"you're lame" comeback
you're lame comebacks?" Kelly got in a couple of these. Read "You're cool." And tell my cousins, "You're lame, homie" So when I come back around, I play her like James, Tony Blockin' that bullshit, been growin' these bills quick Pour shots straight out the bottle, trying hard not to spill shit I vow to make a killin' with the niggas I live with So fuck all the negatives I swear my biggest fear would be my relatives Jace Wayland (Morgenstern, Herondale, Lightwood). One when Sam meets Mallory after she dumped him following his whole "being-photographed-with-a-callgirl" scandal: When Tim and Daisy are arguing about Tim's desire to get back with his unfaithful, selfish and manipulative ex-girlfriend, who has made overtures to him: Tim makes another lame comeback after claiming Daisy's dog, Colin, will eventually grow up to savage the man repairing the tumble dryer: Lyle's inability to come up with a decent comeback is what drives his romantic interest in an episode of, A deleted scene (though still viewable in the first pilot) has Xander shouting after Cordelia, "Check back tomorrow! Plankton, whom he's observing, yells "I'll show you subspecies! This man is literally one of my favourite authors and I'm so sorry but this chapter is probably going to be painful and I'll probably burst into tears by the end of it, I'm sorry! The Rap stars trade verses on … ever! Don and Mikey simultaneously groaned while Raph deadpanned, "See? Korra's response? Discover now. i swear i'm getting car sick." They get scared of losing and failing. Everything else you said i've read a 1000 times before on this thread - … It's a special little thing I do for myself. "how many hours has it been? Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself.” - John Green in a Youtube video. (Sorry, that's just the sound of me shrieking in pain), “You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. [Sunday, May 3, 2020] Hey Keith He does come up with a better one after the battle: There was one in the episode "Brave and the Bold" when Gorilla Grodd gets snippy with Flash and he responds with: "Oh yeah? Contains strong language. look at how lame thwy are … This appears to be a trend with Vegeta fighting Androids, as evidenced by Vegeta fighting Super 17 in. also claimed at one point to have a comeback for every situation. In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Your opinion has been duly noted, numbered and ignored. Naruto-kun is much better at this than I am. The other option is the rap battles, where two Miis try to respond to the other's insults with a rhyme. This exchange between Vegeta and Android 19: In his short story "I, The Hunted", humorist. So I do not know how much it counts. Add. Granted, it's still a step or two above Mike's boogeyman comment. “Saying 'I notice you're a nerd' is like saying, 'Hey, I notice that you'd rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you'd rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. “That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. What reason have you to be dismal? New Reading List. 21 Mean Things Sarcastic Girls Say When They’re Actually Trying To Flirt With You When Kahn shows off his new gigantic SUV, but it's so big it won't fit in his garage. I like my choices. 115. One when Miis get into a fight, which can lead them to insult each other to varying degrees of efficiency. Shotti killin it with the comebacks. See Your Mom, Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head, You Are Fat and No, You for straighter examples. Why is that?' Promoted stories. I have been thinking. ... You do a great with the areas of blogging and I will certainly make it a point to come back and check out a few other areas. Vote. Share via Email Report Story Where stories live. Harry is an orphan, and he is not horrible. Want more LOL in your life? Korra is wandering around Republic City when she comes across an Equalist protester. Leo was not lame! If you're quirky, you can never be lame, and you can never be cool. Anticipation is already sky-high for 'Coming 2 America' and it's now set to reach fever-pitch with today's news about its soundtrack. I'm Raph!" “The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.”  - Looking for Alaska. Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' I don't need a snarky comeback to defend myself." Fall then! ssooooo funny: Response: Thanks, I thought so, too. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. 2. