Availability: Available for purchase from the Man Vs Meeple webpage MvM. Goal: Destroy all Crystals or Kill the Great White Bear. "during this scenario" only appears in the Gloomhaven's version of this Battle Goal. I'm going to be rebuilding gloomhaven scenario viewer with the latest version of unity and releasing it today. What evil lurks within? This blog covers Gloomhaven strategy and tactics. - Story branching (replay value). Swaraj and Swadeshi. Gloomhaven is the number 1 tactical board game out there. Cause a trap to be sprung or disarmed on your turn or on the turn of one of your summons during the scenario. Description: A PvP style bar room brawl in the Sleeping Lion. Character mechanic Description: "According to the rumours that you've heard, a powerful necromancer used to operate from here, but it's been magically closed off for decades. Description: Deep in the Dagger Forest resides the unfortunate witch Zaide. Protect the boat from enemies, and most importantly protect your allies from killing each other. NOTE: This scenario requires the use of MULTIPLE 6 sided dice, which are not included in the base game of Gloomhaven. Goal: All Characters Must Escape Through Exit (a). Description: A rescue mission in a sinking city – how dangerous could it be? These scenarios are designed to test a player's knowledge of the character, successful completion will unlock a unique item designed to assist that character. NOTE: This Mini-Campaign uses custom built monster decks. - Non "intrusive": you can play it with existing parties/characters or within your current campaign (similar to playing in casual mode or random dungeon). All text is taken directly from the official rule book and any mistakes are my own. You hope to find more clues at the Savvas Light Temple, but things don't go exactly as planned. Have one or more monsters present on the map at the beginning of every round during the scenario. Collect fewer money tokens than any other character. Into The Unknown: Gloomhaven's 2nd Printing Community-Driven Mini Campaign, Capital Intrigue: Community-Driven Mini Campaign, The Infinite Beyond: Community-Driven Mini Campaign, The Blacksmith and the Bear: Community-Driven Mini Campaign, Bonus Scenarios - Unofficial (Fan Creations), Bonus Campaigns - Unofficial (Fan Creations), http://www.cephalofair.com/2016/10/endless-adventure.html, The Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign PledgeManager, The No Pun Included Website Donation Page, The No Pun Included - Season 3 Kickstarter Campaign, The Secret Cabal - 2018 Kickstarter Campaign, The Secret Cabal - 2019 Kickstarter Campaign, The Secret Cabal - 2020 Kickstarter Campaign, https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2535856/its-time-another-custom-extra-life-scenario-live-s, https://boardgamegeek.com/article/32219673#32219673, https://cephalofair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Watching-the-Vigil-PF.pdf, https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/2264875/3rd-campaign-infinite-beyond-summary, https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/170910/vault-assault-custom-one-shot-scenario, https://www.boardgamegeek.com/user/Maouk), https://www.dropbox.com/s/lun828t2b9p1z7r/The%20Storm%20low-res.pdf?dl=0download, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vvmoFOKXp0TkfUG7pgPStt_9UJaKBewS. Description: Save your former shipmate from becoming a sacrifice. The Gloomhaven's version is: "Your current hit point value must be equal or less than 2 at the end of the scenario.". Gloomhaven Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Quests, which must not be confused with Scenarios, are character-based. Gloomhaven Box Rulebook p. 19 Whatever - You're just here because the stories also mention vaults full of gold. Key features: Will your party join him? Description: Created for the The No Pun Included Season 2 Kickstarter Campaign. It might be your only way to get to the bottom of this mysterious isle. He's been terrorizing the region and kidnapping countless creatures for the last years. Recently, our company was enlarged by the fourth member, and even though he thoroughly read the rulebook, he approached us with question: Guys, what was the most common mistakes you committed during the initial scenarios of… Description: In the night, your ship is invaded by monstrous creatures. The Scenario Database contains all scenarios that are released. Perform two actions with Lost icons in the same turn. Description: Access to the city is cut off, your only chance a long forgotten, and assumed collapsed, tunnel leading to a nearby wood. Availability: Currently only available as backer reward for The Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Campaign or via purchase from The Dice Tower 2019 Kickstarter Campaign PledgeManager.
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