HKCantonIME Hong Kong Cantonese Input Method / 香港廣東話輸入法 (港語輸入法) View on GitHub Download for 32bit Windows 10 ( Download for 64bit Windows 10 ( Welcome to HKCantonIME Page. hide. To input Cantonese Chinese by speaking to your Android Phone (via Speech to Text, Dictation): Go to Settings > System > Languages & Input > Virtual keyboard > Google Voice Typing Go to Languages Select "廣東話(香港)" (Cantonese (Hong Kong)). With amazing word recognition and next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helps you type faster and more accurately on all your Android devices. Google Input Tools makes it easy to type in the language you choose, anywhere on the web. It works almost as well as computer dictation in science fiction movies, though you won’t find the command to destroy Alderaan. Users only need to use English letters to write out how they think the Cantonese word sounds. Cantonese version is customized and enhanced by Patrick 劉肇庭, at Taipei City. You put the Chinese text (in traditional or simplified or jyutyping notation) in the left box then press double click play and in the right box you'll hear the text pronounced. VOICE IN IN THE NEWS "If you’ve ever been using a website and wished it had a voice input, now you can add one yourself." Google Keyboard (Based on Yale) (via Cantolounge) Please also consider asking Apple to: "Please add an official Cantonese Jyutping and Yale keyboard to iPhones." 從前 Office 2013 等都會有廣東話輸入法,可以免費下載使用,但是在 Winodws 10 因為它們的版本比 Windows 內置的舊,所以會拒絕安裝。, 不少人都因為 Windows 10 沒有廣東話輸入法而不升級,但現在越來越多人被迫升級,可以都需要一個臨時的解決方案。, 微軟的廣東話輸入法現時不能安裝在 Windows 10 中,所以需要安裝第三方的廣東話輸入法,就例如今次介紹的 CPIME,它有四種分支, 首先從上面連結下載並解壓,之後 right click Install_CPIME.inf,再按安裝。, 不過這個輸入法並不支援 touch screen (Metro UI),所以留意不能使用平常的新增輸入法程序。, 新增 Cantonese Phonetic IME (CPIME) 這個廣東話輸入法, 不過因為廣東話輸入法不會以「廣」字顯示,只會出現「繁體」,所以為了確定是廣東話輸入法,可以用 mouse 點擊右下角輸入法位置以確定。, 網名:Enterpr1se,人稱「企企」自幼喜歡 StarTrek 星空奇遇記所以用片集內的星艦 -- 企業號 來做網名。, 年輕時曾擔任《電腦時代》助理編輯,主力評測各種產品,和撰寫技術文章。出過數本書仔,聽聞賣得不錯;現在轉戰博客,繼續有果句講果句。喜歡新事物,愛攝影、玩Gadget,夢想能每年去一次旅行。. We provides multiple keyboards, include: Google Cantonese Input. Utilities Add to dashboard. Be the first to rate this post. limits the size of the words for the speech recognizer and simplifies the lexicon development. The app offers a variety of methods for fast and easy input of Chinese characters. Activating voice input The phone’s voice input feature is officially known as Google Voice Typing. This Cantonese learning tool allows you to enter Cantonese text and hear it read aloud. google voice search in different languages. Users only need to use English letters to write out how they think the Cantonese word sounds. Cantonese is Google’s third spoken language for Voice Search in the Chinese linguistic family, after Mandarin for Mainland China and Mandarin for Taiwan. On your Android phone, go to home Settings > Language and input. The Google Pinyin Input is an input method (IME) optimized for typing Chinese on Android. Right now, this feature only works for English, so you need to select "English" from the list of input languages. Google Cantonese Input: Android app (4.0 ★, 1,000,000+ downloads) → Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. install Google input (Cantonese, or pinyin if you use Putonghua), and Active the Google voice typing under Settings > Language & Input, see here for details. Users only need to use English letters to write out how they think the Cantonese word sounds. Get the soft and fast Cantonese language keyboard and change the way of your typing experience on your Android smart devices. e.g. 按右上方的 啟動或暫停 Speechnotes 語音輸入文字,按右方的符號鍵插入標點符號。; 按上方的【常用廣東字】顯示選項鍵,即「哋」、「喺」、「啲」、「嚟」、「咗」、「嘅」、「嗰」、「嘢」、「吓」、「攞」,再按一下選項鍵 … Learn more. To try it out, choose your language and input tool below and begin typing. share. To ensure that this feature is […] Your Android phone has the amazing capability to interpret your utterances as text. We provides multiple keyboards, include: Under Settings/Keyboard, Add google Voice typing- In Google Voice typing, include English and Cantonese (HK Chinese). Google Input for Cantonese. If you use Google Chrome 11 Beta, Google Chrome 12 Dev/Canary or a recent Chromium build and visit Google Translate, you can click the voice input icon. After all, inputting this way: Has NO learning curve (you already know how each word is pronounced); Is a lot more accurate (because you can input multiple characters, making the combination more unique to search) Google Cantonese Input free download - Google Chrome, Google Play, Google Earth, and many more programs Fix popup suggestion bar position issue in iframes. Users only need to use English letters to write out how they think the Cantonese word sounds. Start enjoying the coloful design,unique themes and fleshy daymoji with Latest and Stylish Cantonese educational langauage Keyboard. Dictate *Note: These instructions are for devices running iOS 11 or higher. hide The service provides to you data about app markets: keywords and positions, reviews and reviewers, competitors and customer analytics. We provides multiple keyboards, include: Get widget Add keyword × Add new keyword for tracking Close Track keyword What is MetricsCat. Download Google Cantonese Input apk for Android. Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. However, the development of Google voice search in Cantonese involved many challenges. Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. Note: To be used on your Android device, the input method must be enabled in "Settings" → "Language & Input". This IME is aim to support both Desktop and Metro Apps on 32bit and 64bit Windows 10. We provides multiple keyboards, include: 新增 Cantonese Phonetic IME (CPIME) 這個廣東話輸入法 可以選擇廣東話輸入法了 不過因為廣東話輸入法不會以「廣」字顯示,只會出現「繁體」,所以為了確定是廣東話輸入法,可以用 mouse 點擊右下角輸入法位置以確定。 Is there a way to speak cantonese as voice typing when you are on computer just like when im on my cell phone? 這個輸入法適用於 Chrome (網頁)、Gmail和Google Drive。 不用記拼音! 我地雖然日日講廣東話,但就沒學過廣東話拼音,用起上來會不會很難?不會的!大家無須背記任何字符的特定拼音或輸入碼,Google 廣東話輸入法是可辨認同一字元的多種不同拼音。 Type the way you want Get your message across in … Google Inc. 4.3 rating. Tap the Settings icon besides Google voice typing. As Google search by voice has been made available in a number of languages, adding Cantonese to it was one of the most awaited moves by the tech giant. Users only need to use English letters to write out how they think the Cantonese word sounds. It is written in traditional Chinese characters, which is much similar to the ones used in Taiwan. Watch the Google Cantonese voice input video to know more. Fix enter key issue when type in input boxes inside iframes. 網上廣東話輸入法 係用廣東話拼音作為輸入方式。 廣東話拼音有好多唔同嘅方案,好多時同一個字會有好多種拼法。呢個輸入法主要係根據劉錫祥方案,再加上一啲比較慣用嘅拼法而組成。 Cantonese voice input on PC? It's easy to install Google Cantonese Input for PC with BlueStacks app either by finding Google Cantonese Input undefined in google play store page or through apk file.It's about time to install Google Cantonese Input for PC by going to the Google play store page once … Google Input Tools remembers your corrections and maintains a custom dictionary for new or uncommon words and names. Voice In works in Gmail, Outlook, Salesforce, Hubspot, Slack, and in any site that contains a text box. With amazing word recognition and next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helps you type faster and more accurately on all your Android devices. A NEW pengalaman untuk mengetik Kanton To access the voice typing function, install Gboard for Android or iOS and pick your language by pressing the G, then selecting the settings wheel. With amazing word recognition and next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helps you type faster and more accurately on all your Android devices. We plan to continue to use our data collection and language modeling technologies to help speakers of Chinese languages easily input text and look up information. save. Google Cantonese Input is the best and the easiest Cantonese input you can get on Android in 2018. Nevertheless, Google has removed this input method from Play Store at the moment, thus you have to download its APK from 3rd party website. The best way for inputting Chinese, I have to conclude, would be to type based on sound. The description of Google Cantonese Input App Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. Cantonese is one of the most widely spoken languages in Hong Kong. No votes so far! Chat windows in Gmail. You can also enter jyutyping. The Google Input Tools extension provides virtual keyboards for over 90 languages, full IMEs or direct transliteration for over 30 different scripts, and handwriting input for over 40 languages. Google Cantonese Input makes text input smart and easy. Anyway, if you wish to do what I’m doing, below are the steps to activate the Chinese voice input on your Android phone. Tap Save. – LifeHacker SUPPORT Would love to hear your feedback! Google Translate is the first Google service that uses this feature. Read google voice search in cantonese for more information. With amazing word recognition and next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helps you type faster and more accurately on all your Android devices. What's New? To input Cantonese Chinese … With amazing word recognition and next-word prediction, Google Cantonese Input helps you type faster and more accurately on all your Android devices. Voice input is network-based in order to provide highly accurate matches. people can perform voice searches in Cantonese, Google will … … Google has pushed voice search and actions to the forefront over the last few years, introducing features like the Google Now Launcher and … … On November 30th 2010, Google launched Cantonese Voice Search in Hong 2 comments. This free Cantonese voice input typing keyboard is ideal for those who wish to give a smart look to their smartphones.