curse of strahd ireena
The large, bald man reached out for Ireena and screamed, “MY DREAM!” Using his monstrous arm, he grabbed Ireena and began dragging her north out of the town square. Day 1 – Day 2. Ireena is his adoptive daughter, not his love. When you run Curse of Strahd, you have full authority to change Strahd's motivations and actions however the flow of the story goes. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will, and she aids the party as best she can in saving herself. Having buried her father, the party is escorting her to the church in Valliki which, it is thought, will offer protection against Strahd and his minions. Ireena's Role in Strahd's Curse. He learned to cope with his disability and the loss of his sister, but his parents died of broken hearts. Izek was slain and the magic of the pool was gone, and you are sure that Strahd blames you for Ireena/Tatyana's disappearance. Ireena asked the characters if they would be so kind as to help Ismark deliver her father’s body safely to Donovich, the local priest for a proper burial. Although she appears mild, she has a strong will, and she aids the party as best she can in saving herself. Ireena, Ismark’s half-sister, is (for reasons as-yet unknown) the recent victim of Strahd’s attentions. Ireena is doomed. I liked that idea of giving the PCs something to do to make Strahd less powerful, so I incorporated the concept into Curse of Strahd. By the way, Ireena may be relatively fragile in combat but she can become an important NPC during the main campaign. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her. There are several magic scrolls inside as well as vial of oil, magic pipes, and a magic stone. She finds her thoughts wandering to the Devil of Ravenloft from time to time, and she dreamed of him more than she would ever admit. Arvie asked if Strahd might be mistaken, if Ireena was not in fact another incarnation of Tatyana. She is being targeted by Strahd, who has already bitten her twice and plans to turn her into his undead companion. Issue: where to go next Background: the Abbot invited the players to an "engagement party" for his bride to Strahd, and the party accepted. Inside the chest, they find a hoard of gold and gems including an exquisite pearl which Elora can use for her magic. That’s “The Curse of Strahd.” If he bit her the 3rd time, she would just kill herself somehow or plunge a wooden stake into her own heart. Strahd has taken a liking to Ireena and the stress of the constant attacks on the house took a toll on her father who recently passed. The constant attacks put such a strain on his father’s heart that he died of the stress. The villagers are afraid of her and avoid her, and her best hope for protection is with the adventurers Ismark convinced to help. Ireena is sister to Ismark and the adopted daughter of Barovia’s mayor, Kolyan Kolyanovich. Madam Eva called her by the name Elora, Ireena, and many others, explaining that she, and also Ireena, were the bearers of an old soul reborn, that of Tatyana, the Devil Strahd’s long-lost love. The Indirovich family—and Ireena specifically—was invited to dine at Ravenloft several times, but the Burgomaster forbade his daughter from going for fear of the dark lord’s intentions. As the group rushed to help her up, she told them about the strange vision she just had… In life, Strahd von Zarovich was a count, a prince, a soldier, and a conqueror. Ireena Kolyana. Ismark wants us to take Ireena to Vallaki; he thinks she’ll be safe there. Eventually, Strahd began to call upon Ireena in person at the Burgomaster’s mansion in Barovia. As an NPC, she is portrayed by Aaron Robert Parnell. Arvie asked if Strahd might be mistaken, if Ireena was not in fact another incarnation of Tatyana. 2 – Ireena and Ismark November 12, 2018 Leave a reply. Ireena is speechless. Ireena has been (unknown to her) dominated by Strahd von Zarovich. Ireena Kolyana Curse of Strahd AndyStrahd … Choose Your Favorite Locations. After gathering up the remaining bits of the dead boy, Doru, the heroes searched the undercroft, andreturned to the main worship area of the church where they awoke the unconscious Donavich, and informed him that his son was now at rest. He promises great rewards for saving her. Though her life could never have been called happy, it was peaceful until a few weeks ago when a chance encounter with the vampire Strahd von Zarovich turned it into a living nightmare. Ireena departed the village with the party, making their way to Krezk via way of the Tser Pool and eventually Vallakki. As she approached and touched the shrine, Ireena suddenly fell to the ground. The vampire Strahd has fixed his attention on Ireena. Ismark requested the party’s help with escorting Ireena to the fortified city of Vallaki where, hopefully, Strahd would be unable to reach her. Kolyan Indirovich’s Letter is a fake. John Forrest moved Ireena Kolyana lower John Forrest on Ireena Kolyana. He is always watching and always reacting. At the end of Curse of Strahd, if Ireena is still alive and hasn't been reunited with Sergei yet, it has an optional passage you can read that shows their souls (Ireena as Tatyanna) being at peace and leaving Barovia (presumably to the afterlife). About Ireena. Ireena Kolyana was adopted at an early age by Kolyan Indirovich, Burgomaster of the Village of Barovia.Kolyan was an attentive father, and he raised both Ireena and his biological son Ismark Kolyanovich to follow in his footsteps and become leaders of their community; not an easy position to hold in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft.. The party hesitated for a few moments and that gave the man all the time he needed. She doesn’t know … Barring that, the Dark Powers would step in and take her away somehow. Ireena is the daughter of Kolyan Indirovich, the burgomaster of Barovia.She grew up with her older brother, Ismark in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft. According to the Burgomaster’s Letter, the love of his life, Ireena Kolyana, is suffering from a terrible affliction. In CoS, Ireena has barricaded herself inside the Burgomaster's mansion, where she remains until her father is buried in a funeral ceremony presided by Donavich. Except for her clothes, she looked exactly like Ireena. In Curse of Strahd. Strahd does have agents that he could allow to leave Barovia to find where Ireena is and possibly try to lure or force her back "home." Ireena is the only Barovian villager who calls Strahd by name instead of “the Devil” or “the Devil Strahd.” She both despises and secretly fears him. Ireena Kolyana is a character in the Forgotten Realms Campaign of Nat19. The boy Strahd greets Ireena and tells her she is pretty. Ireena Kolyana Curse of Strahd Rocket_Surgery Rocket_Surgery Rocket_Surgery 2019-11-22T11:12:51Z 2020-05-06T14:12:18Z Ireena has been bitten twice by Strahd Von Zarovich. She seeks to take back the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind that was stolen from her murdered father.
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