Supervision is a process which aims to support, assure and develop the knowledge, skills and values of the person being supervised (supervisee), team or project group. Webster's Dictionary defines supervision as "the action, process, or occupation of supervising, a critical watching and … 3. It provides accountability for both the supervi-sor and supervisee in exploring practice and performance . Standards for instructional Supervision will serve as a guide to the entire developmental process of supervision, the instructional leaders and the teacher who will get the support. This allows judging the benefits of a programme against its costs and identifying which intervention has the highest rate of return. Supervision could be defined as a day-to-day guidance of all education operations, coordination of the detailed work and cultivation of good working relationship among all the people involved in the teaching-learning process.. Supervision is done by supervisor and monitoring is done by monitor. Supervision is in a sense, the back-bone of educational improvement (Education commission). Depth and Monitoring is a regular part Evaluation reviews the purpose of project or programme achievements of the project/ management. Answer (1 of 5): Fundamentally both words mean exactly the same thing, though monitoring might denote more responsibility. (a) All residents shall be assessed during an intake screening and upon transfer to another facility for their risk of being sexually abused by other residents or sexually abusive toward other residents. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. The former word comes from the Latin 'monere' meaning to warn or advise, the latter from 'super-videre' meaning to watch over. Monitoring and evaluation usually include information on the cost of the programme being monitored or evaluated. throughout the implementation of a project/programme. Thus, supervision has become important because through this the performance of the employees is evaluated and a definite motivating method can be applied. 2. Two tools are commonly used. It also enhances and provides evidence for Supervision and Monitoring § 115.241 Screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness. According to me difference between supervision and monitoring are as following: 1. Over the years the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the Ministry of Education has been responsible for the assessment, evaluation and supervision of educational system in Ghana, and considering the decentralization policy, the function of the external ... supervision on their professional development in terms of classroom management. Supervision is wider term which includes monitoring but monitoring don't includes supervision. Supervision is for long time duration and monitoring is for sort time. World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. The supportive supervision approach can be instrumental in strengthening public health programs and public health outcomes. Monitoring Evaluation Timing Monitoring is a continuing Evaluation assesses the function that takes place entire project cycle. 4. Regular Monitoring: Under supervision, a supervisor regularly evaluates the performance of the subordinates. Supervision Defined n“Supervision is instructional leadership that relates perspectives to behavior, clarifies purposes, contributes to and supports organizational actions, coordinates interactions, provides for maintenance and improvement of the instructional program, and assesses goal achievements.” Krey & Burke COLLEGE OF EDUCATION SECTOR-20D,CHANDIGARH A talk delivered to CRCs(cluster resource coordinators)at GMSS-10 on 8.8.2011 Quality Education quality education is a crucial issue in elementary education which … They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that … In the context of a health care system, supportive supervision enables and empowers health care workers to effectively identify and solve problems, facilitate team work, provide leadership, and monitor and improve their own The standards comprehensively cover both the culture and the process of supervision in the context of Philippine Education. MONITORING AND SUPERVISION OF CLASSROOM PROCESSES- TOOLS AND SYSTEMS DR.PUNAM BANSAL ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GOVT.
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