wolverine watchmen leftist
These included questions like “What is your race?,” “Define fascism in your own words,” “What are your thoughts on Jews, the alt-right, America, fags, and Trump?” and “Are you ready to become active in real life and not LARP (live-action role play)?”, Those specific questions, Exoo told the workshop, had come during a written interview to join an accelerationist neo-Nazi group based in Eastern Europe. “I traveled with a medic in case I got stabbed.” She planned to take as many photos and videos as she could, gathering evidence for future investigations. One is basic information sharing, passing intel about the movement and operations of various far-right groups to racial-justice and anti-fascist organizers working on the ground. The group’s de facto leader is an activist and writer named Christian Exoo. A few years ago, Molly Conger was tracking an online troll named Daniel McMahon who for months had harassed and stalked her. “This idea of militant action has absolutely entered the mainstream of the Republican Party,” he says. “It shouldn’t be that way, but it clearly is,” German says. They put together a list of de-platforming targets that included Nick Fuentes and GiveSendGo, a Christian fundraising site used by the Proud Boys to raise legal defense funds. (A judge later sentenced Smith to two-and-a-half years in prison.). To get into some chat rooms, you had to post photos of yourself with your guns or dressed in tactical gear; for others, you went through an interview process, sometimes by phone, other times in writing. “You mostly just want to use their language of military tactics to sow confusion and dissension and paranoia, which is not hard,” Talia Lavin says. And unlike leftist slander organizations like the ADL and SPLC I currently see no evidence that these American citizens were in any way racist. Weirdly, it made little sense for Deplatform Hate to join this spot-the-Proud-Boy pile-on. “I’ve been pushed down, beaten, choked, and gassed by a variety of cops,” she says. According to an affidavit filed by Michigan State Police, the “Wolverine Watchmen” are a militia group who have recruited members using Facebook since November 2019. They had been brought together by a progressive not-for-profit to watch for and prevent election-related violence, for which they would receive a modest stipend for several weeks of work. But unlike the case in many European countries, the United States’ speech protections and criminal laws make it more difficult to investigate or arrest someone for spewing threatening and dangerous rhetoric online. It was the group’s leader, a user who went by the screenname Commander. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/michigan-kidnappers-communists Whether on the inside or outside, these people used social media to push extreme ideas and disinformation, and then monetized their audiences via livestreaming platforms and online donations. As Conger put it, “All of us doing this work live with the knowledge that maybe some guy that doesn’t like you is going to show up at our house and kill you.”. She has been doxxed, received death threats, and had at least one neighbor post harassing flyers outside her house. When Trump addressed the crowd around midday, people climbed into trees to try to catch a glimpse of him. The most effective is stoking paranoia. In militias, you have to talk about guns and what fleck patterns you like.” (Flecktarn is a camouflage pattern.) Exoo told the workshop that, when going undercover, it’s important to craft personas to inhabit. He dabbled in freelance journalism after college, but he found the work stifling, and editors weren’t interested in his pitches about the alt-right or white nationalism. “I’ve thought about those people who died every day for the past two and a half years.”, A FEW DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS, Conger received a series of screenshots taken by someone who was monitoring the Proud Boys on Parler. For as long as hate groups have used the internet to advance their cause, a loose network of journalists and activists have committed themselves to disrupting them. And then it just … didn’t happen.”. Over the next few years, she taught herself open-source intelligence through trial and error. He had also seen some early organizing under the banner of the Patriot Party, which Donald Trump has reportedly considered launching as a third party. Exoo had a Signal account with a dummy phone number ready to go, but Commander slipped up: He used his actual phone number. “We never looked at doxxing as a weapon,” he told me. Abner Hauge, the editor of the news outlet Left Coast Right Watch, is another member of Deplatform Hate. Exoo typed the user’s screen name into Google. On Christmas Day, Conger published her findings on Twitter. ), Still, she felt survivor’s guilt that on a rational level made no sense. “Their rhetoric was starting to sound like the race-war guys’.”, She followed the MAGA march as it marched to the Capitol, and was struck by how light the police presence was in the heart of America’s capital. @DeltaV_ @nytimes The Wolverine Watchmen militia. Filed under fbi , Gretchen Whitmer , michigan , militias , terrorism , … I listened as different people described what they were seeing in different corners of the internet. Another member said militia groups were planning possible operations using an online map of “Protect the Results” demonstrations that had been assembled by a number of progressive groups. And while some on the team balked at the word “doxxing” to describe this tactic, they all believed in its usefulness as a way to de-escalate, and also a necessity in situations when law enforcement can’t — or won’t — intervene. Conger noticed that @WeThePeopleWarrior’s profile picture was an illustration of an animal styled like Rambo, complete with a red headband and a rifle held across its chest. The FBI uncovered a plot by an armed militia in Michigan to kidnap Democratic Gov. Today, according to a recent analysis by the Center for Strategic International Studies, far-right extremists “operate and organize to a great extent online, challenging law-enforcement efforts to identify potential attackers,” adding that “right-wing terrorists have used various combinations of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gab, Reddit, 4Chan, 8kun (formerly 8Chan), Endchan, Telegram, Vkontakte, MeWe, Discord, Wire, Twitch, and other online communication platforms.” The need for researchers and infiltrators familiar with all of these platforms, skilled in online surveillance, and fluent in internet culture was greater than ever. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan; in a criminal complaint in the case, the feds alleged that they first took notice of two of the group’s leaders on an unnamed social-media platform, where the men had joined a group “discussing the violent overthrow of certain government and law-enforcement components.” Established, well-funded nonprofits such as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center also monitor online hate. “By identifying them publicly, we’re letting them know that if they’re going to talk like that, there’s going to be accountability.”, Other anti-extremism experts voice doubts about this approach. Accelerationists are a strain of neo-Nazis who want to start a global race war. She claims some Boogaloos and the men like the ones who wanted to kidnap Whitmer sometimes like … “We fight the police. As the conversation around the then-upcoming January 6th rally was heating up, a user named @WeThePeopleWarrior had made threatening statements about former president Barack Obama, doctors administering Covid-19 vaccines, and Chief Justice John Roberts. Last fall, the FBI arrested a group of men who dubbed themselves the Wolverine Watchmen and were planning to kidnap Gov. Anti-fascist activists and journalists are far from the only ones working undercover online. As it turned out, the Estonian police were onto Commander as well, having confronted the teenager, who claimed he cut ties with the neo-Nazi group after he was discovered. “The bomb doesn’t go off. (Cawthorn, who spoke at the January 6th rally, later said he condemned the attack at the Capitol.). “It’s a tourniquet on an open wound. Watchmen … Hopefully, the coup plotters will… He traced the fight back to the 1980s, when leftists and socialists in places like Minneapolis used dossiers, public flyers, and sometimes physical violence to keep neo-Nazis from infiltrating the punk-music scene. (McMahon used the pseudonym “Jack Corbin.”) One day, Conger noticed McMahon interacting online with someone named Robert Bowers. Exoo said he noticed that Commander had said he lived on an Estonian island with a population of about 32,000 people named Saaremaa, but there was little else about him online. Her voice caught as she talked about Bowers. In our conversations, she often leavened her stories with a dark humor; that humor was now gone. On the Zoom call, Exoo reported back on a nightly planning call hosted by the Oath Keepers, a dues-paying national militia group popular among current and former law enforcement officers. Watchmen on HBO makes that a key theme more obviously than the comic does. Often, a carefully worded question or two about the operational security of an upcoming demonstration or the possibility that law enforcement has infiltrated the group is enough to derail the plan. Because of her work, Conger is well known among the people she tracks. “The police are absolutely a white supremacist institution.”, It’s the combination of a political ideology that sees the police as a part of the problem and a fluency with online culture that puts Deplatform Hate at the leading edge of the fight against fascism and hate. None had gone out in search of neo-Nazis; more often than not, the hate had come to them — to their communities, their schools, their workplaces. “For the Boogaloo Boys, you have to know their memes and talk about guns. Critics call it just another form of doxxing, posting someone’s home address, phone number, or other personal information online in an effort to harass, intimidate, and endanger them. WOLVERINE WATCHMEN (self.USCDN) submitted 3 hours ago by USCDN OFFICIAL STATEMENT REGARDING WOLVERINE WATCHMEN: Today it was announced that the FBI had apprehended members of Wolverine Watchmen, a far-left terrorist cell. The FBI released hundreds of potential suspect photos on Twitter, asking for the public’s help with identification; a dedicated FBI tip line received more than 50,000 calls in three days. How do you even measure it? Send us a tip using our anonymous form. “The second they said his name — Robert Bowers, it’s a generic name, there are probably lots of people with the name Robert Bowers — I said, ‘Oh, no, I remember him,’ ” Conger told me. Michael German, a retired FBI special agent who worked undercover to disrupt domestic terrorism and who has been one of the loudest voices demanding the federal government pay more attention to white supremacists and other violent extremists, says citizen outfits such as Deplatform Hate have resorted to protecting themselves out of necessity because law enforcement has failed to do so. More charges coming: NEW: Michigan’s AG says more charges are coming against seven members of the militia group plotting to kidnap Whitmer and other government officials. A FEW DAYS BEFORE the 2020 election, I was sitting in my apartment when a dozen unfamiliar faces, Molly Conger’s among them, appeared on my laptop screen. 