The American dogwood (or boxwood) is a medium-sized tree that can reach a maximum of 10 meters in height. Although still acidic, ripe dogwood berries are quite palatable and fleshy and taste like a lot like sour cherries and cranberries. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about dogwood lumber wood? Peattie says that the biggest user of dogwood in the last century, however, was the textile industry. Preparations of American dogwood have been used traditionally for relieving fever, minor aches and pains such as headaches, migraines, muscle aches and tension and other minor ailments. It's also good on pork and lamb, but in my opinion, it must be used in small amounts and it has to be soaked in order to be usefull. Also, traditional medical practices recommend herbal infusions of American dogwood bark, flowers and leaves as treatment for malaria. The pale yellow, close-grained and satiny wood of ailanthus has been used in cabinet work. Traditional medical practices also recommend it as a natural anti-diabetic and antihistamine agent, but such claims have yet to be proven. Uses for the red twig dogwood The red twig dogwood is an ornamental plant that is used commonly in hedges and rock gardens. Here are the top 6 uses of American dogwood bark: Strong natural analgesic properties American dogwood bark preparations have been shown to possess strong analgesic properties and are thus recommended for relieving back pain and headaches as well as painful muscle cramps caused by either strain or inflammatory conditions. Although burning wood in your fireplace or wood stove can help cut your energy costs, not all wood should be burned as firewood. America's founding fathers were big dogwood fans. However, both categorizations can be considered to be correct. Jennifer is a full-time homesteader who started her journey in the foothills of North Carolina in 2010. Due to its astringent properties which cause tissues to constrict thus limiting fluid loss, American dogwood bark constitutes an efficient natural remedy for diarrhea. Dogwood was traditionally used to make various types of alcoholic beverages such as liquors and a fruit brandy called raki as well as jams or sweet berry sauces. And because dogwood wears smoother with age, it has known service as knitting needles, pullies, and sled runners. Last but not least, like most berries, dogwood fruit were found to contain generous amounts of antioxidants which offer protection against free radical damage from free radical molecules and protect against chronic disease. This means it stimulates urine production, a process which supports normal kidney function, helps reduce high blood pressure (hypertension) and promotes detoxification. 1 or 2 cupfuls may be taken. Well you're in luck, because here they come. In the past, fresh and dried flowers alike were made into herbal infusions and used for reducing fever in both children and adults. The most common dogwood lumber wood material is oak. The tree may bear flowers from early April to early May, depending on the region it is in. Also known as European cornel or Cornelian cherry, dogwood (Cornus mas) has only recently come to the attention of the medical community due to its impressive tonic, hepatoprotective and restorative properties. This post was updated on Wednesday / November 25th, 2020 at 5:32 PM. Seasonal Color. Again, consult a medical professional when considering the use of any form of alternative medicine. By Jennifer Poindexter. Used for diarrhea. Its toughness is appreciated in a variety of applications, though its poor dimensional stability means that its use … Ailanthus, Copal Tree, Stinking Sumac, Swingle, Tree-of-Heaven: Can be used for both healing and posioning spells. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Jamaican Dogwood. Flowering dogwood is named for the showy spring flowers. Meranti is a versatile wood with many subspecies, sources and purposes. Currently, she spends her days gardening, caring for her orchard and vineyard, raising chickens, ducks, goats, and bees. The wood from the dogwood tree is very dense and heavy making it a great firewood choice.. With good coaling qualities and the ability to produce around 24.8 million BTUs per cord, dogwood firewood is prized among many people who heat their home with firewood.. It is believed that American dogwood bark also exercises powerful blood cleansing effects, hence its antimalarial activity, and possesses excellent tonic and restorative properties. Common Uses: Golf club heads, textile shuttles, bows (archery), mallets, pulleys, and turned objects. George Washington planted them at Mount Vernon and Thomas Jefferson at Monticello. Dogwood fruit are small, slightly elongated berries of either a bright yellow or deep red color. Research on the properties and health benefits of dogwood has found that regular consumption of the berries improves liver function by exercising a strong hepatoprotective action. There are 1166 dogwood wood for sale on Etsy, and they cost $24.04 on average. A couple of chunks will go a long way. Bark preparations possess excellent anti-inflammatory properties and are used to treat muscle inflammations and sore throat problems. American dogwood is different from other common dogwood varieties such as European cornel known simply as dogwood (Cornus mas), Jamaican dogwood (Piscidia piscipula), as well as from the common dogwood (Cornus sanguinea). Not only does it support liver and kidney function, but it also helps soothe the mucous membranes at the level of the gastrointestinal tract, clear infections and restore health. Being rich in calcium, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc and a good source of sodium, dogwood promotes recovery following illness (for example, drinking dogwood berry juice can speed recuperation after a more severe diarrhea episode). Here are the top 6 uses of American dogwood bark: American dogwood bark preparations have been shown to possess strong analgesic properties and are thus recommended for relieving back pain and headaches as well as painful muscle cramps caused by either strain or inflammatory conditions. The species name, florida, is also from Latin, flos, meaning flowery. The