ethology of hoolock gibbon
Gibbons comprise four genera (Symphalangus, Hylobates, Hoolock and Nomascus), and some 20 species, including the newly described skywalker hoolock gibbon, Hylobates tianxing (Anandam et al., 2014, Fan et al., 2017). [7][8] The name is a reference to brachiation, the main locomotory mode of gibbons, and derived from the text of the I Ching, an ancient Chinese book of divination. Tropical, evergreen and semi-evergreen forests and subtropical moist deciduous forests are the primary habitats of hoolock gibbons. Therefore, ethology involves laboratory as well as field studies and has strong relationship with other sciences such as ecology, environmental science, neurology, … Large scale awareness programmes at community, school, college, and university level to educate people about the need for gibbon conservation. Abstract. The greatest outcome of these activities is the development of natural canopy bridges across the railway track passing through gibbon sanctuary since 1887. We compared activity budgets of two langur groups, one living in the rural area and the other in the center of Keshabpur town. Large scale plantation of gibbon-friendly food plants, eco-restoration of degraded forest areas, and construction of natural canopy bridges where gibbon groups are trapped or isolated. The following steps are essential: Field observations in the Ai Lao and Wu Liang Mountains of Yunnan Province, China indicate that in this area the habitat and ecology of this species differ markedly from those of other gibbons that have been studied to date. Male, female … The programmes produced a trained group of foresters, students, teachers, researchers, and NGO workers to carry the message of conservation to a wider circle. Two popular books on hoolock gibbons, namely Aamar Holou (Assamese) and Hoolock: The Ape of India (English), were produced. ... MONOGAMOUS APES The lesser apes, white handed gibbon and hoolock gibbon are found in the dense forests of eastern India, China and Burma. [5][6] The specific name tianxing is the Pinyin transliteration of the Chinese terms 天 (tiān) meaning "heaven" and 行 (xíng) meaning "movement". Despite the conservation efforts of various NGOs and other organisations the hoolock gibbon is not out of danger. It is found in the upper canopy of the lowland and hill forests. ix. [5], "Description of a new species of Hoolock gibbon (Primates: Hylobatidae) based on integrative taxonomy", "Hoolock tianxing: New Species of Gibbon Discovered in Myanmar and China", "New species of gibbon discovered in China", "New Species of Primate Is Named After 'Star Wars, "Xing dictionary definition | Xing defined",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 8 February 2021, at 10:16. Enabling Holistic Wellbeing & Meaningful Living, Enabling Wholistic Wellbeing & Meaningful Living, PRIVACY POLICY Seeing a completely "white" gibbon is rare. The Hoolock Gibbon is the only ape found in India and its distribution in Southeast Asia, spans India, Myanmar, Bangladesh and southern China, between 20° … Being an exclusively arboreal creature and a true brachiator (using their long arms to move), hoolocks depend on having high canopy coverage in their habitat. et al. Gibbons are small arboreal apes inhabiting the rainforests of South-East Asia, Northwest India and Bangladesh (Carpenter 1940; Chivers 1977). i. The distribution of both species is restricted to the south bank of the … Sleeping trees found at lower elevations and closer to … Fruits are a major part of their diet, while leaves and leaf buds, flowers, flower buds, and animal protein (insects, spiders, birds’ eggs) are also consumed. (1995). A gibbon family ideally consists of one adult male, one adult female, and one to four young offspring. The family is divided into four genera based on their diploid chromosome number: Hylobates (44), Hoolock (38), Nomascus (52), and Symphalangus (50). The lesser apes, for example, are the only apes besides humans to live in monogamous couples. [2], The Skywalker hoolock gibbon is found in the tropical forests of eastern Myanmar and the Yunan Province in southwestern China. Ethology. Trachypithecus cristatus selangorensis Roos et al. the hoolock gibbon in West Garo Hills, north-east India. 