forgotten weapons ww1
Today we are looking at a Gewehr 98 and an SMLE that have detachable WW1 night sights fitted (and the SMLE also has a metal muzzle cover device). Photographer J E Barnes, ANMM Collection 00027604. In Estonia, there is a story of two companies during World War Two. At this range and with terrible visibility, both the SS men and the Soviet conscripts dropped their guns and drew knives or bayonets. “In 1990, belgian childrens from age 8 were given wine and beer in the school’s mess (yeah, I admit it’s almost like borderline).”, “En Belgique, jusqu’au début des années 80, de la bière (Piedboeuf) était servie dans les cantines scolaires.”. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. in the 1930’s : low recoil, very easy and fast followed shots, light and handy weapon, low weight of ammunition allowing to have plenty and excellent penetration. Any idea of comparative weights for the respective kits? I recommend to anyone interested in weapons from like 1820-1960 to look up that channel, Ian has a lot of great videos on hundreds of guns. Please consider, France’s Ultimate WW1 Selfloading Rifle: The RSC-1918,,,,,, Women's Tool Kit - Home and Kitchen Ideas. Author Mark/GreyLocke at 7/08/2017 08:00:00 AM Tags Forgotten Weapons, Lebel & Gewehr 98, WW1 Rifle Mud Covers. Winch 1907 (IIRC) with 20 or 30 rounds magazines were issued late on the war in small numbers to infantry (when aircraft began using their own dedicated weappons), I think it is the best answer, but my knowledge is not that vast. Sorry, I meant “rules are to never HEAT your food in the field”. Mod "Forgotten Weapons Pack" version 10.08.18 for Ravenfield (Build 10) Hi guys, thanks for tuning in for another mod on the Steam Workshop, I'm Joe the Pirate, and I'm here today with Ravenfield, taking a look at some of the guns in the brand new "Forgotten Weapons Pack". In 1990, belgian childrens from age 8 were given wine and beer in the school’s mess (yeah, I admit it’s almost like borderline). A quality gun fit for virtually any environment. Ok, I did a mistake, it was until 1980, but true nevertheless. NB; beware the pork patty. They only had weak electric or even petroleum lamps in WW1, so engagement distances were very limited. FORGOTTEN WEAPONS. 309. As I looked at the equipment for the US Soldier, I realized that the mess gear, canteen, and canteen cup were the same as I was issued in the late 1960’s in the Marines. Artillery or a flare pistol shooting ILLUM was possible, but expensive and you could not deploy it anytime you liked, like a bump in the night. It is terrible enough that your enemy used civilians as guinea pigs in very inhumane research. The Forgotten Weapons team is a small group of self-described gun nuts. Why is it always you? Artillery. I’ll find it and read it. Actually it means Meal Rejected by Everybody, according to my best bud, E-5 ex-Chemical Recon Ft. Lewis and ROK DMZ. What about automatic pistols and revolvers? The ratio is fluctuating between 5 to 7 US MRE or, if possible, small equipments (forward grips for rifles, aftermarket quality cleaning kits, kevlar reinforced laces for the shoes, good pairs of socks, gloves, cigarettes, etc.). So we notice that grenades are really predominant and that all soldiers meant to actually fight are equiped with pistols. Forgotten Weapons is a website and channel appearing on YouTube and Full30 that covers the history of antique, obscure and historically important firearms. Elbonia Heather T-Shirt. A French author whom I don’t remember the name for now once said “Knife is not the trench weapon. Whenever fighting got too personal, the soldiers dropped their guns and whipped out blades and bludgeons. Thanks Mikawa B ! The local legislation, in some places, resembles a theater of the absurd. The Gew 98 with its 29.13 inch barrel does not have much flash even in the dark. Protection group : Some do it frequently) for French civilians to buy French army RCIR to eat at home or in camping. Let’s remember that 9 mm Para +P+ of 660 jouls or +P++ of 720 jouls as used in French army is just enough to immediately pin-down an opponent (and only with a well place torso shot). I do not speak fluent German (Entschuldigung) but my brother is bilingual, so he could maybe help me to translate it. The next step was developing the Bergman submachinegun. I’ve never known a field ration yet that didn’t get old after a bit. Some of the most interesting items in the museum’s collection are the personal accounts of life’s experiences. I know France bought huge numbers of automatic pistols (RUBY, STAR and others) and revolvers (S&W copies) from Spain, but what about actual usage? As a short weapon the mace requires the user to be heavily armored as well. If so, I did not intend to whitewash the empire. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a02b3916f4b58a2cd65adedfd95cda1e" );document.getElementById("da16e0d199").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A machine pistol of strong caliber with fast rate of fire and equiped with a stock would have been the weapon of choice (history showed it was not necessarily…). The flat brass thing used to clean buttons) and the shoes brush shown just under were given in two copies for 15 soldiers and thus not any soldier was ever given it as a part of its standard equipment : officers were given it on site and distributed it to squads when they felt it was time to clean uniforms. Shooting the Yugoslav M49/57 Submachine Gun. casemate ? At the end of XIXth century, 1.5 liter of wine and 0.5 liter of water was the standard drink per day of a French soldier. I have re-uploaded the individual photos in case the original links go dead (click to enlarge each photo). 2021Texas Gun Legislation. Double one with cleaning and oiling parts I am pretty sure was a copy from a Soviet one. One problem with fighting enemies who are on horseback is that it’s hard to get a … grenades] 35 Comments 1. Radiation illness notwithstanding, anyone using night sighting systems for sentry work would require a partner just to make sure nobody from the other team was sneaking around behind him with a shovel or knife. Elbonia Flag Velcro Patch. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. Well put. Cattier wrote : “In the last sape [sapping ? Or would you stick a huge suppressor on the rifle? But we normally traded 1:1 – dunno the french loved our stuff and we loved theirs. Radium in the sight does not pose any direct threat to health. For exemple, the “patience” (I don’t know the word in English. Author Topic: Forgotten weapons, little known weapon of WW1. The true weapon of the trenches was the grenade”. The trenches were narrow. I’m French and it is well know (and a great source of pride for us) that our RCIR (Ration de Combat Individuelle Réchauffable – Individual Heatable Combat Meal) is considered a very good meal, at least compared to standard soldiers or camping meals. The Meunier A6 was actually put into production in 1913, but the impending war led to its abandonment in the name of logistics. The knife can then have another function foor certain soldiers : that of a release from the fear, last line of defense against the ennemy, and death. Best not tell them about gas lantern mantles. Something like “preparing a terrorist attack.”. Forgotten Weapons merch! Plus the improvised weapons were used on raids at night against the German trenches. Rice, barley, millet, few vegetables and meat, some algae to make yourself sushi rolls on the field using what the soldiers fished thermselves… I fear it would have been a hard life for soldiers of the time, as good as the food could have been ! Use lead to a king of tradition…, Current versions may contains artificial sweeteners…. ... Forgotten Weapons. 15:53. French army considered that a small caliber bullet with sufficient energy/surface ratio which was followed by many other same bullets was as efficient as a 12 gauge buckshot shell at the same distance. In 2012, during an anti-Japanese riot in Shenzhen, the crowd unsuccessfully attacked the city government’s administrative building and demanded the government to declare war on Japan. My knife hanged at my belt… No, I’m not a murderer. This one is about a prototype Winchester anti-tank rifle that was being developed in 1918. Maybe they were meant for a few initial shots before the MGs and flare guns lit things up. You of course could use a short weapon like a mace with a shield, but by the time maces were gaining in popularity, shields were becoming less common. The Spanish–American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, effectively the result of American intervention in the ongoing Cuban War of Independence United States Offensive weapons. War is a matter of impersonal politics which frequently forget that humans are at the end of the line. Tula TOZ-194 (uh, whoops, didn’t mean to activate a time machine) 3. I would mitigate, as this man never fought with a firearm and doesn’t seem to take account of the reality of combat. $5.99. The stahlhelm was painted field grey, until an order of the General Staff, dated July 7, 1918, ordered a camouflage paint scheme. Les coups de main et le nettoyage des tranchées