When you first applied to become a firefighter, you probably had to pass a written examination with a score of at least 70 percent to proceed in the hiring process. Delmar Firefighter Handbook 2nd (1512 questions) 86. Although the written test is a fairly straightforward process, the oral interview can cover a wide range of questions … While you may be the most physically fit person, or have the highest written test score, and for that matter, also have the best résumé when compared to your competition, if you cannot successfully present or sell yourself during the oral interview, you will not get the job or the promotion! My suggestion when you rehearse your answers is to create an outline or bullet points of the key points you intend to cover. Eligible List Establishment Date: TBD. Delmar Firefighter Handbook 3rd (1804 questions) 87. Name one project or process you have been involved with at the department that has made a positive difference within the department. Rapid-Fire Internet Student Edition Test Page Selected Titles Dynamic Information Systems welcomes all Firefighters, EMT's, and others. There really should be no trick questions if you have adequately prepared yourself for the interview. Chances are, when you applied to become a firefighter, or for that matter, applied for your first job, you probably had to successfully pass an oral interview to get hired. This is an area of your assessment that is designed to measure your ability to identify and anticipate the fire … Career goals? The following questions were taken from A Standard Fire … You may wonder how you can best prepare for your upcoming oral interview. Fire officer exam questions are very predictable. But, many departments today still promote candidates without completing a full assessment center, and instead rely only on things such as seniority, a written examination or an oral interview. If asked a question such as, “given the following scenario, how would you handle the situation as a captain,” a successful candidate would answer it something like, “as a captain, this is what I would do…” An unsuccessful candidate would answer something like, “if I was a captain, this is what I think I would do…” Be confident, without being cocky or arrogant, and when you’re in the interview, play the part and be the position! The Fire Officer Essentials promotional examinations for Company Officer I, Company Officer II, and Chief Officer were developed specifically for fire agencies to determine the extent to which candidates possess the necessary job knowledge required for success as fire … (the opening statement)? The introductory package of 1,000 for $19.95 or a better value of 3,000 for the low $49.95! Good luck and for more information go to Aspiringfireofficers.com, © 2021 — ASPIRING FIRE OFFICERS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED     |     CONTACT US     |     TERMS AND CONDITIONS    |     FAQ    |    LOGIN. Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. The preparation of a promotional examination usually involves the combined effort between the fire department and the municipality's : Human resources section Examples of the typical tasks … Over 100,000 questions! The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking nominations and applications for Director of the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI). What do you plan to do if given the position? In my experience, most promotional and entry-level candidates drop the ball when it comes to preparing for the oral interview phase of a promotional or hiring process when in fact there are many things they can be doing to successfully prepare for the oral interview and ultimately increase their chances for getting promoted or hired. That concludes the questions, is there anything you would like to add (the closing statement). Know your strengths and weaknesses. If your exam consists of an In-Basket exercise (a series of administrative and operational events that are presented to a candidate that must be managed within a certain timeframe), the fire officer promotional exam questions will focus on how you prioritize events and how you will manage your time. In this article, we provide several fire service interview questions … Learn more about the different kinds of firefighter exams. I’ll be the first to say anyone can blow smoke or just talk the talk over the course of a 15- or 30-minute interview, and then not live up to the promises they made during the oral interview. When the eligible list is established you will be able to … Some say you don’t want to come in to your oral interview and immediately blurt out answers as if you have memorized them. Delmar Firefighter Handbook 1st (1508 questions) 85. Do what it takes to be able to not just talk that talk, but walk that walk. But, I wouldn’t expect anyone to memorize word-for-word any answer that would be a minute or two in length; I don’t know anyone that good even if they wanted to. 2020 Valor Awards Deadline Approaching Fast. While they may vary in terms of events the candidates will be tested on, fire officer  promotional exam questions are constant in certain areas. Are you familiar with the department’s progressive disciplinary system and do you know how to implement it including the appropriate documentation? What is your understanding of being a supervisor, or of progressive discipline, and what levels of progressive discipline can you implement at your level? When you take your next promotional examination, you’ll also probably have to pass a written examination with a score of at least 70 percent to continue in the promotional process. Promotional exams can be intimidating if you do not have a solid foundation. Know what you want out of your life, both personally and professionally. Know what you have to offer the position. Many candidates spend countless hours getting themselves in shape to pass the physical ability test, which is usually only scored as pass or fail. By taking the time to identify the predictable fire promotional exam questions, you can take much of the guesswork and uncertainty out of the examination process. I agree with that statement. It may involve writing a memo that is related to the employee counseling event that you managed in an earlier event. Fire Promotional Exams Fire Promotional exams are a great way to test your staff with job knowledge materials. I would venture the 25 most commonly asked questions you may be asked during a fire officer promotional examination include, but are not limited to: Even if your department does not ask you those 25 questions in the exact manner as they were presented, if you have taken the time to properly determine how you might answer such questions in advance, regardless of how the question may be posed to you, if you have the overall concept of the above questions ready to go, there should be very few questions that would stump you. If I gave you the answers that worked for me, then you wouldn’t sound unique and anyone who read this would answer the questions the same, which wouldn’t be good for you if three of your competitors answered the questions the same way as you did just because you thought my answer was great. 