Every nail chisel tip in the attic is dripping. Saw through the old nails where they protrude from the roof board to make room for the new shingle. Thanks for your help. Ferndale Michigan. if you give us those with the square footage of the attic (width x length) we can probably tell you what to do to balance the system. Fill small nail holes with silicone caulk or roof cement. Yalanovsky also writes a bimonthly column that provides home improvement advice. Or you may have an area on your roof where water pools during heavy rain. I mean in our world where we have things like atmospheric pressure, gravity, and laws of physics. Alternatively, climb onto the roof with a bucket of water. You can then remove the insulation from the ceiling before you clear the water from the various leaking points. If possible, have someone hose down your roof while you are already in the attic. Water testing is a method of narrowing down the roofing problem. Read also : Tips to repair a leaking roof vent pipe collar when you cut the holes out a few years ago you changed the balance of the venting system. This cant be good can it? Just trace the color back to the place where it has entered, and that will be the nail hole. Step flashing is used along walls that intersect the roof. ThreadJacker Active Member. You will likely see the water dripping down from the drain trap when running water in the tub. Hazel Owens April 8, 2016 at 5:12 pm. Leaking roofs will cause rot and mold around their location. Thanks for all your knowledge. Thanks for your help. Leaks are usually localized. #3 Have holes cut for those roof vents of yours so as to let air ventilate your attic Install soffit vents, rafter vents, get rid of the pot vents and put a continuous ridgevent on and it should work very well. A chimney uses all three types to prevent water … not trying to be a jerk or bash you but…i think your ventilation advice could cause someone serious harm. Wear gloves when working with sticky roofing cement. Nail holes in a roof can come from nails that have slightly pulled out over time, holes that were not covered during a re-roof or nails that were pulled out of mounting holes when items like antennas or satellite dishes were taken down. Therefore, if there’s a musty or rotting odor in your attic or some other area directly beneath or connected to a roof, it is a good idea to inspect the location more carefully. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Do some research and find out for your self.”, Did I say something to offend? Smaller nail holes will be permanently fixed by this method... 3. hence you are sucking moisture into the attic at a faster rate than it can be expelled.". Or how important it can be. where the leak is coming through and then look at the roof. Bob Fenwick shows us how to diagnose roof leaks and nail pops through shingle roofs Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? you are getting condensation due to improper insulation & ventilation mixed. So do look around plumbing and roof vents, chimneys, dormers, solar tube lightings, or any other similar item. And just one rusted out nail can cause your roof to leak every time it rains. Mark. This is a permanent solution for any size nail holes, and also works for larger holes and gaps between shingles. But before you can fix nail holes, you have to find them, and that is the most difficult part. This poster has gone against the entire concept of ventilation many times. Asphalt shingles are one of the most common materials for residential roofs. Penetrations through your roof provide an access point through which water can leak. Just exsposed 1 x 6 sheathing. Anyway, I have posted pictures at my website. #1 hopefully you have some venting type soffitting along the eaves of your house- go outside look up at the eaves and see if you do and if you do then go up into the attic and pull back all that insulation that is probably stuffed up along the eave end perimeters so that air can enter the attic from the outside … Roof Vents; Like plumbing vents, any vent or exhaust flue in your roof is a place where leaks are more likely to develop. Have a roofer climb up and look. Patch the nail or screw holes by slipping a piece of roof flashing underneath the shingle. If so, where would I buy it and do I have to use one of those scary gun things with it. We do not agree on everything, even the basics…. Get In Touch For Repairs It is a small house. I see I have 3 vapor barriers. How to Fix Nail Holes in a Roof 1. Just because the water is drippeing from the nails doesn't mean that is where the leak is. Rusted flashing … Will bitumen mastic around the nails stop my leaks ? Through the leaking tile clips. Now, you are saying that the gable vents are drawing air from the roof vents. It … Lift up the shingles in the surrounding area and cover the roof beneath them liberally with roofing cement using a disposable chip brush. So, what makes this case different? How is that possible? What Causes Exposed Roofing Nails? Holes in shingles will lead to water damage inside your home. Chimneys and fireplaces are a lovely feature in homes whether traditional or contemporary. How old is your house and where are you located? As a result, many homes in the cape have roof leaks. If you’re searching “How To Fix A Leaking Roof From The Inside” it is likely raining outside and you’ve got water pouring in on the inside. Every nail chisel tip in the attic is dripping. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS. Another detectable sign is through smell. If possible, get the most inexpensive pair that you can find and treat them like they are disposable. This is the first … Again, check the rubber boot, the base, and the nails. Also my wife had the roof done before we married. …If you house is typical framed up type and you have a roof which is not flat then the following steps should be taken to alleviate this problem: Also has a high ceiling in the attic. He specializes in do-it-yourself projects, household and auto maintenance and property management. Each short section of flashing channels water over the shingle downhill from it. The red food coloring will be easy to see from inside the attic as it leaks through the nail holes. How to Put Rigid Foam Insulation on the Roof Before Putting on Shingles, How to Fix Roof Nails That Are Sticking Up, Family Handyman: Roof Repair--How to Find and Fix Roof Leaks, HGTV: Nail Holes in Roofing can Lead to Leaks, Repairing Rust Holes on a Corrugated Roof, Use of a Sealant to Stop Asphalt Shingle Leaks. Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by ThreadJacker, Nov 21, 2009.