A. Non-vegetarian diet is unacceptable in Hinduism. [1] [2] As a consequence, many Hindus prefer a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian lifestyle, and methods of food production that are in harmony with nature, compassionate, and respectful of other life forms as well as nature. does bible r quran says its okay to eat non veg food its not sin. I attended a session of a priest. If man eats non-veg, after his death he goes into hell wherein he gets forced by hell agents to eat meat of dog or his own flesh. But the point is that we should not continue to eat such food once there is vegetarian … It is recommended that you should not eat non-veg food on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and some other festival days. Hinduism is called "Sanatana Dharma" (meaning 'Eternal Law'). So why & when did section of society started eating non-veg? Many of us have questions or doubts about the choice of foods we eat. Those who were purely vegetarian and ate food for the sake of body, living were sattvic. Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one's existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. So is a tiger. It is recommended to eat vegetarian food as killing animals is considered as a sin. Today also in the east and … Many Hindu swamis advise followers to be well-established vegetarians prior to initiation into mantra, and to remain vegetarian thereafter. So as a dvija, if you eat meat, you have committed a sin and are liable for prayaschitta. Apart from the Vedic culture, many spiritually evolved souls in the history of all cultures around the world also rejected a non-vegetarian diet that makes the stomach a graveyard for animals. We don't want Buddhism, we will remain as Hindus only,and we won't giveup on eating meat. I am a Hindu and I was told that all animals have feelings as we have,they also feel happy,sad,good,bad,pain,pleasure etc.They are not numb,they also feel pain when they got hurt.My grandma told me that killing and eating an animal is a sin,we are humans not demons. We will add more information to this … But other castes in hindu religion disagreed with that point. The main reason behind not eating non-vegetarian on particular days is purely religious. So, people avoid eating meat at least on those auspicious days to maintain sacredness of that particular day. We cannot judge it. Facebook; Prev Article. Eating them should also be equally bad. Hindu scriptures give permission to have non-vegetarian food.There are many hindus who are strictly vegetarian.They think it is strictly against their religion to consume non-vegetarian food.But the true fact is that the hindu scriptures permit a person to have meat.The scriptures mentions hindu sages and saints consuming non-vegetarian ffood. Stealing in any form. Telling a lie. For this purpose they also decided not to eat meat or any kind of Non-vegetarian food. Lacto-Vegetarianism is an integral part of most schools of Hinduism although there is a wide variety of practices and beliefs that have changed over time because with the spiritual practices satvik food is more recommended by saints . Such nourishing foods … In South India, it starts from 21 July and it is called as Shravana Masa in Karnataka, Shravana Masam in Telugu. The only time you may have to eat non-vegetarian food is when you are stuck between life and death as there is absolutely no vegetarian food option left for you. Vegetarian vs Non Vegetarian in Hinduism You Become What You. 16. Priest: If you eat non-veg food, you share the karma of killing an innocent animal. Therefore, this superstition is there and it helps control the intake of non-veg food. 1 decade ago. Answer Save. The Yajur … – S.LAKSHMINARAYAN Apr 26 '16 at 13:45. 2. For a human, the story is different. And both Manusmiriti and Vedas are true in their own way. in Hinduism eating non veg is a sin according to god. Reflecting on how meat is obtained and on how embodied creatures are tied up and … Even though many of … 25 Answers. For a Man the discriminative intellect is very evolved. Anyone is eating non veg during Diwali? Hinduism prescribes that one should abstain from eating non-vegetarian and a few vegetarian food items as well during this holy month of Shravan. They are instinctively driven. The people said that "We are not ready to change for that reason. JKYog presents an eye-opening lecture by Swami Mukundananda on vegetarian diet vs non vegetarian diet. All hindus know that eating non-veg is a sin. The reason behind not eating meat on weekdays including Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays is that as a human being we need only a little amount of meat to fulfill requirements of our body such as iron, vitamin … Mythology The egg (‘aṇḍa’ in Sanskrit) appeared very early in Hindu mythology as one of the first elements of its cosmogony. Hinduism does not explicitly prohibit eating meat, but it does strongly recommend ahimsa – the concept of non-violence against all life forms including animals. Is or why vegetarian is good choice or not. A Hindu woman says, “My husband may eat non-veg food due to the influence of the western culture; but as his Hindu wife, I will never even touch meat. You may wonder why I brought sin in the … Can any living being (including humans) live without eating other life forms? This is according to bhagavata purana The answer to this question is that the Vedas prescribe a vegetarian diet for humans, which includes grains, pulses and beans, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. 17. Relevance. 15. One can never obtain meat without causing injury to living beings, he should therefore abstain from meat. All the scriptures of Hinduism focuses on "satvik bhojan" which essentially means vegetarian meals. However, as time went by, meat-eating became a more restrictive practice in both Hinduism and Buddhism. Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita never said that it is a sin to eat meat and drink alcohol and eating any food should be first offered to the Lord. The only sin of food, is according to your stomach. Are plants not living beings? Killing of animals is considered as a sin in Hinduism. Some airlines may offer a special vegetarian form of this, but this is not common. I recently wrote an article about vegetarianism during Diwali ... Hinduism is a religion that arose in the Indian subcontinent over 3500 years ago. Are you a foodie who can’t stop gorging on non-vegetarian food? Me: Plants are also living beings. Diet in Hinduism varies with its diverse traditions. I will never cook meat at … 4. As the example you have given, if we are stuck in the middle of ocean, then just to survive we may have to eat whatever is available. Non-vegetarian food results in more anger, fat and diseases. 19. Plants and animals do not commit sin in their actions because there is no will involved in their actions. Swamis have learned that families who are vegetarian have fewer problems than those who are not. Majority of Hindus in India also eat non-veg food. The HNML or Hindu Non-Vegetarian is a meal for people who follow Hindu custom. Is eating non-veg food in astrology a sin? may not purify … Shradh or Pitru Paksha is a 16-day lunar period in the Bhadrapada month of the Hindu ... Why People Abstain from Eating Non-Vegetarian Food During Shradh . If you people want to quit,then you go ahead and quit non-veg. Cow does not sit down before meals, and inquire whether it should be a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. You should not cut hair or nail on Saturdays. The ancient and medieval Hindu texts recommend ahimsa (non-violence) against all life forms including animals because they believe that it minimizes animal deaths.Many Hindus follow a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet that are in sync with nature, compassionate, respectful of other life forms.. By one estimate, 30% of all Hindus are ovo-lacto vegetarians. At the same time Manusmiriti even states eating non veg is sin. The killing of animals in Hinduism is a sin. 18. Reply of Swami: Eating the non-vegetarian food is one issue and killing a living being, ... is not a sin. Reshu Manglik New Delhi Updated on: July 21, 2017 13:08 IST . The progenitor Prajāpati, the ‘Lord of creatures’, emerged from an egg. This question comes from a deep rooted feeling that one should not kill other living beings for our food. 2 1. So if one willingly and continually commits heinous sins, the Vedic rites like gayatri japa, sandhyavandana, etc. Hinduism primarily divides human beings into three broad categories, Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. What would you eat then, stones? "The … C. Eating Non-Vegetarian Food on Saturday: This has been done in particular to control the amount of non-veg food intake. Lv 5. It’s one of those special meals that confuses a lot of people, people assume because it’s called Hindu that it’s vegetarian but the N stands for non-vegetarian. 1 decade ago. A person has to take the karma of doing or eating anything and that is it. They may not perform sacrifices, worship gods, or practice virtues such as honesty, compassion towards fellow human beings, charity, etc., but would make sure that everyone … Eating excessive non-veg food is not good for our health. There are a number of reasons Indians avoid eating eggs and non-veg during monsoons, health concerns being one of them. Chidanand. Planet Mars: The position of planet Mars at the time of birth has been given a lot of … It is considered to be the oldest living religion in the world. People avoid eating meat on an auspicious day to main the sacredness of that particular day. In North India, it starts from today and it is called as Sawan Month. Eating non-veg food is considered as a sin in astrology because of the extent of the suffering of the animal when it is being killed. There is a verse from the Upanishads: The Vedas do not purify one of bad conduct. Cold Truth. Poignant scriptural citations counsel against eating meat. But most do not insist upon vegetarianism for those not seeking initiation. Ok I don't know whether it is silly to ask or not but can someone please tell me whether non-veg is allowed in Hinduism?Actually I've been practising Hinduism only since one year and I am still very alien about the concepts related to Hinduism.i actually have a very weird religious background,my mother is a Christian,my father is a Hindu and my grandmother is a Muslim.after the divorce of … Presently, vegetarianism is a fashion and a vanity among the elite and the middle class Hindus. Can we do Mantra japa while consuming non vegetarian on a daily basis? Hindus have been pure vegetarians since times immemorial. Meals are non-vegetarian and cooked Indian style. He told us that a verse of Bhagavad-Gita says that eating non-veg food is evil. “By saying that owners cannot display items outside the shops, you are sending out a message that selling and eating non-veg food is a sin. Misappropriation or bribery. Many are trying to understand the consequences of meat-eating or non … Diet of non-vegetarian … Is it allowed by veda's for cetrain section of society like "Kshatriya's"? Hinduism is called a "way of life" instead of a religion by some of its … Hindu ideology believes that non-veg food is demoniacal and is the height of cruelty. Favourite answer. Those who relished eating, lived for the sake of food were Rajasic and those indulging in non-vegetarian food were Tamasic. He described how eating non-veg food is disfavoured in Hinduism. Most surveys, including one by the Office of Registrar General and Census …