2021 Statewide District and Deputy Fire Chief Exams; 2020 Boston Deputy and District Fire Chief Exams; 2020 Brookline Police Promotional exams; 2020 Correction Officer II & III Exams; 2020 Correction Officer/Head Cook; 2020 Correctional Program Officer C & D Exams; 2020 Institutional Parole Officer C Exam; 2020 Environmental Police Officer … Dodson Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 2nd (495 questions) 88. This is one of the easiest and toughest things you can do to prepare for your oral interview. The problem is it seemed that all captains were testing for the position they currently hold, as opposed to the one they were testing for.”. Should you have the desire to take a promotional examination, chances are you will also have to successfully pass an oral interview to get the promotion. Act as if you are already in the position. You notice I didn’t include possible answers to the above questions, and I did that for good reason. You can expect to be challenged on the firefighter’s right to union or association representation. Let’s say you’re taking the captain’s promotional process. © 2021 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. Other common topics may include writing about the department’s progressive disciplinary system, how you will implement the department’s mission statement and values, or to outline the topics you would discuss in your first crew expectations meeting. How can you help improve that process? For some, the oral interview can be one of the most stressful portions of a hiring or promotional process, mostly because it can be very nerve-wracking to have to talk about yourself, and in the process, “sell” or “market” yourself to the oral board or person making the final decision to convince them beyond a reasonable doubt that you are ready to step into the position and actually do the job you’re applying for. Seattle Firefighter Accused of Emailing Threats to City Lawmaker. Reviewing common fire department interview questions can help you prepare for this evaluation. I hate it when we ask a candidate a question during an oral interview and they start off saying, “that’s a good question!” Of course it’s a good question; we wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t! Even if your department requires a full assessment center to get promoted, and doesn’t rely on just an oral interview, chances are the final selections for who gets promoted may require you to successfully pass a final interview with the Fire Chief and his/her command staff, if not the city manager or even elected officials. This may be in the form of a live role-playing exercise or in the form of an oral interview. All rights reserved. It’s these questions which candidates find surprisingly easy to mess up. Joseph Guarnera provides welcome news about how academy fire training increasingly earns credits for college fire service courses. One of the predictable questions one could expect is, “What have you done to prepare for the position of Fire Officer?” Another way to phrase the same question is, “How has your education, experience, and training prepared you for the position of Fire Officer?’ You can expect some type of question that seeks to gain insight on how you will support the policies, even if you do not agree with them. Know what you have done and what you want to do. PSI provides comprehensive promotion … When did you decide on this career? Also, don’t forget to ask your family members and friends for their honest opinions and evaluations on you. Promotional exams are very predictable. What do you plan to do your first day in the position, as well as in the first 30 days, 90 days, 365 days? Most candidates find questions types 1, 2 and 3 fairly straight-forward. What does our department do not-so-well? If you’re not sure about what it means to think big picture or more strategically, take the time to talk with a number of personnel in the higher ranking chief officer ranks such as fire chief, deputy chief, assistant chief and division chief, all of whom have to do that on a daily basis. Acting as if you’re in the position also means that while you are preparing, you are thinking and acting every day like the position you are testing and preparing for. Larger departments usually follow a routine schedule as they know there will be openings, while smaller departments may go several years between vacancies. By taking the time to identify the predictable fire promotional exam questions, you can take much of the guesswork and uncertainty out of the examination process. Firefighter Delivers Pledge at Inauguration, DHS Tests New Firefighter Tracking Technology. Significant weight in a promotional exam will be placed on the candidate’s technical knowledge, anticipation and adaptability abilities. Reviewing sample firefighter exam questions will help you achieve your goal of becoming a firefighter. They are entitled to their opinions and you asked them. Now when I say the most important phase of the promotional process, I’m not saying it is the most important phase as related to the position you are testing for. Number 4 creates all sorts of headaches. This is where the rubber meets the road. The oral interview is something that is the most commonly used phase of a promotional process, which is why I want to spend some time assisting candidates with preparing for the oral interview to be the best they can be. Promotional Scenario #9 High Rise – As a Ladder Company Officer assigned to a reported fire in a high-rise building, the Incident Commander assigns you and your crew to take charge of … Tell us a little about yourself and how your education, training, and experience have qualified … It is not if, but when! Onboarding New Firefighters: Avoiding Pitfalls. Would you be willing to take a 40-hour staff assignment? I’m a fan of taking the time in advance to ask yourself certain questions as I will share below, and then writing out possible answers and more importantly, rehearsing and tweaking those answers as you continue to rehearse and learn more about yourself and the position, so you can have a well-crafted answer to offer your next oral interview board. Three Charged after Party for IN Rookie's First Fire. ... Colemans Incident Management for the Street Smart Fire