The devil will put roadblocks, mountains, difficulties, and hindrances in your way. 21 Then they dug another well, but they quarreled over that one also; so he named it Sitnah. Think about it. Any word spoken in faith without doubt is bound to come to pass. The strangers occupying your possessions have been outlawed by God for your sake. Numbers is a story of unbelief in which the Hebrew people perished as a consequence of their lack of faith. possess your possessions by oyedepohonda vf400f manual possessing your possession by david oyedepo - "having possessions and being possessed" is a message from matthew 6:19-21. it teaches three lessons: (1) be careful of where your treasure resides. Amen. WordPress Website design by COVERT NINE. As God’s son, nothing less is expected of you because you are a partaker of His divine nature and grace. Secondly, the Lord will not give you what you are not ready to contend for because: MEDITATION: In Christ, we have all the love, patience, joy, peace, wisdom and faith that we need. 19 Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there. Tags: hindrances to possessing your possession, arise and possess your possession, courage to possess your possession, prayer points on restoration with bible verses, possessing your possession through praise, Prayer points for divine positioning, prayer points for restoration of lost glory, possess the land sermon, possessing your possession pdf, prayer points with scriptures, … He says He is taking you to that promised destination, so be rest assured that you will get there. By your words you can be justified, and by your words you can be condemned. dazed by fear as to your sin, or held back by the temptations of the devil. Possessing Your Possessions March 11, 2015 Save Article " Numbers 13:30-31 (Program 2473DVD, Airing on 2/27) INTRODUCTION. Joshua 18:2 says that even after all of the warfare, there remained 7 tribes which had not yet received their inheritance. The relative strength of this ghost is 100,000-infinity. DHOP’S PRAYER SESSION PASTOR BUKI FAGBEMI 09-20-2015 I WILL POSSESS ALL MY POSSESSIONS IN JESUS’ NAME! 0. Hosea 4:6A says ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge’. We need to possess our possessions. Prayer Points On Give Me My Possession. 17 But on Mount Zion there will be deliverance, and it will be holy, and the house of Jacob will reclaim their possession. 2.) Without adequate knowledge of what Christ has done for you, you can’t help being deprived, you may spend the rest of your life not enjoying those things which have been freely given to you. However, considering the situation of many of God’s children, it is extremely sad to see majority living like servants as though they own nothing, whereas God’s word says all things belong to them. Dealing With The Barrier Stopping You From Possessing Your Possessions. At this level the intention of the possessing ghost is to create nationwide destruction or worldwide detrimental effect. 53 You are to take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land to possess. // Read: Genesis 26:17- 33 // It is absolutely true that all things have been given to you as God’s child, but it is critical you understand how to possess those things which God has freely given to you as inheritance, otherwise, there’s no way you will enjoy or live the life expected of you as a son. Accepting Jesus in to your heart today is better than signing a trillion dollars into your account. All our possessions steal something from us. 18 Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them. Tag: Hindrances to possessing your possession. You must overcome your past effectively in order to make the present. Amen. At the time God gave the Promised Land to the children of Israel, it was not a vacant land; in fact the land was fully occupied by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Jebusites, and the Girgashites who were the original owners and occupiers. Many of us live unsatisfied lives because we have never received the blessings that God has already given. i. Israel contended for the land Deut 2:24. When you stay within your covenant space, you will possess your possession,” he said. POSSESSING YOUR POSSESSION. Required fields are marked *. v. The church must contend over the gates of hell in order to experience the blessings of God Matt 16:18. Spritz your hair with water/hairspray and/or gel, and work it into sections with your fingers so that your hair looks messy and hangs down in your face. Even after the land was subdued and the tabernacle (the sign of God’s abiding presence) had been set up, some of the people had not yet taken hold of what belonged to them. If you’ve been wondering why only a few blessings have made their way to your house, perhaps your words have created too narrow of a path. Explore possessives grammar rules, and get tips for teaching possessives. He will try to tell you that God is not faithful and that the Word won’t work. If the dream God has given to you for your life is big, remember … Taking his theme scripture from the Book of Obadiah 1:17, which also is the theme scripture for the year, the clergy further noted that to possess one’s possession means to take ownership of everything Christ has finished for one. Make your hair look greasy and stringy. Your words can help you to possess your possessions, and it can hinder you. The greatest discovery is not the discovery of what God has given you but the discovery of what is trying to stop you from possessing what God has already given you. 7 I … There he pitched his tent, and there his servants dug a well. It does not matter the situation or circumstance, you will surely hit breakthrough if you refuse to give up. It is not enough to have information; information must lead to transformation of your situation! Possess Your Possession Joshua 1 of 4 The Book of Joshua in some ways is the opposite of the Book of Numbers. 