What is Shug trying to keep Celie from doing? A little store room, under the house, hot in the summer and cold in the winter, How many years had passed before Sofia got to see her children. What was the second question the village women asked? "A girl is nothing to herself, only to her husband can she become something". What was Shug's first step away from seeing God as an old white man? As such, the work does function as a feminist novel. But I'll kill him before I let him beat me, All the girls big and strong like me... all the girls stick together, Let's make quilt pieces out of these messed up curtains, Talk bout slut, hussy, heifer and streatcleaner, You sure is ugly, she say, like she ain't believed it, She weak as a kitten. Six months after Sofia has left, what is Harpo planning to do? Name the occupants of the home where Nettie lives. What could Samuel always feel about Corrine's ancestry? Briefly describe Mr.______'s actions when he finally arrives home after being with Shug Avery for several days, 1. staggers in 2. sleeps all day and night 3. gets up late 4. chops three chops of cotton 5. drops hoe 6. returns to house, sits on porch. Why had Mr.__ been keeping Celie from knowing about Nettie's letters? What does Shug do when Celie washes and combs Shug's hair? What is the shape of Nettie's hut and what does it lack? The Color Purple, God, Pants What is the significance of the character role Nettie? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. In Letter 16, Celie records an interaction between Harpo and his father, Mr. _____. What is the name of Celie's new business? But her mouth just pack with claws, I work on her like she a doll or like she Olivia - or like she mama, I hand her the square I'm working on, start another one. When Harpo and Celie look out across the yard, what do they see Sofia doing? -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Squeak appears in The Color Purple. Dear Audience, We hope that you enjoy our presentation which we have created for the sake of literary excellence. What are the two reasons that Celie doesn't hate Albert, even after all the evil he committed? -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Squeak appears in The Color Purple. style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words Celie Celie Non Standard forms of spelling Uneducated Addressed to God Limited vocabulary Short, simple sentences Dialect Slang Dear God, He act like he can't stand me no more. Why does Mr._____ think he has to beat Celie? What did the telegram Albert put in Celie's hand say? Why does Corrine want Nettie to call her and Samuel sister and brother? The thing I believe. What is causing Mary Agnes's mind to wander? A summary of Part X (Section5) in Alice Walker's The Color Purple. To the Reverend and his wife because she is the only woman she has seen with money. Explanation of the famous quotes in The Color Purple, including all important speeches, comments, quotations, and monologues. And glad of it, teaching me to learn for myself, by reading and studying and writing, there is one big advantage we have... We are black like the Africans themselves. She first puts spit into it then later puts Shug Avery's pee. What is Sofia thinking about all the time? Alice Walker’s The Color Purple follows the personal and spiritual growth of an impregnated and abused African American girl in the South.Celie finds her voice and personal identity over the years. what did Tashi answer when she was asked why they like to eat best in Africa. Describe the pants Celie is making for Sofia. After Sofia and Squeak's fight, whom did Harpo comfort? What happened the first time Celie got big? What does Celie believe will someday happen even if she is ninety when it does? In Letter 16, Celie records an interaction between Harpo and his father, Mr. _____. What did Celie think had happened to Nettie all these years? The Color Purple Alice Walker Presentation by: Susan Kim The author's style Plot Summary Historical Information about the period of publication Characteristics of the Genre In The Color Purple, Celie tells her story through series of letters written to God.
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