Officer 2nd (376 questions… This is where many candidates lose valuable time; they wait for the promotional process to get announced, or even worse, until after they apply or even find out they have passed the written examination, before starting to prepare for the oral interview. Firefighter Written Exams. Others include; civil service exam questions and answers 2015, general knowledge questions for aptitude test in nigeria, 1,000+ Nigerian Current Affairs Past Questions and Answers for 2018 aptitude tests, FG approves New promotion … The Signal Mountain, TN, Fire Department is accepting applications for the position of firefighter. As you read it you do not agree with it. You’re putting yourself in the place or position of your boss (the person you’re probably preparing for), asking them for feedback on your performance or asking for their advice, asking them why they did or did not do something (tactfully and respectfully of course), and asking them if they can ride the seat and actually do their job while they mentor and are able to directly supervise you should something go wrong or need slight correction. The Assessors will be Chief Fire Officers, or recently retired Chief Fire Officers, trained in observation skills and Assessment Center techniques. Fire Lt Promotion Test. Know what areas you are a subject-matter expert in and what which areas you want to become a subject-matter expert in. 2. As important as that studying was, passing or even acing the written examination usually won’t get you the job alone. 258 Terms. Promotional exams can be intimidating if you do not have a solid foundation. Jason Decremer and Mark Waters touch on some best practices for fire service leaders when bringing on new personnel, both career and volunteer. Know your likes and dislikes. There are so many quick hits in this book for the firefighter it is a must. Firehouse Expo’s move to Columbus provides improved education and new opportunities. Competency questions … Use that blank piece of paper or other form of note-taking device to draw a line down the middle vertically so you can start brainstorming to answer some of those above questions. 4. And what are you doing to make the weaknesses your strengths or at least improve the weaknesses? How have you prepared for the position in the way of education, training, certifications, work experience, community service, life experience, special assignments, etc. I know, easier said than done. What is your understanding of department policies or procedures? What are the biggest issues facing the fire service, or our fire department or community today? Remember to interview for the position you are testing for, not the one you’re currently filling. Multiple Choice. Aspiring Fire Officers offers online fire officer training and a fire officer course to prepare a candidate for the fire lieutenant assessment center. I want your answer to come from you; unique and personal answers are what makes a high score in the oral interview. If you are taking a promotional examination with another fire department, it is really critical that you do your research on the department as well as the community, as those may be questions asked of you to determine if you have an idea of what you’re getting into and whether you will be a good fit. The Fire Officer Essentials promotional examinations for Company Officer I, Company Officer II, and Chief Officer were developed for fire agencies to determine the extent to which candidates possess the necessary job knowledge required for success as fire … Many candidates spend hours reviewing material to prepare for the written examination. Because promotional processes can and do change, and I have seen many candidates fail promotional examinations because they focused too much on how the process was last time, when in fact had they just taken the time to prepare for the position itself, it would not have mattered what the actual events expected of them during the promotional process. Know where you have been and where you want to go. If your exam consists of an In-Basket exercise (a series of administrative and operational events that are presented to a candidate that must be managed within a certain … What is your definition of customer service and can you give examples of you providing excellent customer service in the past? When the debriefing session was occurring with all the raters, I remember the fire chief commenting he thought the overall assessment center might be flawed if all had failed. What are your 5-year goals? What is your leadership style? The exam for promotion to Battalion Fire … Sean - Building Construction as related to the fire service. Fire Chief promotional examination. Administrative challenges may include a school tour that conflicts with a scheduled station inspection. The NFPA Educational Messages Advisory Committee (EMAC) Desk Reference 2020 Edition is now available, featuring new chapters and updated messaging on multiple fire and life safety issues. Even throughout your service picking up this book for a few quick … Fire Lt Promotion Test. They needed to have the big picture view, something most firefighters and many captains have a challenging time grasping, not because they don’t want to or are incapable of doing, but because that is not what they usually have to do. Don’t restate the obvious. These tests can be stock or customized to fit your testing needs, for any rank, with an array of fire … What it comes down to is that you need to efficiently and effectively communicate your knowledge, skills and abilities to the oral interview board if you want to be successful in the promotional or hiring process. FREE On-Demand Webinar: How to Excel at Fire Department Promotional Exams - Episode 13: You failed the promotional exam or made the promotional list - but then the fire chief passed you over! You may be faced with a nail in the tire, or an air leak on the apparatus. How about an entry test. Start preparing now as you know there is an oral interview in your future. Know why you want the position. Prepare and rehearse for the most commonly asked questions. Steve Prziborowski provides five suggestions to increase your chances of acing the promotional oral interview. How do you motivate someone who is already retired in place? Too many people focus on preparing for the test; what to expect during the process and how to best prepare for each of the events they may encounter during a promotional process (written examination, oral interview, personnel counseling scenario, emergency scene simulation, etc.). 10-year goals? A Seattle firefighter-EMT was arrested and faces charges after he allegedly used a department email address to send threats to a city council member.