20 But the herders of Gerar quarreled with those of Isaac and said, “The water is ours!” So he named the well Esek,[a] because they disputed with him. • Ask God to crush obstacles, hindrances, barriers, stumbling blocks, road-blocks, impediments, obstructiond, blockages, that stands in your way. 24 That night the Lord appeared to him and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. It takes the power of God to overcome hindrances, social challenges and conquer obstacles posed by the devil. 22:31-32. Advert. The first way to possess your possession is by faith. 7 I … In Christ, we have all the love, patience, joy, peace, wisdom and faith that we need. Learn how to form possessives in sentences. The Deliverance of Israel … 16 For as you drank on My holy mountain, so all the nations will drink continually. The great deliverance you require to possess your possessions is deliverance from bondage of ignorance. Prayer points for the day Paul said He received open doors but there are many adversaries. Joshua 18:2 says that even after all of the warfare, there remained 7 tribes which had not yet received their inheritance. Many of us are not living up to our profession in Christ. This certainly is not God’s fault! - From these passages, we can conclude that there is a possession and an inheritance, prepared by God with your name on it. by uchkochi(m): 9:46am On Jun 26, 2012 DEALING WITH THE BARRIER STOPPING YOU FROM POSSESSING YOUR POSSESSIONS. 18 Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them. Possess Your Possession Part 4 Prophetic Prayer Flow 1: Everything that needs to be cleared away for me to possess my possessions, inherit my inheritances and take what belongs to me in life, be cleared off now in Jesus name. 32 That day Isaac’s servants came and told him about the well they had dug. The birthright that comes with new life in Christ has conferred on God’s children, the right to own and enjoy everything that belongs to God their father! You cannot have full assurance, you cannot rise to close communion with Christ, you cannot anticipate the joys of heaven, you cannot be useful to men, unless you carefully obey the Lord, and walk in holiness before him. Possession definition, the act or fact of possessing. Nothing in this world can be compared to what Jesus came to offer you. I pray that you may be granted divine grace speedily to take what Jesus freely gives, so that you may come to possess your possessions. Move on, don’t stop, anywhere you step with the soles of your feet has been given to you – possess your possessions! Jesus contended for Peter, his successor Lk. HINDRANCES TO DIVINE POSSESSIONS II. Verse Concepts. We can end up serving our possessions. If you have the power given you today, by faith, to take the Lord Jesus Christ as yours; and if you now Sundays 8:00am | Tuesdays 4:30pm | Thursdays 4:30pm, J.K. Atanda Layout, High School Area, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, © 2020 Revealed Word of God Global Ministry. And now you are blessed by the Lord.”. Hallelujah. A 19-year-old in Jersey has been sentenced to two years in youth detention for possessing more than 17,000 indecent images of children. possess your possessions by oyedepohonda vf400f manual possessing your possession by david oyedepo - "having possessions and being possessed" is a message from matthew 6:19-21. it teaches three lessons: (1) be careful of where your treasure resides. Subscribe to our newsletter in order to receive the latest sermons, devotional and other word from the throne of grace. Prayer Points For Quiet Time; Prayer Points On Good Tidings; Prayer Points On Good News; No matter the hindrances and obstacles to the process of possessing your possessions: God Has prepared your possessions complete. Abraham contended for his sacrifice and land Gen. 21:25. 25 Isaac built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord. Be Faithful in Small Things. Gen. 26:19- 21 No matter the hindrances and obstacles to the process of possessing your possessions: God Has prepared your possessions complete. The scripture in Obadiah 1:17 says ‘But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions’. Dearly beloved, don’t give up, you too like Joshua can say ‘give me this mountain’. Picture everything you own and what you have to do to maintain it. Your words can complicate your life. To take actual possession of the land, the children of Israel firmly stood their ground, fought and claimed that which God had declared to be their inheritance by prevailing against and displacing the Canaanites. They will drink and gulp it down; they will be as if they had never existed.