duras, son of ja'rod
The D7M-class (known in Klingon languages as K't'inga-class, K'tinga-class or K'Tinga-class, literally translated from the Klingonese language as Bringer of Destruction-class) battle cruiser was a primary class of warship in service with the Axis Navy and later the Imperialists, it was also used by the Horde (mainly the Rebels led by Duras, son of Ja'rod). Duras, son of Ja'Rod is a Klingon and an antagonist in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I've always found the Duras family interesting as villains, and frankly I don't think they get enough attention. Unwilling to face the music, and feeling that if the truth was known it would cause a civil war K'mpec and the rest of the council buried the truth. In 2378, he succeeded Klag as Regent of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, having slain him in honorable combat. Star Trek: Insurrection: Son'a (Ahdar Ru'afo & Gallatin) | Matthew Dougherty Commanders William Riker and Data went to stop Worf, but as they got to where the two men were fighting Worf got the upper hand and killed Duras. But Worf then claimed the right of vengeance, and publicly claimed K'Ehleyr as his wife. Children: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Over the next year Duras began poisoning K'mpec slowly with Veridium Six. Kurn, Son of Mogh. Duras As the son of Ja'rod, the greatest rival of Worf's father Mogh, Duras was his powerful house's namesake and representative on the Klingon High Council by 2366 and led the cover-up of his father's treachery in the Romulan massacre of the Khitomer outpost 20 years earlier. With her final breath, she identified Duras as her killer. Star Trek Into Darkness: Khan | Alexander Marcus B'Elanna Torres. Father: Kang, and leader of the House of Duras. (TNG: "Redemption", "Redemption II"), Efforts in later years by Lursa, B'Etor, and Toral to rebuild their forces and reestablish their family's standing within the Empire met with only limited success. Contender for leadership of the Klingon High Council. It was like acting in a holoplay. Meanwhile the sisters continued trying to take over the Empire until they died in combat against the Enterprise in 2371. In desperation, Duras told Worf that if he killed him, no one would ever learn the truth about Worf's father and that Worf would be labeled a traitor forever, but Worf was unswayed. Needing someone to blame for the attack they decided on Ja'rod's rival Mogh. The Enterprise crew soon discovers that it is actually Ja'rod who collaborated with the Romulans. Unwilling to have his position threatened by being labeled the son of a traitor, Duras convinced Chancellor K'mpec and the rest of the High Council to shift the blame to Mogh, leader of the Duras family's long-standing enemies, the House of Mogh, and who had also been killed in the Romulan attack. Worf, son of Mogh, was of the House of Mogh, just as Duras, son of Ja'rod was of the House Duras. Seven laughed, showing off her pointed teeth. "I leave that for you to decide." He … Star Trek Beyond: Krall | Manas | Kalara, Television She was ordered to assassinate Duras, son of Ja'rod. The tide quickly turned in Gowron's favor and the civil war came to an end once the truth of Romulan interference was discovered by Starfleet. Hobby The ceremony was expected to take days. The bastard son of the late Duras and grandson of Ja'Rod, Toral was fronted by Duras' sisters Lursa and B'Etor as their family's candidate to carry on the bid to rule that Duras had once waged before his vengeful death by Worf. (Star Trek: Communicator issue 114, p. 58). Worf recognized the necessity of preserving the stability of the Empire and accepted discommendation, though not before striking Duras and vowing that the truth would one day come out. With the death of Duras, Gowron was apparently unopposed to become the new Chancellor. Lursa, Daughter of Ja'rod. Neither Duras or the High Council were willing to have the House of Duras face the music for Ja'rod's crimes as required under Klingon law. The House of Duras, from Star Trek Duras, son of Ja'rod schemed to take control over the Klingon Empire, suppressing the truth that his father Ja'rod had worked with the Romulans. Later, Martok adopted Worf as a brother in House Martok, and shortly adopted Alexander as a nephew. She informed Picard that Mogh was not the traitor - that he was loyal to the Emperor, but she didn't know who the traitor was nor could she testify. Eventually the Federation was able to expose the Romulan involvement in the war. Traitor. Star Trek: Nemesis: Remans (Shinzon, Viceroy, Tal'aura, Suran & Donatra) Duras, more politician than warrior, was no match for Worf and was quickly killed, impaled on Worf's bat'leth. Meanwhile the Enterprise crew realized what Worf was doing. Two sisters, Lursa and B'Etor Brushing him off as a traitor, Duras turned away. However what they didn't know was that Mogh had a second son named Kurn, who had been hidden with a friend of the family before the other members of the family went to Khitomer.
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