by commanderdata Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Star Trek has produced hour and hours of great television with some fantastic characters. 8. This article lists characters in the various canonical incarnations of Star Trek. As the page was getting long, it was broken up into multiple pages to … 14 Answers. If there are any who are willing to defend the Gungan... 9 Nute Gunray. 5 Scorpio: Garak Star Trek: Discovery's need to make all things revolve around Michael Burnham and her family is not only hurting the show, but the larger Star Trek canon as well. List of Star Trek characters. But the entire crew of Deep Space Nine annoyed me immensely. 10 Most Annoying Star Wars Characters Ever 10 Jar Jar Binks. by commanderdata Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . I don't want to reveal who it is because I want to get some opinions of others first to see if I'm not alone. share. Another character from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Jadzia Dax would quickly become friends with Rick and Morty. Star Trek's answer to Jar-Jar Binks! 2. Most ANNOYING Star Trek Character 10 items ranked. Sure, Star Trek has a lot of memorable regular characters, but we have to admit these recurring players hold a special place in our heart; let's rank them, shall we? The crossword clue possible answer is available in 4 letters.This answers first … Neelix Ah yes! 5 Most Annoying Star Trek: The Next Generation Characters . Star Trek is also a very venerable franchise -- very few franchises last for over 50 years, and it looks like it could easily make it for 50 more. Everything revolves around her. Rated 3 points - posted 9 years ago by padf00t in category Television. Star Trek: 10 Annoying Characters Who Really Should Have Died . I also found Data's daughter, Lal,annoying. Lwaxana Troi If ever a woman needed to have a quantum singularity explode in her face, it was Deanna's mother. How to Play. 117 comments. RELATED: Star Trek: 5 Reasons Why Sisko Is The Best Captain (& 5 Why He Isn’t) Once that happened, he needed to keep the scales even between the material world, the non-corporeal Prophets, and the always-annoying Cardassians. If a character is annoying for one episode and then gone, I can deal with that. This crossword clue Brent Spiner's character on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" was discovered last seen in the January 26 2021 at the Daily Themed Crossword. If you’re anything like me, you used to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation at some point during your past. That means we’ve got a lot of Starfleet members to idolize, but it unfortunately also means that we’ve got a few who were less than inspirational. 1 decade ago. The best characters have often encouraged vigorous … Here is my list of the top 5 most annoying characters ever. Lv 7. Alexander(TNG) is annoying, but isn't featured in many episodes. Who is the most annoying Star Trek character. Star Trek: 10 Annoying Characters Who Really Should Have Died. 3. in TNG,DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, O.S.? Star Trek has a mixed history with teen characters, the most famous examples being the infamously annoying Wesley Crusher in TNG, and the likable, well … And speaking of hell, let’s elect an obviously evil, political, and conniving bitch as pope, shall we? save. Wesley...he must have been raised by pedophiles. Update 2: Does anyone find Janeway's voice unbearable? Key. This thread is archived. Kes on the other hand, is incredibly annoying. However, not all the characters were fantastic. As the head of the Trade Federation, it's undeniable that Viceroy Nute Gunray is a gifted and... 8 Ewoks. Most annoying Star Trek character (besides Wesley)? Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. She is the reason for everything and the final solution for everything in the show! But the wretched Gungan hardly has a monopoly on defacing the Star Wars universe. Culber (Wilson Cruz) is coming back, so that’s why we feel comfortable talking about him like the snack he is. The eighth host of the Dax symbiont, Jadzia loves to meet new people, and loves it even more when these people are different from the usual Federation types. This includes fictional main and major characters created for the franchise. However, you also probably found many, if not most, of the characters annoying at one point or another. The Most Annoying Star Trek characters Quiz Stats. Relevance. Throw in an angry group of Klingons and the Dominion, and it was always a precarious balance. I. KAI WINN. A practice we engage in frequently, for example this ranking of Law and Order characters.) When Hugh Culber’s glorious self was murdered during Season 1 of Discovery, it was a goddamn tragedy.This passionate, caring doctor and his partner Paul Stamets make up the cutest (and only openly) queer