sun exposure : Filtered Light, Full Sun, Partial Shade. It prefers the warmth of Zone 10, and can grow large but is best kept about 3 feet tall. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Hawaiian Snow Bush, Rosy Snow Bush, Snow Bush. type : Evergreen, Shrubs. Snowbush is a lovely tropical shrub that has ovate green and white leaves, 'Roseo Picta' also has leaves with pink mottling and reddened stems and pink new foliage. If the cluster is HH CGH you would interpret this to mean that while in Zone 8 or below this will be winter hardy outdoor, further north it will need considerable mulch, a cold frame, or a Cool Greenhouse to thrive. Breynia disticha nana Dwarf Snowbush. (The dwarf you can keep at 2 feet.) Pacific Island native. This naturalized ornamental garden plant is native to New Caledonia and Vanuatu. TropPlant Accession Number (TPAN): 0151 Botanical Name: Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta' Common Name: Snowbush, Snow bush, Ice-Cream Bush, Calico Plant, Sweetpea Bush, Foliage Flower Shrub, Laukalakoa (Hawaiian) Cultivar: 'Roseopicta' is likely the cultivar seen in the images on this page. Although its flowers are non-showy, they develop into red berry fruits with rough triangular seeds. Given enough room to expand its canopy, a … Snowbush is a soft pink fantasy of a shrub with an airy, delicate look - a South Florida favorite for its romantic, informal appeal. Breynia disticha (syn. Botanical Name. Breynia distichia. snow bush This is a densely branched shrub that is evergreen in warm climates. Family: Phyllanthaceae | Genus: BREYNIA disticha nivosa . Scientific Name: Breynia disticha Synonyms: Breynia nivosa, Phyllanthus nivosus Common Names: Snowbush, Snow Bush, Foliage Flower Plant Characteristics. Breynia nivosa) Breynia disticha, Embry-Riddle Aeronautic University. Duration: Perennial, Evergreen Growth Habit: Shrub Hawaii Native Status: Introduced. Stock Number: 41953 Availability: In Stock . The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. planting zones : TS (Tropical South) / Zone 10, TS (Tropical South) / Zone 11. BREYNIA disticha f.nivosa 'Roseo Picta' . Plant Common Name. Breynia disticha 'Roseo-picta' BRAY-nee-ah DISS-tih-kah Audio The white- and pink-mottled leaves of ‘Roseo-picta’ make it appear as if the plant has been snowed upon, even though it is a tropical plant. It produces suckers from the roots and is reported to be aggressive in some situations. Family: Phyllanthaceae Euphorbiaceae. And so on. Breynia disticha is an attractive tropical shrub or small tree species grown for its variegated green, cream and red leaves that create a zig-zag effect as they appear from opposite sides of their red stems. General Description. Plant Details. water : Regular Water. Plant Name. Breynia disticha -- Snowbush Page 3 October 1999 Pest resistance: no serious pests are normally seen on the plant Use and Management This shrub may be used as a specimen and accent, and it also forms a nice hedge. Family. Rating Content; Neutral: On Feb 26, 2018, shadydog from Lady Lake, FL wrote: Zone 9 Have to cover during freeze.Potted works fine (move indoors) Positive: On Apr 17, 2012, FallbrookGardnr from Fallbrook, CA wrote: I have planted many of these bushes in several homes over a 17 year period, Santa Ana, Anaheim & Villa Park, California. Breynia disticha grow and care – shrub‎ of the genus Breynia also known as Snow bush plant or Breynia nivosa, Breynia disticha perennial evergreen plant, grow as ornamental plant for the colored leaves and as hedge plant, can grow in tropic, subtropical or mediterranean climate and growing in hardiness zone 10b+ and with the right overwinter care can grow in hardiness zone 10a.