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. I'm Raph!" Close. In "Prehistoric Ice Man" as Kyle and Stan get ready for their fight. And fittingly, it's for an equally epic movie - 'Judas & The Black Messiah.' - which don't work on any insult. Has it ever occurred to you that not all of them are like that? "You're lame" or "You're a lame ass stupid douche" or yell out "Look who's here. What To Do When Your Friends Think You're Lame For Studying All The Time ... corset tops have started to make a comeback. In the episode "The Dealership", Elaine criticizes Puddy (her boyfriend) for constantly giving the high-five to people: J.D. - The Fault in Our Stars (Yup, that's definitely the sound of my body hitting the floor due to crimpling emotional pain I feel deep inside my very soul). BORING - and below is why. Norton comes back in and hammers on Stevie, but Bubba collides with his own partner and Norton pins him at 3:28. When Chandler is in a fight with his girlfriend: Chandler, despite being known for his sense of humor, has a lot of these: In the episode "Eric's Depression" Eric and Donna have a shouting match (it was shortly after their breakup) in which Donna calls Eric a dillhole. I snickered. In a situation where the usual tropes call for a clever rejoinder, sometimes the absence of one can have the same effect (as far as the audience is concerned). Thu, 2013-01-03 15:27 — Anonymous New Wed, 2013-01-02 22:28 — Voiceswriter. *Total silence combined with an eye roll* Followed by a slight grin that couldn’t be suppressed and the urge to kiss you. The great physician. Played with in that instance, though, since he considers it a perfectly legit comeback, even when used by others in a nonsensical context. Parks and Recreation 1. To me, it is the equivalent of someone saying “you’re lame” as a comeback to actual facts that you threw in their face. Remember how everyone would gather on the playground during recess and talk about all the hilarious episodes of whatever shows that played on the Disney Channel the night before? I'll have that devastating comeback ready! And Prissy has everything she wants, and she is still nasty. Jay-Z has teamed up with the late Nipsey Hussle for a titan-sized collaboration. “I'm in love with you," he said quietly. When Luann finds out Hank, Peggy, and Bobby are all addicted to smoking, she combines this trope with. She quickly gets into an argument with him, and the protester accuses Benders like Korra of oppressing Nonbenders. You’re lame because the field says “name” (not “keywords”) and what you’re submitting surely isn’t a name. It started slow but began gaining popularity in 2019 when women viewed them as a way to accentuate their figure. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. In "Patrick SmartPants", Patrick tells SpongeBob he's observing a subspecies under a microscope. Did you ever stop to think that you are sterotyping them just as you accuse them of stereotyping you, Well, I'm not about to play stupid, so you better catch up, Dad, One of us is good at insults and the other's terrible. Even 'lame' is kind of lame. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. Skragg snarled. granted- it wasn't the best response to his insult but at least it was true. Crawl across the floor! I enjoyed reading about getting off the topic. Her comebacks are actually so lame that they leave her rival Sue speechless. In another episode, Hank is trying to persuade a skeptical Artie that he can be the host at a celebrity roast planned for Larry, and to prove it, asks Artie to stage being a heckler: Shannon Beiste. Response: eye roll and you can throw in … "It demands to be felt”  - The Fault in Our Stars. Story continues below. No, of course you don’t, because most likely you either didn’t have cable or weren’t allowed to watch that stuff anyway. Meanwhile, there’s not much going on over here in chart land. Wow, you're lame." Bitchy Insults and Comebacks! Clearly, I'm gonna be wasting my time with you, go watch Big Brother NIGGERia, that's your only area of expertise. Is an incredible comeback and i still as an adult admit defeat if someone says it. Wolfbats don't build nests" which Varrick calmly mocks him for. with "Sticks and stones may break my bones but YOU ARE THE STUBBORN ONE!". thirty seven - "you have a comeback for everything" ... "You're lame." From the Strong Bad Email "island", where Homestar and Strong Bad get stranded on a. “So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.”  - Looking for Alaska. I haven't thrown anything into the hole yet! view attachment 112741 haha sike bitches view attachment 112742 look at our irrelevant queens look at how flop they are??? See more ideas about funny quotes, bitchy, sassy quotes. All were built with the config I figured out from a little reading & web research: mid-ATX w/300w PS, Intel 815 mobo, Celi 1.1Ghz, 256MB ram, 20 GB 7200 RPM HD, CD, floppy. ", Also from "Chef Aid" when the kids visit a mansion. "No comeback? I dont care how young or old you are, if someone said this in an arguement or debate (not a serious one obviously, just when youre jokin around with coworkers or friends and whatnot) its over. Jimmy Gardner's comebacks mostly consist of third-grade caliber insults like "doofus" and "jerkface". They forget that when they get old. Don and Mikey