aa step 1 pdf
What is Step 1 of AA? Step 1 of AA references the need for members to hit rock bottom before genuinely understanding their addiction. STEP 1 - WE ADMITTED WE WERE POWERLESS OVER ALCOHOL - THAT OUR LIVES HAD BECOME UNMANAGEABLE. • Read Step 1 of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions(12X12) • Read Chapter 5 of Alcoholics Anonymous ( • Read the Step in either NA, SA or GA that is specific to your program. The following are statements that best capture the inner and outer experience when we are spiritually blocked from our True Nature. However, this doesn’t need to be literal. This is where the healing starts. Step 2 does not say: We came to believe IN a power that WOULD restore us. What Is the Purpose of This Step? Step One We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. Alcoholics Anonymous believes that admitting you can’t control your alcohol use is a necessary first step on the path to recovery. Your rock bottom is whatever makes you realize alcohol is destructive to you and your loved ones. This diagram is a handy reference for where the steps are located in the Big Book. chapter seven of the book Alcoholics Anonymous including the Preface and Forewords to all edi-tions. Rock bottom gives you the motivation to open your mind to recovery. (30: 2) This is how the Big Book authors described taking Step 1. It’s actually really exciting, because it’s the first day of a new life. (2) ADMITTED WE WERE POWERLESS OVER ALCOHOL I can’t drink safely. This, for many, is actually doing the step work. Instead, members may study and work on this step many times. 1 STEP ONE UNMANAGEABILITY EXERCISE We can use the spiritual malady references mentioned in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous” (page numbers provided) to review honestly the ego manifestations in our CURRENT lives. This is the first step in recovery. Step 2 describes the solution as we came In addition for Sexaholics, read the Step Into Action, the section on Step 1 Then do the writing. —Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (2001, p. 59) Before beginning this exercise, please read Step One in Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (AA, 2002). Think carefully to those times when things felt unmanageable … You admit you have a problem and begin to seek out assistance. In Step One it’s important to identify those things that were unmanageable in our life when we were actively using and drinking, and those things that appear to be unmanageable now.First make the list on the left. I break this step into 3 components: (1) WE I could not have done this “not drinking” life without you other members of AA. Step 1 is about letting go. Realization dawns that he is but a small part of a great whole; that no personal sacrifi ce is too great for pres-ervation of the Fellowship. A Twelve Step Workbook - Al Kohallek Goes Stepping CONTENTS Title Page Preface 3 An Eye (I) Witness Account 4 Useful Information 6 Introducing Step One 9 Six Essential Characteristics 10 Step One Questions 11 Step Two Questions [I am grateful for Supplement List page 14] 13 Step Three Questions 15 Introduction to Step Four 16 The first step of anything is a beginning, so the first step of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 steps is the beginning of your recovery process. Although this step is the first step towards sobriety, most AA members don’t do this step just one time. AA is a spiritual, not a religious, program. Spirituality is what happens to us when we work the Steps within the AA fellowship community. TAKE STEP 1 Take Step 1 in the second paragraph of BB page 30. Alcoholics Anonymous Step 1 is the beginning of a 12-step program to get and stay sober. Step 1 The Doctors Opinion Bill’s Story There Is A Solution More About Alcoholism Step 2 We Agnostics Steps 3-12 How It Works Into Action Working With Others If we concede, then according to the Big Book and under the conditions of this day, we take Step 1. Our minds rebel at the very thought that we have lost control. To speak to an admissions navigator, call 1-888-685-5770. No one likes to admit defeat. He learns that the clamor of de- …We had to fully concede to our innermost selves that we were alcoholics. (3) THAT OUR LIVES HAD BECOME UNMANAGEABLE Step One of AA: The Journey Begins. It isn’t easy, but admitting powerlessness allows you to break the cycle of addiction that you’ve been stuck in. this Twelfth Step work forms a group, another discovery is made—that most individuals cannot recover unless there is a group. The hope of Step 2 follows the desperation of Step 1 as the dawn follows the dark.
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