Gregory, known to friends as “Tooka,” was shot and killed Jan. 12, 2011 at a bus stop at 63rd and St. Lawrence in the Woodlawn neighborhood in South Side Chicago. He also was a Nobel … As the body count in the brutal turf war mounted, she was lured into the life. By 17, she was dead. elem.type = "text/javascript";
I've seen these posts countless times and its starting to get annoying. document.write('
<\/scr'+'ipt>'); (function() { A hooded triggerman approached Gakirah and drilled her nine times. Other songs Marc recorded before his untimely demise were “No Lacking Remix,” “Hang Wit Me Remix” and “Zeko World.”, Subscribe to KollegeKidd YouTube Channel by clicking here. On the evening of January 12, 2011, he was gunned down by masked criminals while waiting for a bus on the 600 block of East 63rd … You want to play this game as bad as the rest of us.. otherwise you … scpt.parentNode.insertBefore(elem, scpt);
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