2010. Of the 26 species of non-human primates found in India only one, the hoolock gibbon, is an ape. Background and Objective: Eastern Hoolock Gibbon Hoolock leuconedys is a threatened species categorized as "Vulnerable" in the IUCN Red List of threatened species. Changes were observed both in populations of gibbons as well as in the habitat. Encroachment has led to the fragmentation of their habitat, which in turn has caused small populations of hoolock gibbons to become concentrated in a few forest pockets. Kazunari Matsudaira, Takafumi Ishida, Suchinda Malaivijitnond, Ulrich H. Reichard, Short dispersal distance of males in a wild white‐handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) population, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 10.1002/ajpa.23603, 167, 1, (61-71), (2018). Because fruit is such a prominent part of their daily diet, they are important dispersers of undigested fruit seeds and are therefore integral to maintaining forest health. Character Displacement. American Journal of Primatology 5: 83-87. TERMS OF USE They reach a size of 60 to 90 cm and weigh 6 to 9 kg. Diet and feeding in the hoolock gibbon of Garo Hills in north-eastern India. Nomascus annamensis Thinh et al. Awadhesh Kumar, Soyala Kashung and Atul Kumar Gupta (2013). ... Capped gibbon or Pileated gibbon – Hylobates pileatus. xi. To reduce the pressure on the forest, improvised chulhas (stoves) and biogas plants were distributed to those families identified during the socio-economic survey. Pongo tapanuliensis Nater et al. Hylobates moloch is found in the tropical rainforest in Java. A well-furnished and well-equipped centre the ‘Gibbon Conservation Centre’ was established for conducting various field-based training programmes. The hoolock gibbons remained in their sleeping trees for longer periods during the cold season compared to the warm season. Gibbon Conservation Alliance, Jahresbericht 5(May): 15. The Skywalker hoolock gibbon or Gaoligong hoolock gibbon[3] (Hoolock tianxing) is a primate in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae. Under current classification, there are two families of hominoids : the family Hylobatidae consists of 4 genera and 12 species of gibbons, including the Lar Gibbon and the Siamang, collectively known as the "lesser apes" the family Hominidae consisting of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, collectively known as the "great apes". In addition to this handloom sets and ducks were also distributed among the self-help groups for income generation. Due to the initiation of these different activities hoolock gibbon conservation has gained momentum. Photo: Udayan Borthakur. is head of the primate research and conservation division and vice president of Aaranyak, a society for the conservation of biodiversity. Population status and conservation issues of mammalian faunal diversity in Sepahijala Wildlife Sanctuary, Tripura, Northeast India. More areas with the potential for gibbon conservation to be added to the protected area network. iii. Hoolock Gibbon Sanctuary can be upgraded to a National Park for better protection. ii) Habit, Habitet and Ethology of Rhinoceros, Pigmy hog, Hoolock Gibbon, Gangetic river Dolphin. While conservation efforts by various NGOs are being undertaken to protect these apes and their habitat, policy level action is essential to ensure its continued survival. [3], The Skywalker hoolock gibbon is named after Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars franchise, as the scientists who described it are fans of the franchise. We assessed whether hoolock gibbons can learn to pull on a rake-like object to gain a food reward, in a zero-order manipulation task, without specific training. All these issues are a major hindrance to the conservation of this species. Hopefully with an increasing number of in-depth studies, appropriate government policies will come about and help save the hoolock gibbon in India. Large scale habitat destruction continues throughout its distribution range. Alfred, J.R.B., and J.P., Sati. AbstractThe Northern Plains sacred langurs are characterized by their ability to adapt to a variety of habitats. The western hoolock gibbon is ‘Endangered’ according to the IUCN Red List, though it is widely distributed in all the seven states of the Northeast. 