rolling stones vs led zeppelin
According to John M.'s post Rolling Stones fans are claiming that the Stones outsold Led Zeppelin in the 1970s but then more people bought Led Zeppelin albums later on. Rightfully so. I'll have to dig to find the articles that investigate this topic...I remember there was raised eyebrows at how much the Eagles leapfrogged over everyone. Aug. 31, 1973 Goat's Head Soup: 3 million. Even what some would consider to be fillers (Living Loving Maid, Hats Off, The Crunge, and Hot Dog) were still well constructed, excellent songs. Led Zeppelin Vs The Rolling Stones Vs The Beatles as musicians(not counting influence). MT knew this, it's a large part of why he quit the Stones in such the "fuck you" manner he did (three days before they started recording Black And Blue). They are another overrated bunch of noise makers. Elvis Presley - 156 Million Units 3. Whoo!. Gold in 1973. They seem 100 years old. Oct. 2, 1970 Get Yer Ya Ya's Out: 1 million. I like all music types and have no problem stretching boundaries within a particular genre, but Brooks just diluted country to such a point it was no longer country. Jimmy Page has responded to recent comments regarding Led Zeppelin made by Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Now my project will entail both 1975 and 1979 as well as curiosities I noticed regarding Led Zeppelin III and Presence...stay tuned. June 9, 1978 Some Girls: 6 million. Most of his early records aged well. It's like TV at the time. As you pointed out, no one can sing as good on record or live as Elvis did. I bought the "Brown Sugar" single, just as I bought the "Immigrant Song" and "Black Dog" and "Whole Lotta Love" singles. Suzi is, IMO, the most underrated rock musician period, just for her influence alone. I will now do a year-by-year comparison that proves that Led Zeppelin outsold the Rolling Stones head-to-head in the 1970s and that Led Zeppelin's fan base has been deeper and more passionate and kept the flame alive more than the Rolling Stones, who draw millions of fans in concert because of their celebrity and their status as the last 1960s classic rock band standing but those fans show little interest in buying Stones albums. The popular formula in England in this, the aftermath era of such successful British bluesmen as Cream and John Mayall, seems to be: add, to an excellent guitarist who, since leaving the Yardbirds … It's like TV at the time. Led Zeppelin is in my top five but it's easily The Rolling Stones. Michael Jackson and AC/DC are down in the 80-85 million range. "you gotta move" I would class as filler on Sticky fingers. I believe this is what sets Zeppelin apart from their contemporaries. I like the rolling Stones... but I love Zeppelin. June 6, 1975 Made In the Shade (another compilation): 1 million. The Stones have good songs but I like Zeppelin's catalog alot more. I don’t rate anything the Stones have done since Mick Taylor left. That expression came about in the early seventies, it was aimed at fans of T Rex, Slade, The Sweet, that slime ball paedophile Glitter, Suzi Quatro too maybe. They were pioneering along with Dylan, Hendrix, and the Beatles. 2x platinum in 1989. Plus while the stones have put out some uhh questionable material I could probably never listen to In through the out door and barely notice. Well, yes but that sort of reasoning gives short shrift to how massive Led Zeppelin were in both record sales and concert box office. "One Hit (to the Body)," a Top 40 Rolling Stones hit from 1986, features the Led Zeppelin co-founder on lead guitar.The song's Russell Mulcahy-directed music video, above, shows Keith Richards skulking around an industrial, Mad Max … 2x platinum in 1990. 5x platinum in 1990. And musical copyright continues to be a hot-button issue, affecting everyone from Madonna, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran and Lana Del Rey to the mighty Led Zeppelin. 12x platinum in 1999. Elvis has had a cult reputation here in the UK for years The remix of "A Little Less Conversation" credited as Elvis V JXL  was number one for 4 weeks in 2002. it is mainly built around the Sun record period and some of the late 1960 tracks such as "Suspicous Minds". They have better bonus material then the LZ reissues... Btw. A better way of putting it is Zeppelin always were and always planned to be an album orientated band so the entirety of each album was filled with strong material, no fillers. He gets by as a rock and roller, but he can't sing. So how do his album sales add up since, say, 1980? Except for Garth Brooks and the Eagles. Shit, when he had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel in June of 77' he delivered one of the greatest