how to smudge
Hope that helps! Related: Natural ways to get more energy (without caffeine). When you smudge you use a sage wand or sage stick. Are you part of a Native American culture? I’ve been smudging for awhile now and I like Palo Santo best so I usually will burn some of it after the the sage. The priests are required to use cedar wood and hyssop. How to Create Good Feng Shui in Your Home, The Meaning of Moonstone and How to Use It With Feng Shui. Now that you have all your tools and preparations in place, you can begin the smudging ritual. The idea here is burning what you need and hopefully having it self-extinguish by the time you're done. Smudge bundles are supposed to be brittle and very dry. Set your intention before you light up. =). We just moved into a new house and 1 room in particular gives me the creeps. To smudge is to be able to cross the barrier that separates us from the spiritual r Smudging, when done the right way, clears your mind and space of any negativity. STEP 3: Light your smudge. Smudging, or burning dried herbs, is a ritual that has been around for centuries. By pressing the burning end against the shell or bowl, you can stop the burning. First, you can visualize the smoke carrying off negative energy. I saved it to my notes in my phone as well as Pinterest account because I found it so useful. It can also be called “sage burning” but it’s not always sage you’re burning, so that doesn’t work. Thanks for commenting! Preparation Open a window in each room your are smudging. Oh man yeah that’s a great reason to smudge! There are many ways and variations on how a smudge is done. It clears stuck and low vibration energies. Thank you for writing this amazing article! I don’t own a smudge stick, but I have several dried white sage branches/leaves, how can I work with these? This is a time for you to clear your mind as well as the energy of the areas around you. Remember when performing a space clearing, intention is key. Gently blow on the smudge after every rotation around the flame until the smokiness is to your liking. The smudge stick in the photos contains sage, rosemary and pennyroyal, but you can use any kind of herbs you like. All members of the househol d should be at home. When smudging your space, opening doors and windows allows the old energy to be released out and the smoke cleanses, so don’t forget this step; it makes a huge difference! You might want to try some smudging affirmations while smudging yourself as well. Gather your tools and have an exit strategy.. First and foremost, ensure you have all … How do you smudge? It can help you realign with the truth of who you are. Related: Get your FREE human design chart. I should be getting them this week.! It is a cultural and religious practice that we were banned from using for many years. In Leviticus 14:52, God gives Jewish priests the job of purifying a house after it is defiled by mold. Consider following additional rules out of respect. I say if the word smudging upsets you than just scroll on by instead of ruining it for others by being a negative Nancy. I love the examples and verses you used as well! Take a regular, white sage smudge stick in your power hand (the hand you write with) and light it. Related: All the recipes you need for a non-toxic house cleaning. , I really enjoyed this reading. Smudging yourself is a good way to cleanse negative energy from yourself. Open as many doors and windows as possible. Fan the smudge or smoke half way across the opening and work your way to the left. I only recommend products I love! Let it burn out. Select the Smudge tool . Feel free to use the same smudge stick again next time, until it’s too short to use any more! He cares for you! A wide variety of herbs can be made into smudging sticks. Before you start, take some time to contemplate what your wishes are for your home and family. Different traditions have different ways to prepare … This allows the negative energy and smoke a place to escape. Why do you smudge? So glad you liked this post! You’re inviting in new energy and telling the old energy it’s time to go! Smudging is a vital way to complete sacred work. I can’t think of any situation where that would be true, except for cases of allergic reactions. You don’t need to follow any specific pattern or prayers, but here are some ideas for you! There’s also palo santo. Place a layer of sand and then a charcoal round in a heat-proof dish. In this Shamanic How to with The Power Path episode, Anna demonstrates how to talk to the ally of Sage and how to use it to clear the energy of a person. Smudging a Room Keep the windows and doors closed to the room you have chosen to smudge. I have a dog and she’s never been bothered by it. Sage smudging is a sacred ritual to some groups of people, and we shouldn’t just take all the herbs and plants we want! This year we made most of ours out of sweet Annie, sage, and cosmos. Some