plant nursery certification
INTERSTATE ORIGIN INSPECTION/PRECLEARANCE. In the case of emergency appeals, the time periods specified will have to be shortened to meet the 30 day timeframe specified in part A. Wildey (editor). Are there natural enemies present in the area of concern or which could be introduced to effect acceptable control? (I) PALMS, PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 38, 44 and 670 and 670 1-6743 of the Food and Agricultural code, State of Timbuktu, applicant must complete the following questions for the purpose of obtaining license(s) to engage in the business of selling nursery stock. Unlawful activities (i.e., those subject to legal remedies including prosecution, incarceration, fines or civil penalties) should be statutory while administrative remedies (such as license suspensions and revocations; holding plant material off sale; authorization, and suspension and revocation of nursery stock certificates) should be in the form of rules or regulations. The fact is recognized that any quarantine is likely to be criticized from time to time, and sometimes seriously so. Targeted pests typically are viral, bacterial, and other plant pathogens; plant disorders; and soil-borne pests such as nematodes. Selection – Certain of the risk mitigation measures alone might reduce the risk to an acceptable level. Once an exotic pest is found, additional visual survey or trapping is performed to determine if an infestation exists; and, if so, how extensive it is. 27 p., Chappell, M., J. Williams-Woodward, A. V. LeBude, A. Fulcher, S. White, S. Frank, and J. Neal. Certain agencies might choose to license those who sell seed, sellers of indoor decoratives at retail, and those who sell cut Christmas trees.). Any person who sells plant materials of his or her own production for planting only within the county where grown and the annual value of stock so produced does not exceed a specific dollar value specified in law. If the importing country’s or state’s requirements cannot be met by the phytosanitary certification agency, phytosanitary certificates must not be issued. “Regulated article” means anything the movement of which is governed by a quarantine or any other law. Several independent control measures or best management practices can be utilized to limit this pest hazard in a nursery (Table 2). The Division of Plant Industry is responsible for providing protection to Florida's native plant species that are classified as endangered, threatened, or commercially exploited. A systems approach for management of pests and pathogens of nursery crops. Inspection would be required at such locations and states that fund their work through license fees would have landscaper holding yards as an additional source of revenue. The Division of Plant Industry has developed a procedure to allow the restricted harvesting of protected species from the wild to encourage the propagation of native species and to prevent the wanton destruction of Florida's native plant populations. Registration is separated between Exempt and Non-Exempt Nurseries. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL NURSERY STOCK “License” – a document issued by a state regulatory agency authorizing any person to engage in the nursery business at a particular location under a specified business name. D. Risk Assessment 1. A red sticker is applied to parcels that contain plant material to signal that they must be held for agricultural inspection upon arrival. Most state agencies operate diagnostic laboratories that provide timely and accurate professional technical support for their quarantine enforcement, pest detection, pest eradication, nursery inspection, and seed regulatory activities, as well as for the performance of tests for phytosanitary certification purposes. Pest Freedom Standards – All determinations of compliance should be based on visual inspection. If the stock does not meet quarantine requirements, a quarantine rejection notice should be issued alternatively specifying return out-of-state, destruction, or treatment to eliminate the pest (if feasible). Online horticultural courses and classes are … 14 p. “Noxious weed” – any species of plant which is, or is liable to be, troublesome, aggressive, intrusive, detrimental, or destructive to agriculture, silviculture, or important native species, is difficult to control or eradicate, and which a plant protection agency designates by law to be a noxious weed. Agencies and their official representatives that issue phytosanitary certificates are obligated to conduct themselves in conformance with what has become accepted to achieve impartiality. A copy of the nursery list should be made available upon request. c) The appeal to the NPB chairperson is accompanied by a showing (facts and rationale) that the actions or requirements are unnecessary, biologically or scientifically unsound; or otherwise inappropriate or inconsistent with the NPB’s plant quarantine and nursery program guidelines. Each year, plant inspection personnel issue thousands of phytosanitary certificates for Florida-produced agricultural commodities destined for more than 90 foreign countries, and inspect and certify plants and plant products for export to other states. For Surface Pests – Surface pests include aphids, ants, mealybugs, mites, scales, snails and other invertebrate pests, and nematodes and weeds in containers. A best management practice is a method or technique found to be the most effective and practical means in achieving an objective (such as preventing or minimizing a pest infestation) while making the optimum use of the nursery resources. ), Copyright 2014 NPB | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, Plant Quarantine, Nursery Inspection, and Certification Guidelines, Framework for a Systems Approach to Nursery Certification, Figure 1 – Global Animal and Plant Pest Prevention Perspective, Figure 2 – Pest Risk Analysis and Mitigation, Figure 4 – Quarantine Pest Identification, Figure 5 – Selection of Risk Mitigation Measures, Figure 6 – Nursery Stock Shipping Requirements, C. National