Green is first in line to destroy artifacts and enchantments, being the creature that favors the natural wilds. Birds of Paradise is the premiere of 1-mana color-fixing. Between access to some of the best mana acceleration in the entirely of Magic: The Gathering, card drawing capabilities, and a huge slew of late game threats, it's no surprise that mono-Green decks have the capability to be quite scary in the Commander format.Green is a very multifaceted color that is capable of numerous strategies, and has a plentitude of relevant and potent commanders … Primeval Titan One of the most dominant green creatures ever, he gets you two lands (thats right even non basic) out of your deck when he comes out, AND every time he attacks. Overrun Effects ----- overrun, overwhelming stampede, kamahl, baru, craterhoof behemoth Tokens Package ----- ant queen, wolfbriar elemental, … Few creatures from Magic's very first set are as comparably powerful as these unassuming little birds. Additionally, when it dies, you place three 5/5 wurm tokens with trample onto the field, ensuring you're not left high and dry even if your opponent manages to kill Worldspine. Big. Updated Apr 24, 2012 by platinumtoofaim using our MTG Deck Builder. It embodied what edh used to be all about, big dumb creatures continously hitting the field Here’s my top 10: 10. If your group doesn't throw around wrath of god, damnation, or the like, as if it were free candy, then go for it. Generally speaking, creatures, are a hard thing to make work, but if you are going for BIG green, the tried and true method, has always been elf it up, drop the bombs. I've always loved big dumb creatures and how green just gives you giants for relatively little mana. Green. Possessing the devour mechanic, Thromok allows you to sacrifice any amount of creatures when it enters the battlefield., putting a specified amount of +1/+1 counters on it for each sacrificed creature. This Elf Shaman has useful creature types, and while a 2/1 body isn't terribly impressive, its ETB effect will disrupt your opponent's plans just fine. As for great green creatures Regal Force needs to be acquired OP, save up until you can snag it - just so powerful. When people think of the biggest creature in Magic, they always think of Emrakul.Sitting at a converted mana cost of 16, however, Draco is technically the most expensive card in Magic.Once you put him in a rainbow-color deck, Draco becomes much easier to cast, but to this day, he still one-ups all other creatures when it comes to highest converted mana cost. Green is the color of big creatures, big spells, and lots of mana. Green is king when it comes to legal gargantuan creatures. Deck. Big Green Deck (EDH) deck list with prices for Magic: the Gathering (MTG). EDH is one format where Tarmogoyf is worthless, not sure where/what games illakunsaa plays but I've never seen a game where vanilla beaters get played. The hallmark of green is large creatures, and casting them a turn earlier is a sizable advantage. I love the deck, its my first to pull out. Its no surprise then that the greatest creatures in the game comes from green. I never seem to see worldspine wurm in decks anymore which makes me sad. Every single time. Its evolved several times, had several commanders, gone from theft to clone, slowly making it more fun. A mono-green deck getting access to Llanowar Elves is huge. I've spent years building a clone EDH deck. I've made a decktech video for it for my LGS. For a comparatively low cost of 11 mana, Worldspine enters as an imposing 15/15 with trample. Gruul is a color identy that is often associated with the biggest and baddest creatures that Magic has to offer, and Thromok the Insatiable is a perfect example of why. I've tried to help others here making similar decks (though I'm new to mtg reddit). Standard has a number of good answers to big creatures, but they almost exclusively cost 4 mana.