couple on Star Trek. 0. report. They say it’s lonely at the top, but not in my survey - it’s crowded as hell up here. Same with Kai Winn(DS9), she's supposed to be hateful. Q that guy was the most annoying character in the history of Star Trek. Star Trek: Discovery is taking groundbreaking steps when it comes to inclusivity, but the progression doesn't come without its stumbles. By Angie Dahl Published Jun 17, 2018. Most annoying Star Trek character? Both loved and reviled by Star Trek fans, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a spin-off of Star Trek: The Next Generation, a series which faced its own crucible of criticism from fans who weren't ready to see a new crew aboard the Enterprise. Star Trek: 10 Annoying Characters Who Really Should Have Died . I've been rewatching all of trek (again). As someone who doesn't really have many friends and have trouble with social skills, he was probably one of the most relatable characters in Star Trek along with Data(minus his intellect. Comment. A page for describing Characters: Star Trek The Next Generation Other Recurring Cast. Guinan Time to give DS9 a break. Answer Save. Update: I guess jar jar can be an annoying character if he plays in Star trek! Please consider all series, and pick the one character that you found most irritating. 89% Upvoted. Star Trek Discovery Season 3 Episode 5 gets ambitious with a first glimpse of the ultra-futuristic Federation that remains. For me it would be either Wesley Crusher or Chakotay. Let's talk about Adira and Gray. by Kes: reply 2: 02/01/2008: I liked Neelix in small doses. … Tapestry6. Comment. 10. Neelix(VOY) - he's not the most annoying character. Visit our TV forum. 1 2. Favorite Answer. The 17 Most Annoying Star Wars Characters [UPDATED MARCH 2017] Jar Jar Binks is never far from Star Wars fans minds even when he’s off-screen; and with him being in Clone Wars, he’s even harder to forget – not in a good way. Share Share Tweet Email. Star Trek: 10 Annoying Characters Who Really Should Have Died. Top 20 Strongest Characters In Star Trek, Officially Ranked. 0. From the Solar System to the Delta Quadrant and beyond, join CBR as we count down the most powerful heroes and villains in the Star Trek universe! It’s not like you need me to tell you that Jar-Jar is annoying. Some were just annoying. Star Trek: Ranking the 20 Best Recurring Characters. Unpopular opinion: Barclay is one of the most underappreciated characters in Star Trek He was always one of the characters I always liked despite of popular opinions. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . how come nobody sees what is wrong with her, seriously? Also, he's supposed to be annoying - as is Wesley. Jump to navigation Jump to search. hide . Season 2 of the CBS All Access series has been met with a decidedly warmer reception than the polarizing season 1. Share Share Tweet Email. Most annoying Star trek character? Popular Quizzes Today. 1 decade ago. 1. How come nobody ever mentions here? He basically turned the Enterprise-D into a cirrus half the time and ticked off a lot of the crew. Space may be the final frontier, but there’s no end in sight for the Star Trek universe. Popular Quizzes Today. Star Trek‘s persistent refusal to offer ... ranking every Star Trek character by lesbianism. Im not a fan of the old star trek series only watched like couple of em when i was young and going through the channels so i dont even have any expectations for Star Trek Discovery , but omfg how is it even possible to try to sell this shi7 , i mean like even kids shows that run in the mornings have better story / writing and acting . Click on up and down arrows to affect item's ranking Add item. One of the best aspects of Star Trek was how it could introduce seemingly minor characters … She is nothing but a mary sue! Now, for this list I am trying to focus on the main casts of these shows. by Kes: reply 1: 02/01/2008: Chekhov. ... most annoying character Star Trek … I have one specific character that annoyed the hell out of me. And, if you’re anything like me, you probably enjoyed the TV series overall. by Kes: reply 105: 04/03/2008: Wesley Crusher, without question. Star Trek Topic Archived; Page . I vote for Neelix. Doc ie Bones on … This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Anonymous. Can you name the The Most Annoying Star Trek characters? In its half-century history, "Star Trek" has challenged us to boldly go where no one has gone before. Let's just get the easiest pick out of the way. of 4; Next ; Last ; You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. By Michael Weyer Published Dec 28, 2018. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . She's a gambler, a drinker, and a lover of adventure, and those are three things Rick would love about her. Ezri Dax 151 points - added 9 years ago by guest - 3 comments .