people like to use a feather to fan the smoke. For example, just focus on the thought, “may this place to be filled with peace and joy”, “this is a place of abundance”, or “may positive energy fill this space”. Some common ones are: sage, cedar, sweet grass, and lavender. I find that it has a sweet, bright, and minty energy that’s perfect for everyday use. There aren’t any hard and fast rules for what to say or think while you’re smudging, but I can give you some tips. The same thing happens when you ground (or earth) yourself, or touch your skin to bare earth. I’m not going to go into that here. That would be like wearing Bantu knots and calling them “little twisty buns” …nope, still appropriation, Karen. I … If it makes you uncomfortable using that term, then don’t! Smudging also allows people to let go of negative feelings shows a very disrespectful and blatant disregard to our suffering and our sacred practices. And there… Read more », Lyss, I am at a complete loss for words that you and other natives are making such a big deal over a word. According to ancient ways and traditions, they know that at plants that have sacred healing and cleansing essence. to soil as if by smudging. Smudge sticks are used in a lot of objectives and can be purchased from the menu using the in-game currency you’ve collected from previous missions. We smudge to c leanse and clear ourselves, we smudge to clear our homes of negative energy, whether the negative energy comes after interaction with negative people, an ex-husband or boyfriend and we smudge to s end prayers to the heavens. So thank you again for such terrific info. You can clear the energy in your home or office with sage using the Native American inspired method of smudging. So what do you say when smudging your house? Like you, God is my father and Lord Jesus is my savior and I would want to do nothing unpleasing in their eyes. There are a couple of guidelines to follow when choosing items for smudging. (Or walk counter clockwise.) So if you want to know how to ensure that your energy is expressing itself at the highest level possible, and protect yourself from low expressions of your energy, you need to learn about your human design strategy! That’s not it at all! Here’s everything you need to get started with smudging! Smudge stick (I like these) Lighter; Shell, candle holder, or some type of tray to catch the ashes; Optional: a feather to further the smoke How to Smudge. Even though some people have used smudging in a negative way, by trying to cast a spell of protection over their house instead of trusting God, that doesn’t mean that smudging is a sin. Feel free to spend extra time bringing the smudge stick up and down wherever you want. How to Smudge Get some sage (or whichever herb you prefer). Smudge Yourself with a Sage Wand: This is the classic method of clearing yourself. Be sure to let a cedar smudge stick dry for at least 6-8 weeks before use. The Smudge tool simulates the effect you see when you drag a finger through wet paint. Keep a candle nearby, and, starting at your feet, wave the smoke towards yourself using either your hand or a feather. You really described in detail and even explained about religion. Picture it lifting off sadness, sickness, or anxiety. You’re welcome! There are also numerous types of smudging herbs. =). smudge: [verb] to make a smudge on. … Matches, preferably wooden. This allows the negative energy and smoke a place to escape. There are dozens of new, small online retailers popping up that carry unique (and gorgeous) smudge sticks with all sorts of ingredients bundled together like rose, mugwort, rosemary, and more. Note: These are the charcoal rounds and the sand I use, and the brass incense burner I have in my home. I have never read a better explanation for the benefits of smudging as it relates to our Christianity! How To Smudge Your Home Supplies A White Sage smudge stick (Best for purifying.) My kids and I recently made smudge sticks with the herbs and flowers from our garden. Now, I couldn’t find any mention of smudge sticks, negative energy, or burning sage in the Bible. Negative energy, feelings, and emotions are lifted away. She is also the co-founder of Mindful Design Feng Shui School. A smudge-stick is a handily bundled bunch of sage, white sage, cedar, copal, or sweetgrass that can be easily held. Matches or a lighter is used to light the candle. And the best EMF protection, All the recipes you need for a non-toxic house cleaning, The life-changing health benefits of grounding, cedar and white and blue sage smudge sticks, 10+ natural remedies for anxiety you can do at home, Natural ways to get more energy (without caffeine), How to make CBD oil and CBD salve at home, The essential guide on how to smudge for energy clearing, The best zero waste products to start reducing your trash. The smudging ceremony is a custom of Native American and other indigenous