vocal performances of his life with his rendition of Unchained Melody on June 21st (ironic huh) in Rapid City. For me, Zeppelin and the Stones can't be compared. If Mick 'n Keith were being completely honest, by my own estimation Mick Taylor should have gotten at least half a dozen or so in addition to "Ventilator Blues": "Sway, "Moonlight Mile", "Winter", "Till The Next Goodbye", "Time Waits For No One"- tracks where I can actually hear Taylor's compositional style there not to mention how he really was an active collaborator with Jagger when Keith was too out of it to show up. 6x platinum 2000. I was born in 74 and there was still plenty of Stones being played on the radio as I was growing up, but to my ears it sounded, shall we say, "black and white" while Zeppelin sounded "in color", if you know what I mean. Three of their 10 million-plus sellers are compilations...Beatles 1964-66, Beatles 1967-70, and #1s. Worldwide sales was a crapshoot until fairly recently because of several reasons. Gold in 1971. Gold in 1970. the Stones were way better songwriters. Zepplin might have become that, however, they weren't around long to. The Stones started earlier and in the early days did not have the control they would gain later on, plus, they were still a product of the early 60's when you HAD to have a single so that was the focus. Led Zeppelin I engineer Glyn Johns discussed The Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger and The Beatles guitarist George Harrison reacting to the Mighty Zep in a new SiriusXM interview. Auto-Save Draft feature temporarily disabled. Gold and Platinum in 1976. In My Humble Opinion it's not even close... "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Yeah I never liked Elvis, love the Beatles though. Dec. 15, 1971 Hot Rocks 1964-71: 12 million. Same, and on of my biggest arguments against the Rolling Stones is that Jimmy Paige actually had a good voice and range while Mick Jagger was well, nicely put not the best technical singer, and in addition to that fact the Rolling Stones hired countless musicians to play in the studio while Zeppelin played all of their stuff. Not in the slightest. Become a Member Today to Receive Exclusive Access, Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04, By Platinum in 2000. In case you have not noticed, I hate Garth Brooks. And BTW, The Fourth Doctor was the Best Doctor, Tom Baker is the man! He was on top of his game till the end. I think the Stones are way overrated and I think you had to be there at the time to see the Stones as equal or better than Zep. 2021-02-13T01:06:19Z Comment by Jason E. Sarmi. Led Zeppelin - Here are the Top Twelve in sales according to 1. I was born in 74 and there was still plenty of Stones being played on the radio as I was growing up, but to my ears it sounded, shall we say, "black and white" while Zeppelin sounded "in color", if you know what I mean. Jan. 11, 1969 LZ I: 8 million. Gold in 1971. Gold in 1973. I want the Beatles and Led Zeppelin over the Stones, yet it rather is rather basically a depend of non-public opinion. Okay, I am home and have my research notes in front of me. Let's put these figures under a microscope. There is filler on some . I think Zeppelin is far superior to the Rolling Stones in every way imaginable. I'm not much into their stuff pre Tommy as it's too teeny bopperish, but I won't deny the giant leap they made into rock genius with Tommy, Quadrophenia, and Who's Next. Robert Plant's shitty fucking lyrics and "Oh Babys" are sounding pretty cringe worthy to me these days. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. the Stones were way better songwriters. "Feel it rising, yeah next stop falling!". the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin both released 8 studio albums from Dec 1968 to August 1979. Led Zeppelin outsold the Stones in album sales in the 1970s...and beyond. " And as for the songwriting, well, that's why the Glimmer Twins have fucked so many other real collaborators over over the years, they don't like sharing the bucks. 