8. +91-11 39585644 iv. RoundGlass Sustain is a media-rich resource on India’s natural world. Non-human Primates of India highlights India's biological diversity in the non-human primates, with accounts of 15 well documented species, 2 prosimian, 7 macaque monkeys, 5 langur monkeys, and one lesser ape, the Hoolock gibbon. Of the 26 species of non-human primates found in India only one, the hoolock gibbon, is an ape. A composite estimate of primate phylogeny. Activities of IUCN, WWF and Red Data Book and Biodiversity convention. Some studies are also done in laboratory conditions to elicit measured responses. Introduction of subsidiary income generating schemes that are conservation friendly as well as economically viable so as to reduce jhum cultivation. Gibbons (family Hylobatidae) have rarely been studied in terms of object manipulation and tool use. i) General concept of Biodiversity and its conservation. vii. Along with Aaranyak other agencies like PRC (Primate Research Centre) NE, Environ, NERIST, Cotton University, Wildlife Areas Development and Welfare Trust, CEE, and Wildlife Trust of India have also become involved in the conservation of hoolock gibbons in Northeast India. Avahi peyrierasi Zaramody et al. Photo: Dhritiman Mukherjee. Primate Conservation, 27:115-123. As a result, interesting aspects of gibbon ethology have long been ignored. Hoolock tianxing Fan et al. The multidimensional approaches and strategies launched for the conservation of the gibbon and its habitat has ultimately shown positive results. The extinct Bunopithecus sericus is a gibbon or gibbon-like ape which, until recently, was thought to be closely related to the Hoolock gibbons.. 2008. Annals of Forestry 2(2): 109–122. Destruction of rainforest habitats across Northeast India has resulted in gibbons getting isolated in fragmented forests. Photo: Dhritiman Mukherjee. The continuous process of degradation and destruction of the forests in which they live pose a dire threat to the future existence of these apes. 1756 114th AVE SE A maximum of 10,000 gibbons are now left in India. Chinas letzte Weisswangen-Schopfgibbons: Ein Projektbericht aus dem Süden der Provinz Yunnan. Researchers estimate H. tianxing diverged from H. leuconedys roughly 490,000 years ago.. Etymology. Balanced Polymorphism. Whole genome molecular dating analyses indicate that the gibbon lineage diverged from that of great apes around 16.8 million years ago (Mya) (95% confidence … [4] Researchers estimate H. tianxing diverged from H. leuconedys roughly 490,000 years ago. ESSENTIAL CONSERVATION MEASURES Mootnick, A. and Groves, C. P. (2005). 2006. Support from communities for conservation and weaning them away from traditional hunting. The Skywalker hoolock gibbon or Gaoligong hoolock gibbon (Hoolock tianxing) is a primate in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae.It is one of three species of hoolock gibbon and was first described in January 2017 in the American Journal of Primatology. The distribution of both species is restricted to the south bank of the Dibang-Brahmaputra river system in the seven states of the Northeast. vi. Hoolock gibbons in Arunachal Pradesh, series on conservation education for northeast northeast India. This bridge which took 13 long years for its formation has finally allowed gibbons and other arboreal species to move from compartment I to compartment II of the sanctuary after a gap of 132 years. Avahi meridionalis meridionalis Zaramody et al. Proper implementation of existing wildlife laws, and smooth monitoring of protected areas. They are mostly frugivorous and their diet mainly consists of fruits, leaves, flowers, shoots, and insects. Gibbon species include the siamang, the white-handed or lar gibbon, and the hoolock gibbons. There are three groups of hoolock gibbons, consisting of 11 individuals, which have been trapped in the smaller forest chunk of about 2 km2 (Compartment 1, as it is administratively known) of the sanctuary. 2017. [5] About 200 individuals are estimated to live in China and an unknown number in Myanmar. Alfred, J.R.B. Additionally, education and awareness programmes covered 50,000 students from primary to college level. Since 2004, Aaranyak, a scientific and industrial research organisation and leading NGO in Northeast India, has been at the forefront of programmes for the conservation of hoolock gibbons, especially in Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. Eastern hoolocks are listed as a ‘Vulnerable’ species and they are found only in eastern Arunachal Pradesh and in the Sadiya subdivision of Assam. viii. Report of the workshop (1988). Habitat suitability analysis of Chinkara, Gazella bennetti in Rajasthan. Gibbons are the small apes in the family Hylobatidae. It has narrow distribution range in the foothill forest of Eastern India, China and Myanmar. Purvis, A. ii. International collaborations in trans-boundary conservation programme (China-Myanmar-India-Bangladesh) are urgently needed. Already populations of hoolock gibbons have become locally extinct in some