français pendant la Première Guerre mondiale.”, I’m sorry, it is stud with spelling mistakes and typo…. Elbonia Flag Velcro Patch. Paying The Bills. In Japan, this was perceived as a way of making amends to China for past military aggression. These were built by soldiers and smith on site), German army didn’t provided every soldier a flare gun and French army didn’t provided every soldier a cane, a pipe, a folding lantern, 7 different types of grenades including an on-site handmade one and two flares without a flare gun. A cache of weapons were hidden by local group who could retrieve as and when was necessary – after the war many location of the caches were forgotten. Forgotten Weapons … Author Topic: Forgotten weapons, little known weapon of WW1. One of the packs here shows it: Also, on sentry-go, you’d be using it from your own trench fire step to shoot some ambitious type trying to sneak across No Man’s Land for some clever trick like tapping your field telephone wires. Elbonia Hoodie. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. German food is reknown in France. These images are in fact more of an exemple of what soldiers would have likely carried/owned during the war than the standard load. Forgotten Weapons. Watch: Forgotten Weapons Q&A #15 Russ Chastain 01.29.18 In this video, Ian McCollum of Forgotten Weapons covers a plethora of fan questions, from potential gun designs by Ian (don’t hold your breath) to which guns have most disappointed him (there are two; both derived from the Johnson). Some wine producers (as Dubonet) were very reknown and favoured by providing French Army with wine for the rations. A reader sent me a link to a pretty cool image gallery showing the basic clothing and equipment of five different major combatant powers from mid-WWI. Those things are HUGE. The original Villar Perosa machine gun was a rather odd combination of features; a double-barreled gun in 9mm Glisenti with spade grips and a blistering rate of fire. It was an expensive rifle, but popular for […], In 1959 the German military first adopted the Spanish CETME as its standard infantry rifle, because it was able to acquire a license to manufacture the guns domestically (something FN had been unwilling to grant […], The French RSC-1917 semiauto rifle was a major step forward in arms technology during World War One, offering a reliable and effective self-loading rifle for issue to squad leaders, expert marksmen, and other particularly […]. If you enjoy what I am creating and curating at Forgotten Weapons, this is a way you can contribute a buck a month to ensure that it keeps happening. However, the Chinese government at times is also trying to cautiously cool down the anti-Japanese movement, because anti-Japanese riots and attacks have become increasingly common and there are signs showing it is going toward beyond the government’s control. a piece of shrapnel from a torn ammunition can be qualified as a “part of the ammunition” and be subject to licensing.” Logo Thermos - Black. That might make people excited for the Russia DLC. This is by the way the reason French army selected the 7,65 mm Longue (.30 Pedersen, let’s cal a cat a cat – do you also say this in English ?) War itself is a good example. No, GB’s army didn’t provided every soldier a morgenstern (they even never provided any soldier with any morgenstern. Your email address will not be published. The book Mauser Military Rifles of the World 4th edition show 2 different type of German WW1 night sights. Today, surveys have shown that anti-Japanese sentiment in China is higher among the current generation than among the Chinese who lived through the occupation of the Second Sino-Japanese War.”. Actually, the most likely use for this would be sentry removal. There is one in every crowd. I did hear recently that an eighty year old WW2 RAF bomber pilot visiting a preserved Lancaster bomber was denied access to his old ‘office’, the cockpit, because of the danger from the luminous instruments fitted. ], Operating group : Elbonia Hoodie. Forgotten Weapons. Thus, we have the largest and most awkward knife fight in history… Or am I wrong? As for sentry removal, how do you mask the sound of a rifle shot? © 2020 Forgotten Weapons.Site developed by Cardinal Acres Web Development. It was also produced in such numbers that it was one of the few weapons the US military could deploy with to Europe. I really hope to check out the same high-grade blog posts by you Are the cutouts where the screws fit shaped to ‘bottom out’ reasonably close to zero?
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