common name dogwood comes from one colonial description of the fruit as being edible but not fit for a dog. And although it may lose its foliage in autumn, it offers a beautiful view when in bloom, covering itself in clusters of exquisite-looking tiny yellow flowers. Although the flowers are small and grow in flat clusters, they are lovely when they appear and the berries that form in the fall and winter are highly decorative in either white or blue colors. The scientific genus name, Cornus, derives from the Latin, cornu, or horn, in reference to another use of its hard wood. Dogwood Tree Spiritual Meanings & Metaphysical Correspondences. Support My Work Copyright © 2014-2021 NatureWord. Wood production: The wood of flowering dogwood has been harvested for the manufacture of tool handles, charcoal, wheel cogs, hayforks, and pulleys. Overall, the species displays several impressive health benefits, provided it is taken in adequate doses, under the careful supervision of a medical professional. Unripe berries have a very sharp taste which deters most people from consuming them. The origin of the name comes from the smooth, straight twigs which were used to make butchers’ skewers. Please Support My Work With a PayPal Donation. Names of Jamaican Dogwood in various languages of … The wood can be somewhat difficult to split. There has not been a lot written about the uses of dogwood for magic. Overall, dogwood makes a great addition to our diet as a result of its generous vitamin and mineral content. Home / General Gardening / Uses of a Flowering Dogwood Tree. The dry mouth sensation one feels when eating quinces, persimmon, sapodilla or dogwood berries is caused by the astringent tannins shrinking or contracting tissues. If consumed raw, dogwood berries add to our daily antioxidant intake and, by doing so, protect against free radical damage and associated health problems. They can be consumed fresh, dried, made into jams, syrups or fruit sauces. Very important: dogwood should not be confused with Jamaican dogwood, a medicinal plant with sedative properties which, if improperly used, may have serious side effects. In addition to this, the species makes a splendid ornamental tree, garnishing parks and back yards alike with its springtime richness of white and rosy flowers. The dark red-brown bark covered with coarse-looking plates boasts fairly impressive medicinal properties and, if used correctly, can provide relief for a wide range of medical conditions. It can be found throughout southern Europe and in Western Asia and is a staple of traditional medicine. The most common dogwood wood material is wood & nut. An old folk remedy for treating mange in dogs involved making a decoction of dogwood bark, and washing the affected areas with it. Because leaves fall during the cold season, the tree boasts a beautiful scarlet leaf color during fall. Wood - hard, heavy, strong, close grained, durable, takes a good polish and is extremely shock-resistant. Poplar wood is a type of wood that is often classified both as a hardwood and a softwood depending on where you look and who you ask. The most popular color? Beech: A wood of femininity. However, it is a poor choice for use outdoors or where wood movement is a problem, since this lumber can move significantly over the course of its life. Dogwood has traditionally been used to treat dysentery and diarrhea due to its strong astringent action which is the result of a high tannin content. Externally, poulticed onto external ulcers and sores. It is also known as the flowering dogwood due to the fact that it bears beautiful white, pink or red flowers with four large petals. It has an overall bushy appearance and dark-brown bark. Used in heal… Excellent for carving, molding and toys. It was sometimes used as a substitute when Peruvian bark could not be obtained. Easy to work. The latter are far more common than the first. The dry mouth sensation one feels when eating quinces, persimmon, sapodilla or dogwood berries is caused by the astringent tannins shrinking or contracting tissues. What is dogwood good for? The wood of the dogwood tree is one of the hardest and it is said that it was chosen to make the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Twigs used as chewing sticks, forerunners of the toothpick. Dogwood is a flowering plant the size of a small tree (5-10 meters tall). Each berry contains one seed and is usually no more than 2 cm long. American dogwood bark boasts an antipyretic action, helping reduce fever naturally. Subtle, not overpowering, it is especially good on game animals such as deer, bear and turkey. A hard, close-grained, tough wood, dogwood was once employed for making shuttles in the textile industry (weaving). Internally, 1 teaspoonful of the bark in 1 cup of boiling water, steeped for ½ hr. Comments: Dogwood has excellent shock resistance, and is one of the hardest domestic woods of the United States or Canada. Cornus is a genus of about 30–60 species of woody plants in the family Cornaceae, commonly known as dogwoods, which can generally be distinguished by their blossoms, berries, and distinctive bark. In fact, when used as a chisel handle, dogwood resists crushing and mushrooming from hammer blows. How Jamaican Dogwood is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Medicine: C. alternifolia was used to make an eye medicine by the Chippewa. There are 221 dogwood lumber wood for sale on Etsy, and they cost $35.33 on average. Contact Us – Disclaimer Cookies Policy – Privacy Policy. Not easy to work with (it tends to warp quickly). Dogwood berries boast excellent restorative properties due to their high mineral content. It is one of 60 other plants belonging to the family with the same name. Since there are similarities between these four plants, be careful not to mistake one for another in order to successfully address your medical concerns and avoid interactions and side effects. According to traditional Chinese medicine, dogwood is an efficient diuretic. Propagation of Flowering Dogwood: In order for one to enjoy such health benefits, dogwood berries must be consumed raw (cooking heat destroys vitamin C). 