Traditionally speaking, there are three standard models of the communication process: Linear, Interactive, and Transactional, and each offers a slightly different perspective on the communication process. Transactional Model of Communication. •Transactional and transformational are two models of leadership that are compared most •James Macgregor Burns distinguished between the two based on loyalty of followers. 3 models of communication 1. Berlo attributes a model to him that is rooted in Aristotle’s Rhetoric and probably his Poetics (his two books on communication). Transactional model relates communication with social reality, cultural up-bringing and relational context (relationships). 3 Models ofCommunicationKillian Heraughty 09/10/12 1 2. Next, we will look at perhaps the richest explanation of the communication process, the transactional model. Linear communication occurs through media when one communicator sends information via channels such as television and radio. Media. On the other hand, Transformational Leadership is a type of leadership which becomes a reason for the transformation (change) in the subordinates. Although it provides a better picture of how communication works, even the interactive model is not perfect. The interactive or interaction model of communication, as shown in Figure 2.2.2, describes communication as a process in which participants alternate positions as sender and receiver and generate meaning by sending messages and receiving feedback within physical and psychological contexts (Schramm, 1997). The interactive model on the other hand, although similar to the linear model shows that for interaction is an element of communication. Transactional Leadership or otherwise known as management leadership, refers, to a leadership style which lays emphasis on the transaction between leader and its subordinates. similarities of transmission model and transactional model. In the transactional model, communicators can simultaneously be sender and receiver, because a message can be send back and forth between communicators. A transactional encounter is one where you're going through the motions to get the task or the discourse done. But most models trace back to Shannon & Weaver’s model inherent in their Information Theory. The purpose of a “model” is to offer a visual representation of a concept with the intent of facilitating the understanding of it. Bernard Bass further defined the two, with a slight difference of morality perspective. The interactive model on the other hand, although similar to the linear model shows that for interaction is an element of communication. Aristotle didn’t really have a communication model. One of the major missing components in this useful model is the idea that receivers and senders do not wait to provide feedback. I have no idea what the “three main models” of communication are. Definition of Communication• ‘The process of transferring information from one person to another’ Lecture Notes Definition of Love• ‘Love is an emotion of a … ... Interactive Model of Communication. In the transactional model, communicators can simultaneously be sender and receiver, because a message can be send back and forth between communicators. Interactive communication in a relationship puts everyone in control of the conversation, while linear communication only puts one person in control. Interactive model of communication. In transactional model, senders and receivers both are known as communicators and both play equally important role in communication. What are the similarities of the three main models of communication? Maybe you are texting, talking on the phone to someone else, or just dazed and confused, but the bottom line is that you're not engaged with the other person or the process.