3x platinum in 2000. I have been researching this stuff for the past year. 3x platinum 2000. While I'm on it, please let me trash The WHO for a moment. Plus The Stones did record my favorite album of all time, "Sticky Fingers". Richards wrote some killer riffs in his day. I've definitely heard that term used to describe kids in the 60s. Of those 48, 42 went on to go Platinum (1,000,000 sold), 26 went multi-platinum, and 6 sold 10 million or more (The Diamond award). He did to country what Metallica did to metal, making it a worldwide, mainstream genre. Garth Brooks In case you were wondering, the one Led Zeppelin release that failed to go platinum was the Boxed Set Volume 2 released March 19, 1993. Zeppelin are better virtuoso players than the Stones but The Stones are better songwriters than Zeppelin. Shows from 64-67 were in black and white and today, they seem so old fashioned. if you take both bands peak (generally regarded as I-IV for led zep and I think it's mostly agreed beggar's banquet through the early 70s with teh stones) I'd take the stones, I think Sticky Fingers is better than any LZ record. Elvis Presley 4. No one else is close to 100 million. And the Stones knew it...and the professional jealousy! Yes, the Stones, Beatles, Doors - they seem to me like the first three Doctors on Doctor WHO, all of which were in black and white, while Zeppelin is the Fourth Doctor in color! What about the Beatles, you ask? A shame as those were great bands / musicians. Yes, he took country literally destroying country music and turning it into pop music with a shitty twang. ", my personal preference of these two bands is Led Zeppelin. that is rather not common to verify the Stones and the Beatles to Zeppelin for me, only with the aid of fact they have been stylistically so distinctive. 4x platinum in 1990. But the shows that came out in color in the early 70s, while just a few years newer (really they are in the same handful of years), seem so much more modern. Gold in 1970. The main ones being that outside of Europe, Japan, and the English speaking countries there was no real rock n roll market of significance and there was no legitimate, dependable system in place to reliably count worldwide sales. Gold in 1973. The Stones don't sell that many albums and whatever they do sell, Mick and Keith get all the money because they alone are credited as the songwriters and get the publishing royalties. Not only was his voice crystal clear but his emotion and delivery was unmatchable, on par with Judy Garlands 1955 performance of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and Maria Callas 62' performance at Covenant Garden. both have amazing riffs and I think John paul Jones never gets near enough credit but Stones baby. 6x platinum in 1997. Yeah, like I said, as much as I'm a big a Stones fan as a Zeppelin fan, IMO the Stones really are just too much of an 'acquired taste' for many people to be huge record sellers. That's why we don't all drink at the same time, there'd be no-one alive to drive home...". 4x platinum in 1990. If you don't dig his music, fine. Led Zeppelin: 18 of 19 platinum (94.7%), 14 multi-platinum (73.6%), 5 diamond (26.3% - highest percentage of everyone). 8x platinum in 1997. 1 million. I always thought when Guns N' Roses came out with "Appetite For Destruction" it was the perfect mix of The Stones and Zeppelin. The Rolling Stones have released way more albums than Led Zeppelin, having got a head start in the 1960s. Garth Brooks - 148 Million Units 4. So if you take Striders numbers LZ vs. Stones, it shows Zep's strategy of not releasing singles paid off. But the shows that came out in color in the early 70s, while just a few years newer (really they are in the same handful of years), seem so much more modern. The Rolling Stones are at #14 with 66.5 million albums sold. As you can see, many of the Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones albums haven't had their sales updated since the 1990s, so these figures are likely to change. I've never known big love for Zep, off this board. 4x platinum 1997. I still get asked for Elvis. As well as the fact that musically and lyrically Zeppelin is just. So Led Zeppelin's two albums in 1969 combined to sell 20 million while the Rolling Stones two albums combined to sell 3 million. Not in my book. Consider Led Zeppelin's most successful single, "Whole Lotta Love". Gold in 1969. Gold in 1969. "I'm not suicidal, except when I drink. They are another overrated bunch of noise makers. "Whole Lotta Love" was Led Zeppelin's biggest selling single and Led Zeppelin II was their biggest selling album until Led Zeppelin IV came along, and even then it finished the decade as their second highest selling album. The Rolling Stones accomplished eight number one songs and Led Zeppelin had one top ten hit. I do think these 2 bands are the best to come out, way better than the Beatles. But Garth Brooks and the Eagles (and their management) are two of the most aggressive groups in pushing for sales certifications. While I'm on it, please let me trash The WHO for a moment. Cuyahoga Falls 98, Columbus 00, Cleveland 03, Columbus 03, Toledo 04, Grand Rapids 04, Kitchener 05, Cleveland 06, Cincinnati 06, Washington DC 08, Philadelphia IV 09, Columbus 10, Cleveland 10, Chicago 13, Pittsburgh 13, Cincinnati 14, Chicago (1) 16, Chicago (2) 16. I'd