33 Helpful Wood Ash Uses – Don’t Trash Your Wood Ash! Contact Us – Disclaimer Cookies Policy – Privacy Policy. This limits the discharge of fluids and represents a first step towards recovery from diarrhea or dysentery. This post was updated on Wednesday / November 25th, 2020 at 4:42 PM. Peattie says dogwood is also used to make mauls, mallet heads and wedges. The bark was simmered in water and used on aching muscles and a bark tea was used to promote sweating and break a fever. The dogwood name is derived from "dagwood," which refers to the trees' earliest use as material for making daggers and swords. The berries are very attractive to numerous animal and bird species such as the white-tailed deer or the northern cardinal for which they provide a valuable food source throughout winter. The common name dogwood is also thought to be from the use of the wood for skewers or “dogs.” Other common names include boxwood and cornel. It weighs 51lb per cubic foot and is used for making wheel hubs, tool handles, the heads of golf clubs, bearings, turnery etc. More recently, dogwood berries have gained popularity as a food-medicine, boasting several out of the ordinary health benefits. It was believed that the wood was used to form crosses for crucifixion, so Jesus prevented the dogwood from ever growing large enough to be used for this purpose again. The wood is hard, strong, and shock Dogwood is thought to be ideal for cold and flu prevention due to the fact that it contains high amounts of vitamin C, a potent natural anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial agent. The parts used for medicinal purposes are the berries. Most natural varieties of wood can be burned providing the wood is properly dried and left untreated, but some varieties of wood can be unpleasant or even toxic when burned as firewood. Back to Top A branch would make an excellent Air wand, and small shards of wood could be ground and added to air-oriented incense blends. It would appear that the bark of this dogwood species has soothing as well as powerful anti-inflammatory properties and, as a result, can be successfully used to reduce hoarseness and treat sore throat discomfort. Dogwood logs were sent as far as England to support production in textile mills. The smoke from dead, soaked dogwood is a gentle, sweet smoke. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Philippine or Lauan mahogany is another, somewhat generic term for meranti that is harvested and is available in abundance on a worldwide basis. Dogwoods are native to North America and are also native to Asia and Europe. Also, for best results, it is recommended to have your dosage of plant preparation established by a medical professional and remain under the supervision of your doctor while taking said preparation. The wood wore smoothly and didn’t crack under strenuous use. The bark is very bitter, could it be used to make an insect or bird repellent? Well you're in luck, because here they come. Dogwood (genus Cornus) is a type of wood of genus Cornus, a group of about 30-60 species of woody plants in the family Cornaceae. The most valuable part of the tree is its bark. The tendency of its wood to not splinter made it popular for this purpose. But remember to always ask a professional to help you correctly identify various dogwood species and consult with your doctor before resorting to any form of alternative treatment. Dogwood Uses. O. P. Brown (1875). The most popular color? People use Jamaican dogwood for anxiety, sleep problems, nerve pain, migraine, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. You guessed it: brown. People use American dogwood for headaches, wounds, fever, ongoing diarrhea, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses. Ceremony: The leaves of some varieties of Dogwood were used in smoking mixtures including Red Osier dogwood (C. stolonifera) and the C. rugosa type of dogwood. The species produces clusters of red or yellow-tinged edible berries containing one seed each. Please Support My Work With a PayPal Donation. Dogwood bark is best used as an ointment for ague, malaria (substitute for quinine), fever, pneumonia, colds, and similar complaints. These strong trees have various features that make them well loved with those having vast estates and gardens. It is occasionally used to make specialty items like golf club heads, roller skate wheels, knitting needles, and spools. Dogwood has a very high bending strength, and is considerably stronger than teak or hard maple, woods often used for their durability. “Dogwood, or Green ozier, exerts its best virtues in the shape of an ointment”—Dr. Flowering dogwood trees are mostly used for landscaping purposes, as the beauty of this tree is spellbinding. Textile manufactures found that the longer a dogwood shuttle was in use, the smoother its wood became. Find out below what are its top 6 health benefits: Dogwood has traditionally been used to treat dysentery and diarrhea due to its strong astringent action which is the result of a high tannin content. Drink ½ cupful upon retiring at night, hot or warm, or take a mouthful three times a day. Bark of the Dogwood can be used in making a “tea” to alleviate anxiety and mild depression (conversely,this same drink is also consumed during stomp dances to keep dancers alert throughout the night). Dogwood glues and polishes effectively. It is considered to be one of the hardest types of softwoods in some circles, while being classified a hardwood at the softer end of the scale in others. Because of the great variety of species and their sometimes close resemblance, but different properties, it might be best to ask for professional medical advice when choosing any dogwood preparation. Basswood: Light, Straight-grained and of fine texture. Common Uses: Fine furniture, tool handles, carving, mallet heads, turned items, and other small specialty wood objects. In other dogwood species, the bark may hold medicinal effects, while berries may be unfit for consumption. Both are effective. Did you scroll all this way to get facts about dogwood wood? Most are deciduous trees or shrubs, but a few species are nearly herbaceous perennial subshrubs, and a few of the woody species are evergreen.Several species have …