loyal retainer archetype examples
Being the prime archetype of a loyal retainer, Wigwam’s heroic actions not only provide assistance to his king, but also reflect Beowulf bravery, nobility, and honor. our expert writers, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn Their heroism usually goes unnoticed until the greatest times of need, and their role becomes the defining moment of a great victory. Archetypes are persuasive in the epic poem Beowulf. An easy example of the siren or temptress archetype can be found in Homer's ancient epic, "The Odyssey," in which there are literal sirens whose beauty and music lure sailors to their deaths. Friendly Beast, Hunting Group or Loyal Retainers 10 points. The vivid language used in the poem illustrates Grendel as a monster. Retrieved from http://studymoose.com/archetypes-in-beowulf-essay. In the film The Lord of the Rings, Sam Games embodies the archetypical character of Frond Baggie’s loyal retainer during their dangerous journey to save the world from the evil Mirror. How to work from home: The ultimate WFH guide; Feb. 10, 2021. escape from the dragon, morning is dawning suggesting. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. According to Carl Jung's analytic psychology, the shadow archetype represents "the dark side" of your personality. For the duration of the novel, he acts as role model to Beowulf consoling him to achieve greatness. The friendly beast is an animal or other creature that accompanies the hero throughout his journey. This character is Hagrid from Harry Potter. The lord of the Rings. (2016, May 21). Reader view Mulan. In the myth of Medusa, Poseidon took medusa’s virginity forcefully in the temple of Athena, had the blame put on her, and she was terribly punished. Archetype Paper-Loyal Retainers Made Heroes. The Loyal Retainers: C3PO, R2D2 & Patroclos. For example, one of the most common literary archetypes is the Hero.The hero is generally the protagonist of a narrative and displays ubiquitous characteristics such as courage, perseverance, sacrifice, and rising to challenge. When Shrek and donkey. spam or irrelevant messages, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. R2D2 and C3PO, the loyal droids, are good examples of this archetype. Loyal Retainers often exhibit the wisdom as they accompany the hero on the journey. The second portrayal of Walla’s role s the loyal retainer comes during the fight with the dragon “when Beowulf needs him most, Walla shows his courage, his strength and skill, and the boldness he Is born with,” as he risks his own life to defend the tired king (106). He also stays with Beowulf when his last breath is taken. Loyal Retainers 21. The ideas in this essay matters to the world because as according to Carl Jung people from all over the world respond to certain myths or stories in the same way not because everyone knows the same story but because lying deep in our collective unconsciousness are the racial memories of humanity’s past. models and often serve as father or mother figure. These archetypes can be … Other character archetypes include the creature of nightmare (Grendel), loyal retainers (Ron and Hermione to Harry Potter) and star-crossed lovers (Romeo and Juliet… The Loyal Retainers – This is actually a group of characters who are the “sidekicks” of the protagonist and their sworn duty is to protect the their leader. The Creature of Nightmare is a monster from the deepest darkest part of the human psyche. We'll not send Archetype Paper-Loyal Retainers Made Heroes compared between Beowulf, The Lord of the Rings, and current leaders in today’s society By Crewing “The best servant does his work unseen,” stated by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir. The Creature of Nightmare, The Mentor, and The Loyal Retainer are common experiences in the human psyche. He’s also depicted as “a fiend out of hell/ (100)”. (Sam in The Lord of the Rings, Watson to Sherlock Holmes) Hunting Group of Companions: loyal companions willing to face any number of … His optimism and hope never waver. These are The Creature of Nightmare Grendel, The Mentor Hrothgar, and The Loyal Retainer Wiglaf. Throughout Beowulf, Grendel’s actions and description accurately fits the archetype. Beowulf is unmatched in battle while the king who exhibits wisdom isn't able to fight. The archetype, Loyal Retainer, is effective and intriguing because there’s always somebody that is there for another person in life to protecting them and be loyal. Sources. Their duty is to protect the hero. There are three archetypal characters in Beowulf that are particularly effective and intriguing. / (1724-1725)” and “Do not give way to pride. It’s easy to overlook him but Hagrid turns out to be Harry’s rescuer and first real friend. Ponyboy protected Johnny and stood by his side. Hrothgar depicts this archetype when he talks to Beowulf about life and how to be a good king. They embody universal meanings and basic human experiences and can evoke ... (often demonstrated by Loyal Retainers) He is a lowly gardener for Frodo, basically his servant and he becomes one of the greatest support heroes in literature. Through all