simultaneously groaned while Raph deadpanned, "See? “When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces, they don't know how right they are. In later games, "how appropriate - you fight like a cow!" And thank god it’ When TONY SCHIAVONE thinks you’re lame, you’ve got trouble. “I hate you.” I love you. Eric's response is to call her a "double dillhole". Unfortunately, this comeback was always "so's your face". Truth in Television; you know who you are. Raph just happened to be passing them, and just happened to have a comeback, "Leo, you're lame." Everything else you said i've read a 1000 times before on this thread - and is deeply flawed. Registering insult. Response: That's too bad, I usually try to save being lame just for the weekends. The Dude and Jesus Quintana square off, leading to an all-time comeback. ", Mary is Dean and Laurel's four year-old daughter, The book insults are different from the beer pong insults, but if you learn every possible comeback, you should be able to come up with one that fits each new insult. Leo sighed, and put his hands on his hips to berate Raphael, "You're supposed to say," he took a deep breath, "Hi Offended! Related to Comeback Tomorrow, except here there is no comeback. – You’re lame because other people are out here suffering with their miserable teams – You basic, there’s no real drama in supporting a team that good . You're rich enough, George is racing back to the airport having come up with yet another comeback, pretend to be mad at each other in front of Shawn, an epic one during Paul Keating and John Hewson's debate on the GST, Where did my self-righteousness and pointy ears go, Ivy and Cleo are competing in a videogame. Like a lot of readers/nerds/internet addicts I am in love with some of the quotes I find from places like TV shows, books, bands, inspirational famous people, and the like. You’re Lame by Default. Jul 7, 2016 - Explore Olivia Lumb's board "Bitchy comebacks" on Pinterest. Retort: You are short and your hairline is receding. Dude, you're lame. Jerry Seinfeld was on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast this week. I respect how they are and get that, to them, to each other, it's acceptable. Is an incredible comeback and i still as an adult admit defeat if someone says it. Sign up for the BuzzFeed Today newsletter and you’ll get our hottest stories in your inbox every morning! He countered. I guess you're speaking to the voices in your head, plz keep it down a little, the sane people are getting disturbed out here.! The Season 5 episode "Previously Unaired Christmas" has Marley make a valiant effort at countering Kitty's insult about her virginity. As of this posting I've built a grand total of six boxes since 14 May 2002. In the season finale "Showtime! For, the LP will feature none other than Megan Thee Stallion. Leo was not lame! Load More Pages... Continue reading next part. Okidoke. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail.” - Looking for Alaska. Raph just happened to be passing them, and just happened to have a comeback, "Leo, you're lame." From "TrogdorCon '97", a short made to promote The Brothers Chaps visiting Dragoncon 2005, has this exchange between Strong Bad and Strong Sad: Russel proves that two improvised lines that don't even rhyme are no match for a rehearsed song performed by one's own personal cheering squad. I cannot work out what is wrong with you. goes from being a legitimate retort to Guybrush's go-to Lame Comeback whenever somebody insults him. "I am," he said. For instance, you can learn the aforementioned comeback in combat if you use "I'll teach you the meaning of fear, you gutless coward!". he's breaking down as his plan falls apart. T WOULD PAIN ME GREATLY TO KNOW THAT YOU WERE KILLED BY A RECKLESS ADVENTURER'S BLOODLUST FOR REVENGE... OR YOUR SAKE, I HOPE THAT YOUR IMMATURE DECISION DOESN'T RESULT IN YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER'S DEATH. “Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.”  - An Abundance of Katherines. "no. I hope Hazel likes hers." HA ha HA ha HA ha HA. Like Siri, Cortana Can Crack Jokes, If You Ask The Right Questions People quickly discovered when Siri came out that asking her questions like “What’s the best computer” or saying “I … Like answering to "You're so stubborn!" Hate you, don't mean it. We think that we are invincible because we are. If you’re lame, it’s these contraptions. "It demands to be felt” - The Fault in Our Stars. GO HOME AND SHAVE YOUR GIANT HEAD OF SMELL WITH YOUR BAD SELF! And tell my cousins, "You're lame, homie" So when I come back around, I play her like James, Tony Blockin' that bullshit, been growin' these bills quick "Augustus," I said. ", while the MC Bat Commander is in. Leo sighed, and put his hands on his hips to berate Raphael, "You're supposed to say," he took a deep breath, "Hi Offended! It was interesting, because Maron’s podcast