Breeder saw a strong demand for vermin-control animals as well as the “blood sport”arenas of the day. Its skin, meanwhile, is taut. If a bull terrier was aggressive towards the person trying to break the fight (responded by snarling or biting the person) the dog was not considered suitable for further work and/or breeding. Personality and Temperament The Bull Terrier is a playful, comical, and exuberant. Bull Terriers and Miniature Bull Terriers are fun-loving, playful dogs with appealing characters that are very loyal to their owners. Bull Terriers can be both independent and stubborn and for this reason are not considered suitable for an inexperienced dog owner. The distinction between the two varieties is their size. Early socialization will ensure that the dog will get along with … A Bull Terrier has an even temperament and is amenable to discipline. Thus, English Bull Terriers may be targeted for future "banning" in certain areas, or refusal of homeowner insurance policies. A Bull Terrier might have a preventive effect and it might defend its owner in a truly critical situation, but it isn't bred to be a guard dog. Bull terriers were first bred in the 1830s as fighting dogs, by likely crossing a bulldog with the now extinct white English terrier, and later Spanish pointers to increase their size. This is because, during dog fights, people had to be able to break the most heated fights at any moment. Although obstinate, the breed is described by the Bull Terrier Club as particularly good with people. Bull Terrier height is between 20 inches to 22 inches for male dogs and between 18 inches to 20 inches for Bull Terrier female at the shoulder. English Bull terriers were specifically bred NOT to be aggressive towards people. They were considered gladiators in the dog-fighting ring, prized for their strength and tenacity. An English Bull Terrier is a completely different breed from an American Pit Bull Terrier, but they are often lumped together by public officials and the media as potentially dangerous dogs. But beware: this affectionate, sweet-natured, and devoted breed can be mischievous or even aggressive to small animals and other dogs. The Old English Bulldog and the Old English Terrier mixed to form the first Bull Terriers. The Bull Terrier was originally bred as a combat dog, but it doesn’t look for trouble, and despite this, the new breed has a sweet disposition. Temperament. The right ratio of meat-based protein, healthy fats, and carbs, as well as an array of vitamins and minerals is the winning combination for canines. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs. Later, the bull terriers were bred with Staffordshire bull terriers, creating bullys with colors such as brown, black, red, and brindle. The Bull Terrier also has a short, flat coat and an easy, smooth gait. The short, flat coat is white or variable in colors and markings that include white, black, tan, brindle, red, fawn or a combination of these. A medium-sized dog, Bull Terrier weight withers between 55lbs to 65lbs for male dogs and between 45lbs to 55lbs for Bull Terrier female. The Bull Terrier is a product of the “bull-and-terrier” breeding programs in the early 1800s in the UK. Bull Terrier is no different than any other dog- this breed requires a well-balanced, quality diet to thrive. Courageous, scrappy, fun-loving, active, clownish and fearless, the Bull Terrier is a loyal, polite, and obedient dog. However, there is also a Bull Terrier Miniature for a family that wants a compact version of the same humorous breed. A Bull Terrier’s appearance is unmistakable: The egg-shaped head, small almond-shaped eyes and elongated muzzle are immediately noticeable on this medium-sized, muscular breed.