facets of literature, film, fife and its experiences, archetypes of loyal retainers appear as underlying roles of a greater picture. Ron and Hermione are perfect examples of loyal retainers. Even though Sam did not know how to swim, he further exemplifies his role as a loyal retainer when he Jumps Into the river to chase after Frond, who was about to take on this lonely and dangerous journey by himself. Evil Adversary 10 points. These individuals are like the noble sidekicks to the hero. / for a brief while your strength is in bloom but it fades quickly…”. Loyal Retainers – These individuals are like the noble sidekicks to the hero. In the epic poem Beowulf, translated by Burden Raffle, Wigwag embodies the role of the loyal retainer by standing next to his lord and assisting Beowulf in his final battle or the pride of his legacy and the glory of winning. EXAMPLE - Quasimodo in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" Mushu and Mulan. He shares very similar qualities with Ponyboy from The Outsiders. Two highlighted examples of simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences _____ 12 points. Mayor Rude Julian assistance to President Bush during the September 1 lath crisis illustrates one of the largest and most current examples of a loyal retainer in today’s time. An example is provided on the answer sheet. Not only was he the coordinator of the September 1 lath disaster, but also the spokesperson for, President Bush when he was escorted to safety. These are the sidekicks, ready to protect the hero and help him or her accomplish their mission. The selfishness, the repressed instincts, and the … Mayor Julian actions of bravery and ability to persevere reflect the leadership characteristics of the President. The beast usually requires the hero to prove himself first, and then the beast becomes unconditionally loyal. He undoubtedly does this for Beowulf. Feb. 16, 2021. you Loyal retainers often exhibit this wisdom as they accompany the hero on the journey. This individual acts as a teacher or consoler to the initiate. Mayor Rude Julian assistance to President Bush during the September 1 lath crisis illustrates one of the largest and most current examples of a loyal retainer in today’s time. Next, situation archetypes, this is when patterns/models have similar based plots. Beowulf’s sidekick is Wiglaf. He is known through Greek mythology as an almighty god but also is a monster. (2018, Feb 03). These details make him an exemplary example of a mentor. Why do we need stories? Loyal retainers often exhibit this wisdom as they accompany the hero on the journey. He’s the first person to take Harry’s side in anything, and he is the first real impression that Harry gets of the wizard world, aside from the letters. Situational Archetypes Supernatural Intervention : The gods intervene on the side of the hero (or, sometimes, against him) Innate Wisdom vs. Wiglaf gets this archetype because he protected the hero, Beowulf. Though heroes may appear in different literary forms across time and culture, their characterization tends to be universal thus making them archetypal characters. - In the novel, he finds love in an unexpected place, but dies tragically when he is murdered by the townspeople for his monstrous appearance. Mayor Julian’ and Vice-President Cheney’s actions and character must embody the nobility, prestige, and leadership of the President, as do all loyal retainers to the heroes. Loyal Retainers- Robin (Batman), Little John (Robin Hood), Tantor and Terk (Tarzan), Ponton (The Pink Panther) Friendly Beast- Spirit (From spirit stallion of the Cimarron), Mice (Cinderella), Forest animals (Snow white) Loyal Retainers: these individuals are somewhat like servants who are heroic themselves. A fine sailor, a might climber, no questions, courage without a doubt.” (Goldman 45) The hero of a novel is usually at the bravest and good willed character in the book. In addition to the Creature of Nightmare there is the Mentor. Sam, alike Merry and Pippin, accepts the role as the loyal retainer, as he leaves behind everything that he has and risks his life to accompany his best friend Frond. - The character "Quasimodo" was the star figure and the classical representation of an outcast in the novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" by Victor Hugo. Archetype … Some characters exhibit wisdom and understanding of situations instinctively as opposed to those supposedly in charge. In Seamus Haney’s translation of Beowulf this is used in the form of character types. These are The Creature of Nightmare Grendel, The Mentor Hrothgar, and The Loyal Retainer Wiglaf. Loyal Retainer Loyal Retainer. Ponyboy protected Johnny and stood by his side. Archetypes in Beowulf. Go to him, while angry flames burn at his flesh, help our glorious king,” states Wigwag as he reminds all of the warriors of their loyalty for the king in his greatest time of need, but instead Wigwag was the only one willing to honor his word (105). The characters are common experiences in the human psyche. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics.
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