habitats. Gibbons live in the tropical rainforests and semi-evergreen rainforests of South and Southeast Asia. Out of the two species found in India’s Northeast, the western hoolock gibbon (above) is more widely distributed than its cousin, the eastern hoolock gibbon. Photo: Dhritiman Mukherjee, The hoolock gibbon’s long, slender arms allow it to swing from one tree to another, and move at speeds of up to 55 km/hour. Diana Ethel Amonge, Awadhesh Kumar, Madhubala Sharma, Reproductive Biology of Eastern Hoolock Gibbon Hoolock leuconedys in Conservation Breeding Centre at Biological Park, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India, International Journal of Zoological Research, 10.3923/ijzr.2017.93.104, 13, 3, (93-104), (2017). They emit elaborate calls commonly referred as ‘gibbon song’ which can be heard up to two kilometres away. All gibbons including hoolocks are frugivores, monogamous, territorial, and canopy dwellers. Habitat destruction and loss, along with habitat fragmentation, habitat shrinkage, and hunting have been identified as the primary threats to these apes. Added to this grim situation is the lack of basic information and poor conservation awareness about the species, even among frontline staff of the forest department. IT C-7 KMG Tower Further, Aaranyak with the support from the US Fish and Wildlife Service has also trained 200 forest guards, 300 foresters, and 100 local youth for the conservation of hoolock gibbons from the three habitat states namely Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, and Nagaland. Fauna &Flora International and Conservation International, Hanoi, Vietnam, xiv+138 pp. Evolutionary history. Even today, India does not have a national level agenda for the country’s only ape species. Anagenesis & Cladogenesis. +1 (425) 454-2113 The programmes achieved phenomenal success in various areas. The occurrence of western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) and capped langur (Trachypithecus pileatus) in fragments was inversely related to their isolation and loss of habitat, respectively. Hoolock gibbons are classified as lesser apes (different from great apes like chimps), with two subspecies found in India: western hoolock (hoolock hoolock) and eastern hoolock gibbon (hoolock leuconedys). 1994. 2006. Numbers in Hollongapar went from 64 gibbons in 2004 to around 100 in 2019. The sinologist Robert van Gulik concluded gibbons were widespread in central and southern China until at least the Song dynasty, and furthermore, based on an analysis of references to primates in Chinese poetry and other literature and their portrayal in Chinese paintings, the Chinese word yuán (猿) referred specifically to gibbons until they were extirpated throughout … The conservation status of gibbons in Vietnam. Data was collected from September, 2012 to August, 2013 through continuous focal animal sampling. Hoolock gibbons are classified as lesser apes (different from great apes like chimps), with two subspecies found in India: western hoolock (hoolock hoolock) and eastern hoolock gibbon (hoolock leuconedys). The hoolock gibbons are three primate species of genus Hoolock in the gibbon family, Hylobatidae, native to eastern Bangladesh, Northeast India, Myanmar and Southwest China Description. 2001. Genetic and parasitological studies of the species. Local people have received training in alternative income generation, in areas like mushroom cultivation, honeybee keeping, and duck farming. The government has yet to consider seriously the conservation issues affecting the hoolock gibbons and other primate species. It is of critical importance to reinforce efforts and strategies to ensure long-term conservation of hoolock gibbons and their habitats in India. As a part of this unique approach, conservation activities are focused on a number of areas: research, education, awareness, training and capacity building, plantation and habitat improvement. Charles Darwin. For primates like the arboreal hoolock gibbon, which never descends to the forest floor, this track is an extreme barrier. Types of different food items and its … If the hoolock gibbon is to continue to thrive in Northeast India, conservation measures that involve local communities and include a long-term vision are needed, along with regular population monitoring and ecological studies. Socio-economic development and community involvement projects were carried out in phases for better long-term conservation of this endangered species.
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