1. Always make sure these fish feel safe in your tank and that you don’t add aggressive fish to the tank. Contact Us It is quite pretty when stocked as a larger colony, and prefers to swim amongst rocks or plants. I once had a Kribensis in the tank, but it was too aggressive toward some of its tank mates, and I had to return it. Getting tank mates for your cichlids depends on totally different things. Usual size in fish tanks: 10 - 12 cm (3.94 - 4.72 inch) 0 14. Project Dinner Table. The aptly named Keyhole Cichlid. Corydoras, Clown loach, Guppies, Platies, Kuhli loach, Rummy Nose tetras, Neon Tetras make excellent tank mates to Electric Blue Ram with other peaceful dwarf cichlids. I have a single keyhole in my 55 gallon and I've had this fish for about 2 1/2 years. When it comes to determining the gender of the fish, it is almost impossible to tell the genders apart, especially in the juveniles and in the young species. The Keyhole cichlid is a naturally shy fish and feel confident when surrounded by small shoaling fish, such as tetras, and use this as an indicator that there are no threats in the vacinity. Kribensis Cichlids; Keyhole Cichlids; Kuhli Loach; Please realize that this is not a ranking. Cichlids are a large family of tropical fish and the Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) is very aptly named because it has a dark blackish marking on the side of its light-brown body that looks just like a keyhole.The Keyhole Cichlid is a very popular species for tropical fish hobbyists to keep and breed because it is very peaceful and although it … It got the name Keyhole because of the shape of these black patches that are highlighted with bright yellow around them. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! New World Cichlids . Many people are often surprised to hear that oscar fish – often referred to as a football with fins – are one of the best convict cichlid tank mates. Other than Neon dwarf rainbow( which I will exchange with my 11 harlequin rasboras), I want to get some other peaceful cichlids (like keyhole, cupid) Joined May 16, 2008 Messages 196 Reaction score 0 Location Grand Rapids, MI. Keyhole Cichlid Tropical Fish Learn all about the Keyhole Cichlid's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Home; About. Can be kept in the general community tank; possible tank mates include Pencilfish, Hatchetfish, Tetras, Corydoras, Catfish and other Cichlids such as Angelfish, Discus and Rams. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at keyhole cichlids and how you can keep them in your own tank. now that shrimp tank is settling, my attention is back to my show (90G) tank. We walk through the background on these cichlids, as well as a care guide. But the good news is that most, or all of the keyhole cichlids sold commercially have gotten used to neutral PH levels, which is why you can make sure that you try to keep it in those ranges. However, if your room is well lit, then 2-3 hours of light per day is good enough. Lol. ... disease or a territorial issue, then maybe the poor guy just wants a mate. This is where you need to pay close attention because there are some horror stories out there when it comes to Jewel cichlid tank mates. I replaced the Krib with a Keyhole, and everything is back to tranquility. In a community cichlid tank with other larger cichlids that may be aggressive, rainbow cichlids can be kept with other similar-sized South American cichlids that have a similar temperament. Keyhole cichlids are known to be one of the most peaceful cichlids. Recommended pH range for the species: 6.8 - 8. Compatibility and tank mates. I have kept SA and CA Cichlids together but that was warned against and has ended with death and injuries. Myself William and I love aquarium fishes! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Behaviour and CompatibilityTop ↑. Whether or not an individual fish can or should live with your angelfish depends on a wide range of factors. To keep them happy, give them plenty of driftwood mazes and some live plants, such as Amazon Swords, to provide additional cover. One last note before we head onto the most ideal tank mates for Apistos; while they may be, for the most part, peaceful and gentle, Apistogramma may be semi-aggressive towards each other or other tank mates if their space isn’t big enough. They can be territorial when mating but at other times are easy going tank mates that will not attack anything above a few mm. I'm looking for the tank mates for my Bolivian ram (6) as I love these dwarf Cichlids. 55 Gallon Tank Keyhole Cichlid New Behavior. how many keyholes should I keep together in a tank this size? Box 58612 - Louisville, KY 40268 USA. Keyhole Tank Mates. Keyhole Cichlids With Oscar Tank Mate. 24 Jan January 24, 2021. best tank mates for keyhole cichlids. Very little aggression and very little harrasment. Remarks: Keyhole Cichlids (Cleithracara maronii ) are small, peaceful cichlid that enjoys being surrounded by schooling tetras.They have round bodies with a dark spot on their back and a dark stripe over their eyes. And, while they do not hail from the Amazon basin, they do come from the Orinoco. Tank Mates. Keyhole cichlid - Cleithracara maronii. The Ram cichlid is a perfect cichlid for a beginner, as it’s one of the easiest of the cichlid species to care for. Ideal companions could include Corydoras catfish, hatchetfish, pencilfish, tetras, and suckermouth catfish. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up and ensure that the Kribensis is the right … If you want to mix them with other fish, they need to occupy different regions of the tank so that they don’t enter cichlid territory. Thread starter schooly20; Start date May 27, 2008; click to view entries! Rasboras. Therefore, you should consider it as a big centerpiece fish for your freshwater aquarium. Search for: Search for: 0 Scientific name: Cleithracara maronii. Thread starter schooly20; Start ... . It features a light green body with black fins. Jul 31, 2019. Rams also come in a range of gorgeous colors that really enhance your tank. Here’s everything you need to know about keyhole cichlids. ... Next Next post: Frontosa Cichlid – Care, Habitat, Size, Tank Mates … Breeding tank for Keyhole Cichlid (Cleithracara maronii) You should prepare a tank of around twenty gallons in size with mature, soft, flowing water.
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