even wager that Elvis Presley's profile is higher worldwide than Led Zeppelin's. Things slowly got better: Rolling Stone’s Lester Bangs gave a mixed review to Led Zeppelin III, and future Patti Smith Group guitarist Lenny Kaye raved about Zeppelin IV in 1971. Oct. 1, 1976 The Song Remains the Same: 4 million. NorthShoreBlues, So because they focused on the whole album vs. a couple of strong singles and F the album, they sold a shit-ton of albums. I'm a bigger Zeppelin fan. I bought many of the Elvis reissues. As far as innovative gies, maybe the Stones weren't as innovative as Zepplin, give you that, but just pure raw, rock n' roll, it's hard to beat them. Late 1972 More Hot Rocks (another compilation): 500,000. Rolling Stones vs. 11x platinum in 1999. Zeppelin comes out ahead of them all by a mile. Gold in 1975. Zeppelin could shred the Stones under the table, but Zeppelin never wrote anything as gorgeous as "Wild Horses." Here are the all-time Top 5 selling artists in the U.S. according to the current RIAA chart. 6x platinum in 1997. Shows from 64-67 were in black and white and today, they seem so old fashioned. Yes, the man is a legend, but that music is mostly lost in the era. I am surprised at the Garth Brook figures. He is embedded in American Culture and a foundation of music that you can't escape and have to confront eventually, along with Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Hank Williams, Chuck Berry. Stream Led Zeppelin vs Rolling Stones, Chemical Brothers, ACDC, Aerosmith, RHCP, Queen (by Dj schmolli) by mixes and mashups #37 from desktop or your mobile device Genre Mashup Comment by Brian Comstock. This is more of a celebration than a competition. Even taking away the later certifications, if we just go by the RIAA's first round of updating sales in the 1980s, Led Zeppelin's 1969 albums had outsold the Rolling Stones 1969 albums 9 million to 3 million. × The Stones. FYI: The Platinum award was not created until 1976 so albums released before then were certified Gold after selling 500,000 copies but then not certified Platinum until the 1980s when the RIAA did their first reclassifications to update the sales tallies. Off the top of my head, I think I only actually like about 10 Rolling stone's songs (I have a feeling, I'm about to get reemed, PJ: 10/14/00 06/09/03 10/4/09 11/15/13 11/16/13 10/08/14, "I know I was born, and I know that I'll die, but in between is mine..." Ed, yeah they came first. Led Zeppelin vs. Rolling Stone Even as they were conquering the world in the early 1970s, Zeppelin had a notoriously contentious relationship with this magazine I love both bands. Take out compilations and their Diamond albums shrink from 6 to 3. Gold in 1974. March 2, 1976 Presence: 3 million. If you take out the compilations, then Led Zeppelin rises to 100% on multiplatinum releases and nearly 50% on Diamond releases...far far higher than any other band. Led Zeppelin had a much higher ratio of multiplatinum releases than the Rolling Stones. in the digital age), while the Stones have not. I like them alot, but would never place them on Pearl Jam's level. Certified Gold in 1969. The Rolling Stones' one diamond album is "Hot Rocks 1964-71" released December 15, 1971. 5x platinum in 1989. Please be sure you manually save your post by selecting "Save Draft" if you have that need. Garth Brooks: 31 of 31 platinum (100%), 17 multi-platinum (54.8%), 8 diamond (25.8%). In percentages that means 87.5% of the Beatles albums went platinum, 54.1% went multi-platinum, and 12.5% went diamond. that's a far greater battle. Not in my book. I think if you grew up with the Stones and The Who and you were into it in school before Zeppelin came along, then okay, you might still carry that nostalgia around with you today and no one can take that away from you, but I think they are two of the most overrated bands ever. Good post about Elvis, the man is "The MAN" all over the world, a damn icon. It is the only way guys like Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood can get paid. Aug. 21, 1969 Through the Past Darkly (a greatest hits compilation): 1 million sold. Randy Travis was really the last of the true country artists IMO. Zep had the ability to consistently produce excellent material, album after album over the entirety of each album. For me, Zeppelin and the Stones can't be compared. They seem 100 years old. I think if you grew up with the Stones and The Who and you were into it in school before Zeppelin came along, then okay, you might still carry that nostalgia around with you today and no one can take that away from you, but I think they are two of the most overrated bands ever.
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