4chan, Alt-Right, Anti-Defamation League, antifa, Boogaloo Boys, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, Congress, discord, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., extremism, Georgia, GOP, hate groups, Insurrection, long reads, Madison Cawthorn, MAGA, marjorie taylor greene, Michigan, Oath Keepers, parler, proud boys, Racism, Reddit, Republican, Rudy Giuliani, Social media, southern poverty law center, Twitter, White Supremacist, white supremacy. “I am in no way a threat to the public. Famous in leftist circles! Using dummy accounts and pseudonyms, she lurks in private chat rooms and invitation-only forums used by neo-Nazis, militias, Proud Boys, and other right-wing extremists. “A lot of people got into this work because of their farmers market Nazi,” Molly Conger told me. Man of Steel 3. “My body is reacting based on past experience: This is where it gets ugly. One woman told the feds her ex-husband was one of the mob members who stormed onto the Senate floor. Gretchen Whitmer, but they were on a mission to attack the state Capitol and target police officers at their homes as part of a broader mission to instigate a civil war, authorities said Thursday in announcing felony charges against … The FBI does it, as do state and local law-enforcement agencies. Exoo said he persuaded Commander to move the group to the popular encrypted-messaging app Signal. Devin Burghart, executive director of the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights who has tracked the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis since the early 1990s, says one of the biggest challenges of this work is keeping up with the far right’s constantly changing tactics, whether by moving to different platforms or devising new ways to recruit members. “These suburban dads are talking about murdering journalists, murdering Nancy Pelosi, hanging Chuck Schumer,” she told me. Hoffman told The Washington Post his Parler account had been hacked and he didn’t write the posts in question. As Trump egged on his supporters — “if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore” — Conger watched the people around her, masked guys in tactical gear next to dads with kids and senior citizens with Trump flags, whip one another into a frenzy. He said he keeps Post-it notes around his laptop screen to remind him about various details of the “characters” he uses. The group was so new, it didn’t yet have a name; it later settled on Deplatform Hate. Wolverine Watchmen is a part of the Michigan Militia, which is paramilitary organization that’s been around since the mid-1990s. The police are absolutely a white supremacist institution” — Christian Exoo, For Christian Exoo, the problem isn’t whether law enforcement has enough tools to stop white supremacism and fascism; it’s that the FBI and the police have a long history of actively enforcing the country’s racist hierarchy and suppressing progressive activists and movements. “A lot of it is just learning the handshakes of these different worlds,” he told me. It identified 276 in 2015, up from 202 in 2014. A few days later, The New York Times reported the FBI had arrested a 24-year-old Army soldier based at Fort Riley named Jarrett William Smith who had discussed plans to attack a major news network and shared bomb-making instructions. On a Friday afternoon in December, I joined one of Exoo’s workshops. Exoo said he found a William Smith in Kansas’ voting records, compiled all his research, and sent it to Harper. In the days afterward, the staggering volume of content to come out of the Capitol insurrection fueled a nationwide dragnet for anyone who had participated. His dad was a professor and his mom a lawyer who served on the board of the local rape crisis center. Cantwell later pleaded guilty to assaulting Gorcenski and was banned from Virginia for five years. National groups. "The Wolverine Watchmen militia group didn't just plot to kidnap Gov. One of the first hits was a public Instagram account in Kansas that belonged to a William Smith. He is particularly interested in hearing any tips you have. Hauge recently told me that after they’d been doxxed by the far right, they now keep a gun on their desk for self-protection. Reach out at [email protected], Lauren Boebert mocked for not knowing how the Constitution works, No, Ted Cruz didn’t tweet he’d ‘believe in climate change when Texas freezes over’, Madison Cawthorn can’t believe it’s ‘legal’ for the Vatican to self-govern, Donald Trump Jr. blames Texas’ ‘Democratic’ governor for power failures—he’s a Republican. You can read the FBI’s allegations here. David Covucci is the senior politics and technology editor at the Daily Dot, covering the nexus between Washington and Silicon Valley. She anticipated some of those people being in the crowd on January 6th, and with her buzz-cut blond hair and slight build, Conger feared she would be easily recognizable. WHEN MOLLY CONGER RETURNED to her car on January 6th, she had gotten what she’d come for. They’ve studied books on open-source intelligence by experts such as former FBI official Michael Bazzell to avoid exposing the wrong person. The account featured a selfie of a young man in Army fatigues, the name “SMITH” visible on his uniform. Exoo said he traced the phone number to a Snapchat account opened in Commander’s name, plugged the name into Facebook, and got a hit: a profile for a pimple-faced, smiley, 13-year-old who lived in Saaremaa’s largest city. Take JJ MacNab, a fellow at George Washington, she helped start the blather about Boogaloo and the Wolverine Watchmen as right-wing. At the base of the Capitol, she finally peeled away from the crowd and watched as the mob fought past the outnumbered police force and ransacked the seat of American democracy. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identified 334 militia groups at their peak in 2011. By late January, the liberal group that helped launch Deplatform Hate had raised more funds, and team members were making plans to ensure its long-term sustainability. “Nobody has deputized these individuals, so whose authority are they working under and who is holding them accountable?” German, now a fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, told me. A few weeks later, the Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory warning that the country would continue to see incitements or actual violence by “ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition.”, Christian Exoo photographed by Damian Battinelli in February 2021.
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