Plant Board Principles of Plant Quarantine, F. Basic Provisions for Inclusion in Quarantines, L. Interstate Origin Inspection and Preclearance Programs, D. Nursery Stock Registration and Certification Programs, E. Interstate Origin Inspection and Preclearance Programs, Interstate Origin Inspection Program Certificates, I. Comments should be received back within 14 working days. The issue of impartiality is critical because growers, packers, shippers, exporters and others involved in commercial transactions for economic or other reasons question why they are not allowed to perform certain work that is prerequisite to or which will serve as a basis for phytosanitary certification. Enforcement at the point of origin can be more efficient and effective. (Consider biological requirements in relation to climate, available hosts, human activities, microhabitats, etc.) Definition – Plant pest control means (in this instrument) the employment of a publicly supported program to eradicate, retard the spread of, or to reduce the level of loss resultant from a plant pest. Where such authority does not exist, it should be sought. HACCP and pest control. –     Address(es) and Acreage(s) of all growing areas: Number and Street or Road (not P.O. Any solid background color may be used provided that the printing on it is of sufficient contrast that there is good legibility. INTRODUCTION: The Systems Approach to Nursery Certification (SANC) is an enhanced strategic methodology to meet the many challenges in the movement of plants within the environment of regulatory agriculture and business activities. Washington, D.C. 18 p., Canadian Nursery Certification Institute. As in the case of other methods for determining compliance with quarantine requirements, many factors are involved. For example, a state official often issues a state phytosanitary certificate for conversion to a federal phytosanitary certificate at the port of export. Use on Commercial Shipments – No interstate nursery stock certificate or interstate origin inspection/preclearance nursery stock certificate shall be used: Use on Noncommercial Shipments – State governmental nursery inspection agency representatives may affix an interstate nursery stock certificate on noncommercial shipments of plants not subject to quarantine restrictions which they inspect and find to be in compliance with National Plant Board nursery stock pest freedom standards. Interstate origin inspection programs can be developed to achieve compliance with both quarantine and product quality standards. (This requirement is to facilitate inspection at USPS points of arrival. Would the presence of the pest reduce the yield, quality, or shelf life of the affected crop(s)? Quarantines should be written as clearly and concisely as possible. The shipper should be made responsible for pest exclusion, monitoring, treatment, record-keeping for treatments and shipping, and the proper use of special certificates. Basic Provisions for Inclusion in Quarantines. Any questions? H. Interstate Origin Inspection Program Certificates “Agricultural commodities” – plant products including any horticultural product. The USDA federal phytosanitary certificate is modeled after and consistent with the FAO model phytosanitary certificate which is accepted by all the countries that subscribe to the IPCC. Such trends place a greater strain and level of expectation on federal, state and local regulatory programs. It is important to recognize that the purpose of this paragraph is to point out the danger inherent in a quarantine which, though presumably intended for control of a pest or similar purposes, is actually based on another objective, such as furtherance of trade. Political subdivisions include counties, parishes or municipios (in Mexico), and cities or municipalities. “Methods other than phytosanitary measures” – include plant registration and certification programs, nursery stock and other commodity pest freedom standards, special permits, compliance agreements, etc. In food safety, the most common CCP is cooking, where food safety managers designate critical limits, e.g., for poultry, minimum internal temperature is 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds. A Nursery Growers Certificate is for any place where nursery stock is grown for sale. By mutual agreement, Federal regulatory agencies may participate with State regulatory officials in the enforcement of Uniform State Quarantines and State Interior Quarantines directed against pests of regional or national significance. For example, California law provides specific authority for their use and makes failure to comply with the terms of a compliance agreement subject to a $10,000 civil penalty. Definitions – Pertinent definitions from the model laws should be incorporated into any set of nursery inspection statutes, regulations or rules. In calculating the cost-benefit relationship of a program, significant adverse effects on nontarget organisms or on the environment will be included in the evaluation. Anonymous. The basic purpose of nursery inspection programs is to assure compliance with standards of pest freedom for quality pests. The NPB quality control is that each certifying agency must assure: Foreign Exports – The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has the primary responsibility for foreign export phytosanitary certification functions in the United States and provides the main interface with foreign plant protection entities and regional plant protection organizations. Growers must register as a Plant Grower. Continuing education is a valuable component to ensure an inspector’s knowledge of changes in pests, survey strategies, control methods and regulations remain current. It is desirable to achieve a risk mitigation measure that represents the least drastic action in terms of interference with the movement of people, goods, and vehicles. (An organism not commonly considered a pest may, under certain conditions become damaging, and may then be designated a pest by appropriate authority.).
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