cultures. Herbal smudge sticks are used in smudging ceremonies, “practiced by some Indigenous peoples of the Americas, that involve the burning of sacred herbs, in some cases for spiritual cleansing or blessing” . You want to welcome your intentions into the newly cleared and open space. Since we’re talking about energy and clearing negative energy and emotions, I can’t go without mentioning human design. I have never smudged my home and wasn’t sure how to but this helped alot. You can also focus on specific affirmations as you move the smoke over different areas of your body. It is what is damaged when you’re exposed to too many EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies). … Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Smudge sticks are natural incense made with dried leaves and flowers assembled together. The smoke is what does the clearing. It may help relieve the symptoms of some conditions. There ya go! The most widely known smudging herb is White Sage. The article referenced a Starwest Botanicals and I thought it was a website, but it isn’t. Other than smudging herbs, there are a couple of accessories you need to start smudging. Store your smudge sticks somewhere cool and dry. And if you’re making your own smudge sticks, make sure you aren’t getting your herbs from anywhere that has been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides! Remind yourself to stay connected to your breathing throughout your smudging session. well as soon I get all the ingredients for my smudging and sometimes other websites don’t give as detailed or information step by step!! You light the stick and the smoke from the smudge stick clears the energy. Historically, Métis and Inuit people did not smudge; however, today many Métis and Inuit people have incorporated smudging into their lives. On the other hand, if you can thank God for the tools and gifts he’s given us (James 1:17), you can gratefully use sage and smudge sticks as much as you want! If you're burning loose sage, you will definitely need some … Matches, preferably wooden. Finally, there are smudging kits that can get you started with everything you need. Smudge sticks are derived from Native American culture, where they are used in ceremonies to cleanse and bless people and places. Although the use of wrapped smudge sticks is generally attributed to Native American cultures and practices, the burning of fragrant herbs in a ritual context is found in numerous societies throughout history. Great article! Then continue to go down or up the stairs and resume the main floor. If there are stairs, just go up or down when you encounter them. There are also sage and lavender smudge sticks on Amazon. Just make sure that you have everything you need, as well as enough time to take it slow- smudging isn’t something to rush! Some people worry that smudging is a sacred practice stolen from Native Americans. As a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner, I also use juniper to smudge and purify. The ancient ritual of burning plants can clear your energy and help you to start anew. Thank once again! You can take a fan or a small piece of cardboard and start in one corner of your room, and gently waft the smoke after it clears the bowl, from the floor, up, toward the ceiling. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Thanks for your kind words, enjoy! Generally, smudge bundles should burn just fine without unwrapping them or pulling them apart, even if they are a little tightly wrapped. In indigenous cultures and among shamans, smudge sticks are used to purify environments from negative energies, during religious ceremonies, or to promote healing of the sick. Are your convictions because of the Holy Spirit or because of internalized misconceptions or guilt? This way, you receive the benefits of each element (water, fire, earth, and air) as you’re smudging. This will help guard against any smokey smells. My family is on the Dawes Roles of 1906 as well. The Jewish people were just following God’s rules at that time, but now we know that hyssop has strong antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties- God knew what he was doing! If you’re using customs from other cultures in order to make fun of them or be disrespectful, check yourself. Smudging Your Home Step-by-Step: Start at the front door of your house. There are many notations within the Bible of herbs and essential oils being used. Dig into the Word and science and see what you find! Thank you for being so detailed. That’s not ok. Let it burn for 20 seconds, and then blow out the flame. Personally, I like to pray while I’m walking around the house smudging. It would be counterproductive to smudge while creating negative energy to fill your space right back up with again! As the smoke ascends, our wishes and intentions rise and mingle into the universe, connecting heaven, earth, and humanity. The first