began as one centered on comedians, and … I back away and just come back when I choose. "you better not throw up in my van! Saying 'You're lame' is like saying 'You walk with a limp.' ", The plot of one episode was George regretting not using a. "We'll see about that, you puny little rat!" “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” - The Fault in Our Stars. We cannot be born, and we cannot die. ** “That's the thing about pain," Augustus said, and then glanced back at me. of my awesomeness-" i retort with a huff, and finn rolls his eyes. Ermm right, with the look. “As he read, I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” - The Fault in Our Stars. from the story Textrovert by hideinzshadows (word_addict) with 383 reads. Log in Sign Up. Clearly, I'm gonna be wasting my time with you, go watch Big Brother NIGGERia, that's your only area of expertise. When they fail, they may come up with incredibly bad comebacks like "You... don't sing very well" or "You... drive a dumb car" or "I have... more cats than you". Love quotes? He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. While the skill she possesses as a lyricist remains undeniable, one could argue that Nicki Minaj's 'visual game' isn't half as tight as it should be...for an act of her calibre at least. Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he's done all right for himself.” - John Green in a Youtube video. You have come to the right place my friend. There are a couple of stock lame comebacks - "I am rubber, you are glue" or "Boy are you ugly!" And this brilliant exchange between Doug and Roger over whose pet will win a talent contest in "Doug's Pet Capades": In an episode of Disney's Doug, Doug watches recordings of a famous insult comic and becomes great at comebacks, but then he goes back to doing this at the end of the episode when he realizes that he doesn't like insulting people for laughs. i) Who does ‘He’ refer to? Good on you if you manage to get yourself there though. Baatar can only reply with "You're a fool. As soon as Donna leaves he berates himself for saying something that stupid. Once you're lame, you'll never be cool again. Also lampshaded in the episode "Keeping Up With the Bigheads" when Mr. Bighead tells Rocko that he doesn't have a chance to fix his yard before it gets condemned. he scoffs. naked!" He gladly puts his arm around me, holding me close as people gather in the train station. Also see Dissimile, Metaphorgotten and Buffy Speak for different kinds of subverted verbal setups. Weird how they only use the "comeback" thing when it comes to women. Is an incredible comeback and i still as an adult admit defeat if someone says it. See more ideas about sayings, funny quotes, me quotes. Season 4 has Varrick tell Baatar Jr. that "You wouldn't know if a wolf-bat made a nest in your butt" to compare Baatar's ability of discovering things to his. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”  - The Fault in Our Stars. Because I'm going to pulverize you sometime this weekend. You'll also like. It is cynical and lazy to use it and a sign that that person is not a critical thinker or humble enough to admit they are wrong. Bitch!". First of All Lyrics: First of all "Fuck you all" echoes loudly through the funeral parlor / I just can't erase it / A flash of pain spells "you're lame" on my message machine / I just can't erase it Lame." As we wait for tube to leave, we hear shouting from outside the doors and I move closer to Brad with a frown on my face. "of what? Once to Zack, who accidentally made her face maroon from acne cream in "Cream For A Day": And again in "Blind Dates" when she thought Mr. Belding's niece was dating Zack: As mentioned above, the "insult swordfighting" in. textmessages, phone, funny. Get the you're just stop neck gaiter and mug. Posted by 17 days ago "I know you are but what am I?" TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. You're lame/that's like so lame. “The marks humans leave are too often scars.” - The Fault in Our Stars. "Hey, I'm just telling the truth here. Practically exemplified in "Lisa's First Word'': In "Pressure", SpongeBob engages Sandy in a name-calling contest until all he can come up with is "not-wet person". At all? thus showing the first cracks that ultimately lead to a spectacular. (he shrugs to Solovar behind him because he knew it was lame). http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LameComeback. The more hilarious part is that the comment was actually pretty funny. So I whipped up the golden comeback of “No, you’re lame” and listened to it anyway. Dude, you're lame. Lame." Unfortunately, Marley. Now it is one of the best ways to achieve a vintage look with a modern twist. May 12, 2020 - Explore kimberly mcdaniel's board "Hoe sayings" on Pinterest. you know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
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