thing is a good candle- you might need to light your smudge stick a couple of times while smudging, and that could use up a lot of matches! To start smudging, gather your smudge stick, a lit candle, and if you want, you can bring a plate to put the smudge stick on, or an abalone shell and a feather. While it is definitely okay to burn herbs such as sage or palo santo, using the term smudging is akin to an atheist using the word baptism for a good soak in the tub. If not, you should not be using smudge, because that’s appropriation. Some people do it naked, but that’s up to you. Pretty easy, right? I’m thankful that other wise cultures are willing to share wonderful, healthy practices that all of us can now benefit from! In Psalm 51:7, David’s prayer for forgiveness after sinning, it says, “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean, wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Now, this is obviously metaphorical, but the same idea is there. I appreciate you for just making it seem so simple!!! =). In lieu of burning sage, you can employ smoke-free methods with white sage essential oil. to release positive energy and, likewise, dissipate the negative vibes. For instance, you can diffuse the oil or create a white sage mist. I’m very glad you found it helpful =) It can feel kinda silly the first time you smudge, but once you have the basics down, there’s really no right or wrong way to do it. But you won’t know exactly how great smudging is until you try it for yourself at a time when you really need an energy cleansing. Hi Rachel, I’m an indigenous woman from the Colville Tribe and while I found your article interesting and not too off base from what smudging means to my people, I must ask you to not appropriate our sacred medicine. I just ordered the full kit from a site you recommend that says they ethically use plants and waste nothing. At least the front and back door! You’re looking for a steady smolder, not a wildfire, here. Basically, a smudge stick is a small bundle of plants and herbs, bound with string, that will be lit on fire (careful!) Smudge yourself starting at the feet – ending at the head. It’s up to you whether you want to do this ritual the traditional way or not. There’s a link to smudging kits under the sections called “smudge accessories” – or just go to =). I ordered smudge sticks and palo Santo. This can be done annually or more often. Not ok at all. A smudge is a bundle or loose collection of magickal herbs, the smoke from which is used like an incense . Well, it can be an acquired taste. — to purify, sanctify, and bless a person, place, object, or energy field (which may be a human aura, or the energy that is any object or mental/emotional state).. Common herbs are sage, cedar, and sweegrass, but many other herbs can be used as well. How to Smudge *See my Pin on Pinterest for a picture tutorial. It is used to properly extinguish the smudge stick safely after the ritual is complete. Do this in a clockwise circle in each corner of your room. I appreciate the fact you enhanced the spirit with God behind this practice because he is always there, with us and giving us everything we need … thank you. So how about smudging? I enjoy praying specifically about each room I’m in. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. There shouldn’t be a flame on the smudge stick- blow it out if need be. You’ve done a fantastic job of explaining that! White sage is probably the most common and popular herb for smudging. Anjie Cho is a feng shui expert, architect, and author. This site has articles and videos on all aspects of smudging. It’s recommended to have a candle nearby to relight the smudge stick during the smudging ceremony. There are many different plant materials you can use for smudging. The smoke is what does the clearing. Be mindful of where your smudge stick is coming from, and make sure that they’re from sustainable companies. Conventional candles are derived from petroleum, they usually include carcinogenic fragrances, and some even have lead in the wicks! I recently had a disagreement with several Christians about whether smudging is evil and I was pretty disheartened by all the closed-mindedness… but hearing from people like you gives me hope! You also want to ensure that there’s adequate air movement by opening windows or doors in your house. word “smudging” comes from “smudge,” which is English in origin Stand on a surface that will not be harmed by falling ash. They also used hyssop to mark doorways with blood during the Passover, marking those houses as pure and innocent. Smudging will only take you so far if your own energy isn’t working well. If you’re a beginner at smudging and want to learn how to do it, a smudging kit is a great option to start with! There are very few negative side effects of smudging. Learn how your comment data is processed.
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